shitposting rave 4: (almost) anything goes

Discussion in 'It's Galley's Turn' started by This Was A Triumph, Dec 11, 2016.

  1. Orlandeau

    Orlandeau A tryhard with a cig

    That's my job!


    Hey, hey, hey, Marcus, M, my man, c'mon.
    [He tugs Marcus back a couple steps, sliding his hands up and down Marcus's arms in an attempt at soothing.]

    It's cool, we're cool, c'mon we WON, we totally fucking wrecked their shit and we won. It's all good man, we keep fighting because we won. It's cool.
    [Gentle face bomp with mask. Listen, it's the closest you're going to get to a cheek kiss, just roll with it.]
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  3. Marcus Holloway

    Marcus Holloway Hipster Merchant Of Death | 18+

    *Stands there, angry for a few more seconds before letting out a huge sigh and placing his normal little smile back onto his face*

    It's cool, I'm cool. We should do that movie thing, or the bridge thing, or something. Ya know? So I can like get drunk enough to have to get a new phone again... Please don't let me throw my phone in the ocean again.
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  4. Soundwave Minimus II

    Soundwave Minimus II For Science!

    I hope you know a medic then! Caer makes explosives and she needs a medic sometimes. I wonder if being an organic medic is harder. I can kinda fix my brother up if he´s been stupid again.
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  5. Soundwave Minimus II

    Soundwave Minimus II For Science!

    @WRENCH @Marcus Holloway If someone tries to hurt you two here you can stop them you know. You can ´t get hurt here unless you want to.


    You cool?
    [He squeezes his arms again and then relaxes his grip.]

    I'm not gonna let you throw your phone. I mean, unless you let me get so trashed I pass out.Then I can't be held accountable for anything drunk Marcus does. Drunk Marcus likes throwing shit, I don't know if you've noticed.
    Yeah, we handle it in house. No medic, but we can manage our own shit.
    [He makes a vague 'ok' gesture.]
  7. Marcus Holloway

    Marcus Holloway Hipster Merchant Of Death | 18+

    I have noticed, man I wonder if I just turn into you while I'm drunk and you turn into me? Always sleeping and always throwing phones at things.

    *Leans against Wrench*

    I'm not worried about being hurt.
    • Like x 1


    Yeah you're never fucking worried about being hurt.

    So who does Sitara turn into? I'm pretty sure I've never seen her drunk. Or high? Girl holds her illicit substances, that's for fucking sure. Josh just turns into... more JOSH. So would Sitara just turn into more Sitara?

    Wait fuck what if drunk Sitara turns into Ray?
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  9. Marcus Holloway

    Marcus Holloway Hipster Merchant Of Death | 18+

    ... She stole my pants. I didn't even do anything with that girl I woke up in the house of but I didn't have pants. Sitara stole my pants.
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  10. WRENCH


    Yeah she does that. She stole my vest once, but gave it back because, quote, "it smells like a car fucked a backalley dumpster" which is both rude and completely fucking untrue. Especially since I washed it right after she gave it back.
    • Like x 3
  11. Marcus Holloway

    Marcus Holloway Hipster Merchant Of Death | 18+

    *Starts laughing and just sort of leans all up on Wrench before papping him*

    You need a keeper. C'mon, alcohol on top of the bridge. We'll drop off and get some fireworks to set of at specific times.
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  12. WRENCH


    Yeah, alright. I'm down.
  13. *stoically* It is easy to tell. You accuse me of being a puppet of my country's government during a time of war where citizen and politician alike is at risk of death should we not succeed. The omnics do not discriminate based on race. The omnics do not discriminate based on social status, or governmental power. The omnics are programmed with one objective in mind—to kill all humans, regardless of who they are.

    You do not know the true desperation of war. You do not know what it truly means to experience loss. You have lost one comrade. Imagine repeating your friend's death thousands upon thousands of times. I cannot even count the number of comrades I have lost. We do not worry about corruption because we have far greater threats to fear. Your worldview is western-centric and short-sighted. You think you see bigger picture, when you know only one piece of the jigsaw puzzle.

    Tell me. If this "DedSec" is captured by the American government, what will happen to you? What will happen to the country? You will rot in prison, but you will still be alive. The people of your country will remain oppressed, their rights violated. But they will still be alive. If I fail—If the RDF fails—If Volskaya Industries, the government fails—The death of every last human in Russia will be on our hands. The rest of the world does not aid us. They will sit idly as we perish before their eyes.

    You say fuck me? For being in a position of power, of authority? I say fuck you, for being in a position of privilege, for being the citizen of a first world country not torn apart by the horrors of a long, brutal war. Judging from clothes, you are from 21st century. Is there not a genocide occurring at this very moment in your world in the Middle-East? You are so caught up in your revolution that you do not know how lucky you are. My people are not so lucky.
    • Like x 1
  14. Cronus J. Ampora

    Cronus J. Ampora higher education is for nerds

    ding ding ding.
  15. WRENCH


    Hey uh, sexy Russian, not to pick hairs or nothing, but historical precedent says "death" happens to us if we get caught. And, you know, STOPPING the genocide at the root is sort of a thing we try to do? You can't fix the problem without excising the infection and all that.
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  16. Cronus J. Ampora

    Cronus J. Ampora higher education is for nerds

    and no ones offended except you and the tumblrina.
  17. Suspicious Feline

    Suspicious Feline 100% bonafide cat

    aint that simple.

    find me a prince to kiss and ill be outta your form for good.
    • Like x 1
  18. Cronus J. Ampora

    Cronus J. Ampora higher education is for nerds

    *COUGH.* lonely social justice warrior.
  19. Ignis

    Ignis Sassy and classy

    I may have a guy *chuckles, he can't wait to see the look on Noctis's face*
    Last edited: Feb 9, 2017
  20. Suspicious Feline

    Suspicious Feline 100% bonafide cat

    take the glasses off and ill consider it.
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