Not sure where else to put this.

Discussion in 'Brainbent' started by local troublemaker, Feb 6, 2017.

  1. spockandawe

    spockandawe soft and woolen and writhing with curiosity

    (I'm sorry, I'm really conflict averse too, and starting to spin myself up over Publicly Disagreeing With People, so I'll probably leave things be after this post) In terms of the guidelines Mala and Ana Nimus listed above, I think laying those out is helpful and manageable. When it comes for controlling fights and fallout, I think things get so specific so fast that laying out general guidelines is just... incredibly complicated and difficult. Corralling them (theoretically) to TCHGB and managing them within that environment is a good idea, I think people are generally in favor, even if they sometimes have to be told to move over there.

    But it's like... with the suicide baiting and threats, people weren't able to work out a Standard Procedure for dealing with the people who were affected by them, because everyone has different needs, etc., and it's going to vary so much on an individual level. I think that the discussions about how to deal with fights do derail so often mainly because it's almost impossible to pin down One General Case. I said earlier that a solution is conditional on the people involved, the instigating incident, history, broader context, etc. Compare the Gills discussion to the recent adventure with suicide baiting. Those are so different, trying to pin down general guidelines that cover both of those, plus all kinds of other cases, that's where things balloon out to being... I'd call it unmanageable. There's a certain point where it feels like trying to lock down a general rule of thumb is just introducing difficulties for the cases where that rule of thumb wouldn't work well.

    And I don't think that it's like, 'we have 95% certainty that this guideline will apply to any given fight', any fight is unique, and just gets more unique as more people get involved. What guideline is going to cover 'how you're allowed to engage with vent threads + what is dogpiling + cliques + taking the fight to other platforms + suicide baiting'? Even just isolating 'how to deal with suicide baiting' didn't really get all that much consensus, and it isn't because people weren't trying to find a way to address it. The derails aren't necessarily a failure of the attempt to establish guidelines, they're... just going to happen when situations are too complicated to be covered by a simple, easily-consumed, widely-agreed-on set of guidelines. Maybe some derails are introduced by people who are getting frustrated by watching a discussion spin its wheels (hey, rigs), but I don't think we've failed to establish guidelines because of derails. I think we've failed to establish them because there's only so far you can define a system before you end up juggling too many interacting variables to manage.

    And with that, I think I'm out. I'm fretting because even this discussion, which has a pretty narrow focus, keeps branching out in so many directions that it's hard for me to respond meaningfully to it. I don't think that's a bug! I think it's just... an innate part of the system. I really do get the desire to lay out universally applicable guidelines, but it's only manageable up to a certain point. I think that certain point stops before how we handle fallout from fights, and the way manymany discussions we've had produced very few resultant general procedures (apart from the ones listed above), that just strengthens my belief that trying to place more constraints on this corner of social interaction protocols just isn't manageable.

    (but yes, i'm out, i'm getting worked up over Disagreeing and over how i'm trying to communicate the thing and i don't think i'm managing it)
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  2. thegrimsqueaker

    thegrimsqueaker 28 Moribunding Mouse Aggravates the Angry Assholes

    dammit, rigs, you did this while I was working on the other debate w you

    I didn't say that any that anyone who disagrees w me is a murderer, I said that anyone who commits suicide is making their own choice and is the one responsible for that choice. I also said that this was a thing that happened, it was shit, and maybe there's a way of making it not happen in the future
    yo, I saw this go down, and I was in the 3 AM chat when ppl said "oh shit this is a ptsd thing, gills isn't arguing rationally, guys we need to back off." yes, there probably isn't an exact line, and yes this is probably going to end up being a judgment call by the mods. but I would like to know what informs that judgment call

    I'd also like to point out that gills said several times "I'd like to disengage, pls stop responding and let me do that" and that got ignored. so I think that counts as a good line to draw
    5-on-1 debates are almost never helpful. I'm not sure that the argument w seebs was particularly productive and they're probably one of the best equipped ppl on this forum to deal w that kind of debate

    for the gills thing, as I said above, I think things would have gone differently if ppl had backed off when they asked. that's probably when a mod should have stepped in and stopped things. it's not about the substance of the argument that triggered gills, it's about how the resulting argument was handled and how people kept arguing long after gills said they weren't able to continue
    yes? I would like to know what the mods are basing their decisions on when they do things. "judgment calls" are all well and good so long as everyone trusts the mods' judgment, which isn't always the case here.

    rules also get moderators to act, and there are times when that's what a situation needs.

    edit: shit, I didn't see Spock leave the conversation before I posted this, bc it took me a long time to think about and write it. I'm sry Spock, pls don't feel obligated to come back, do what you need to do for self-care
    Last edited: Feb 10, 2017
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  3. spockandawe

    spockandawe soft and woolen and writhing with curiosity

    This works if people are involved in the 3AM chat where folks say this is ptsd and people need to back off (I have never been involved in the skype chats, and I know I'm not the only one), and it works if the mods are available and on hand in realtime (even with additional mods, not a good thing to depend on).

    I'm on board with disengaging when people ask to disengage (I did stop engaging directly with gills pretty early in the thread and tried to clear up at least one or two of the things he was saying later when there were obvious communication disconnects). It's polite. But this has been a social thing that people are like 'nah' to most often in fights (just look at how often variations on this happened in the pussy hat thing), and 1) there are tons of variations on this basic 'please stop engaging' scenario, 2) this shades right into the 'don't interact with vent threads thing' that was the topic of discussion right before Seebs took a break, and 3) it can be exploited in both directions. The point of my whole post, it gets very complicated to box it in. If someone is going to ignore a direct request to stop involving someone in a conversation, I think odds are pretty good they'll ignore a 'general guideline' and bumping it up to a solid rule enforced by modly power is awful strong.

    I didn't say the conversation was productive. I said the people involved probably wouldn't have appreciated it if there was an external rule that automatically locked down the conversation and they got cut off.

    And on that note, I would really like to disengage :( I know I didn't say it explicitly, but I referenced getting upset three separate times in my last post, and this is extra especially upsetting because it feels like my point was aggressively ignored. I didn't set out to dissect everything everyone did wrong with the Gills conversation. Especially when it feels like I'm getting some implicit blame for not knowing what was happening in a midnight skype conversation I never knew happened until now. Especially when it feels like everyone who was involved is getting lumped into some single-minded monolith who did all the same Bad Things. The point I've been trying to make is that things are complicated, and especially when I'm already worked up, this feels like I'm being told that see, look at this super-obvious hindsight, you really should have known better.

    So please stop pinging me about this.
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  4. Beldaran

    Beldaran 70% abuse and 30% ramen

    I disagree that this should be a general thing as stated above. Sometimes some of these things need to be removed even if spoiled, sometimes some of these things don't even need spoiled. Rules don't only restrict, they give permission, and I'm not willing to say x, y, and z are okay forum wide if put in a spoiler. It's situational.
    Community Guidelines post:
    Community Guidelines post:
    Pinned TCHGB posts:
    These are not buried in long threads hashing them out, they are situated at the top of their relevant forums in pinned threads that contain clearly marked guidelines.

    The only major guidelines that haven't been added to these posts are the "how to vent thread conflict" and "what if ITA/super personal quote/posted screen cap" guidelines which is something I have asked Seebs to do. We'll discuss it when he's back from his break.
    Last edited: Feb 10, 2017
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  5. rigorist

    rigorist On the beach

    It is a long running problem that staff can post rules/guidelines/whatever, but people just don't read them.

    I don't know how to overcome that problem.
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  6. tired

    tired New Member

    seconding this - there's a solid number of people who either don't know the skype chats exist or don't engage with them due to accessibility issues or lack of interest, myself included. because of that we have no idea what goes on with the kintsugi skype in relation to the forum itself unless/until someone in the skype chats ferries that information back here.
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  7. TheMockingCrows

    TheMockingCrows Resident Bisexual Lich

    same with the discord. ain't in it, no idea wtf goes down unless someone tells on here.
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  8. Wiwaxia

    Wiwaxia problematic taxon

    noticing how this thread has gotten defanged from "the kintsugi community and culture has some fucked up aspects that are not being addressed" to "discussion of the ability to have discussion about social rules (so that the above can be effectively addressed)" to "discussion of social rules that currently exist" to "discussion of social rules that everyone agrees on and that are actually already posted"

    substituting easier and easier problems until we hit one that's already solved is not the same as addressing an issue (including myself in this critique because i kinda lead the charge on some of those derails)

    so to try to get things back to "fucked up shit in kintsugi culture"
    - use of "bad faith" as an impossible to pin down, impossible to rebut buzzword to justify ignoring/being hostile to/dismissing anyone you don't want to talk to
    - dogpiling is a constant concern and buzzword on site, but I have seen multiple instances of people using tumblr.txt as a staging ground for multiple people to jump on/argue with a single post on tumblr, and switching off when one person gets tired
    - lionizing of rationality and objectivity, with all the racist and sexist baggage that implies
    - formation of identity in contrast to the "bad" tumblr
    - sketchy-ass racial discourse
    (i don't have the chops to get into this one in detail, but I can attest to personally seeing the following)
    - constant prioritizing of white guilt and white mental health in a way that takes over areas inappropriate for it and overrules concern (if any) for the mental health of people of color
    - use of white disabled people as a derail or rebuttal to racial critiques, ignoring disabled people of color and the intersections of race and disability in favor of lumping them into an aggregate colorblind "disabled people are oppressed too"​
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  9. prismaticvoid

    prismaticvoid Too Too Abstract

    Would like to second this one in particular. Don't really know how to address it but it makes me really uncomfortable. (not sure if I would characterize it as constant, but it is definitely a common thread whenever race is brought up.)
    Edit: I am in the process of trying to write something in particular about it when it happened recently in tumblr.txt, but that may take me some time.
    Last edited: Feb 11, 2017
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  10. electroTelegram

    electroTelegram Well-Known Member

    i don't know how to address it either and i dont know if i have energy for a discussion on it but yeah it's.. uncomfortable. but idk what to do abt it now or when it's activly happening, esp because people feeling bad usually slams my hyper empathy button + anxiety over disagreeing with people
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  11. prismaticvoid

    prismaticvoid Too Too Abstract

    I'm want to say something along the lines of "hey, white guilt is an established thing, and while your emotions are valid it is not any one person's responsibility to deal with them, especially if you're a white person trying to tell a person of color how bad you feel about being told a thing you did was racist."
    I am concerned I will end up saying "Disabled people (a category to which I belong) are not allowed to have conversations about race."
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  12. keltka

    keltka the green and brown one

    Hey uh, can we maybe make a new thread for this/shift this to a different thread, so local troublemaker can have their thread back if they want it? It's probably gotta suck to see your ventspace turn into pages of debates on forum standards :/
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  13. Mala

    Mala Well-Known Member

    (tapping out, pls don't @ or quote me)
  14. Morven

    Morven In darkness be the sound and light

    If anyone wants to see what "try to create a system of rules to capture all cases" you get Wikipedia's labyrinthine bureaucracy. Or look at actual law. And then think about how many people get away with being utter assholes in both cases anyway.
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  15. Beldaran

    Beldaran 70% abuse and 30% ramen

    God in heaven, Jesus Christ, and all the saints.

    "SOME people, not naming names here, are bad and naughty racists and we need a community pear wiggler that we can toss them into that will make them atone for their sins."

    Fucking codify this for me. Make this sentiment into a rule that won't do immense amounts of harm to good people while not discouraging assholes in the slightest.

    You can't legislate this shit. You can't make it law. Rules don't make a community less problematic, and if you're unwilling to work on it with the people in the community on a case by case basis, or let others do it for you when you're tired, then sorry but shit's not going to get better. There is no rule, or guideline, or individual discussion that will solve the problem forever. There is only the long slog toward helping the people you care to help be less shitty. You're not required to do it, you're allowed to be salty when people fuck up, but don't try to say that if we only had better rules, better punishments, better lists of do's and don't's, that shit would magically be better.

    It won't be.

    I'm perfectly happy to watch a discussion of past screw ups, of things that need shifted so that we can all be better human beings, etc. But that's not a matter of "no rules" being the problem, it's a matter of education activism. Don't conflate the two. "Not being addressed" is a thing to talk about, but the appropriate address for this sort of issue will not be rules or guidelines or anything of the sort. It doesn't work like that in irl organizations and it won't work like that on the internet either.
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  16. Zibanu

    Zibanu Well-Known Member

    Wiwaxia was explicitly moving away from discussion of rules, guidelines, or anything like that.
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  17. electroTelegram

    electroTelegram Well-Known Member

    i do not think think wiwaxia was trying to suggest a rule be put in place, i think the intention was to steer the conversation away from brainstorming rules and back to the topic of kintsugi forum culture

    eta: sorry, ninja'd.

    edit 2: im now really confused
    Last edited: Feb 11, 2017
  18. Beldaran

    Beldaran 70% abuse and 30% ramen

    Kintsugi forum culture's problems have been being laid at the feet of the no rules thing this entire thread. If that's also being moved away from then cool, I retract my irritation.
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  19. prismaticvoid

    prismaticvoid Too Too Abstract

    In this case it was discussion of issues that people just want to talk about. Not with rules, just discussion. Your initial reading of the situation was very uncharitable and I am kind of hurt that you equated "there are problems with racism in this community" with "so time to punish the naughty evil sinners".
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  20. Beldaran

    Beldaran 70% abuse and 30% ramen

    "There are problems with racism in this community" -> "the problems in this community have been being laid at the feet of the no rules thing" -> "pear wiggler hyperbole."

    I think that explaining how I got there in my previous post explained my irritation in the post before that. Like I said, if that's being walked back on too then cool, good, have a discussion. I didn't mean to interrupt. I do not think it was a completely unreasonable mistake to make, though a mistake none the less. Not sure what else you're looking for, an apology for my tone? Sorry for seeing a connection between two presumably now unconnected things and getting irritated. I'm not irritated anymore now that the connection has been shown false.
    Last edited: Feb 11, 2017
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