Kintsugi Kitchen

Discussion in 'Make It So' started by jacktrash, May 19, 2015.

  1. emythos

    emythos Lipstick Hoarding Dragon

    Now they're working, and those are awesome!
  2. jacktrash

    jacktrash spherical sockbox

    mix? both sound super delish, but black is my favorite. thank you!
  3. missoyashirou

    missoyashirou Someone please give me a tiny dog to play with

    Regarding the last cupcake, is it jam that you applied for the effect? And if so, was it before or after you baked it? It's a really nice effect and I want to try it out closer to Halloween, for maybe Blood Cake or Blood Cupcakes (it has a bleeding effect to me). They look great, by the way!
  4. Imoyram

    Imoyram Well-Known Member

    Actually it was a special thing I found for the occasion, and it was applied after baking, to cracks that just naturally baked in. And I was going for a bleeding effect
    Also, I completly forgot to post the group picture of all of them! So here it is.
    Last edited: Jul 21, 2015
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  5. jacktrash

    jacktrash spherical sockbox

    i love these!
  6. Aviari

    Aviari PartyWolf Is In The House Tonight

    Okay Kintsugi Cooking Crew: I need your most amazing cupcake recipes. My staff won a district competition, and I'm making cupcakes to celebrate. This is my first baking extravaganza for this workplace and they have an established Baking Queen.

    I mean to dethrone her.

    Right now I'm planning on
    Devil's Heart (double dark chocolate with a strawberry in the center)
    Caramel Turtle (topped with actual caramel turtles if I can figure out a way to do it)
    Strawberry Cheesecake

    Tips, tricks, etc? Also how the balls do you make schmancy icing swirls hold their shape in swamp humidity, seriously.
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  7. Codeless

    Codeless Cheshire Cat

    Green Tea Muffins, originally by Emilie Autumn, recipe modified by me. I have been frequently told they´re delicious

    You need:
    1/2 cup vanilla yoghurt, or plain joghurt and add more vanilla flavour
    2/3 cup milk
    1 tsp vanilla flavour
    1 tsp almond flavour
    1/3 cup ground almonds
    1/6 cup granulated sugar
    1/3 cup confectioners sugar
    1+1/8 cup all purpose flour
    1/8 cup cornstarch
    1 tsp baking powder
    1/4 tsp baking soda
    1/4 tsp salt
    A tablespoon or so of matcha, or the contents of three or four green tea bags.

    Pre heat your oven to 300 F° or 150 C
    Mix the first 7 ingredients in a bowl, then mix the rest in another. Now combine the two mixtures untill smooth, don´t mix too long. Fill greased or otherwise prepared muffintins and bake for 25-30 minutes. Warning, these can take their own sweet time baking. makes 9 - 12 muffins.
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  8. IvyLB

    IvyLB Hardcore Vigilante Gay Chicken Facilitator

    I only have muffin recipes on hand somehow my cupcake recipes have gone missing. Bluh. Sorry can't help.
  9. IvyLB

    IvyLB Hardcore Vigilante Gay Chicken Facilitator

    Also I baked foccacia. It is very great bread, very recommendable. Italian bread is pretty good in general.
    Does anyone want the recipe?
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  10. Aviari

    Aviari PartyWolf Is In The House Tonight

    Bread is wonderful, I made a rosemary olive oil foccacia a month ago or so.

    Anyone good with Sourdough? I have a bunch of starter in my fridge but it always ends up over-proofed and stiff.
  11. Aviari

    Aviari PartyWolf Is In The House Tonight

    Fun Tip: If you ever need to do candied/syruped strawberries (for shortcake or something) don't use sugar.

    Swap the sugar for about half that amount of honey (raw, if you can find it because raw tastes better period). It comes out so much richer and more fruit-sweet rather than punch-in-the-mouth-with-cane-sugar-sweet.

    (Digs into bowl of angelfood cake + berries)
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  12. IvyLB

    IvyLB Hardcore Vigilante Gay Chicken Facilitator

    Oh man I gotta try that! I usually like sugaring my strawberries because it draws out the juice so nicely and I am a gross sugar addict who slurps that stuff by the cup (not even joking. When I make those roasted vanilla strawberries, I always, ALWAYS mess around with the baking sheet afterwards, trying to get the juice into a glass without covering my poor kitchen in red. I usually still end up accidentally spilling some all over either myself or the floor but I try so hard.)
  13. Aviari

    Aviari PartyWolf Is In The House Tonight

    Please enlighten us on this thing called "roasted vanilla strawberries"
    *drools a bit*
  14. IvyLB

    IvyLB Hardcore Vigilante Gay Chicken Facilitator

    'Tis this recipe, with an additional one for badass banana strawberry bread where you use these.
    It does have the 'problem' that it is made with real vanilla beans which are, well pretty expensive. But if you ignore the part where you'd bake the beans with the strawberries and instead only use the scrapings and put the rest of the vanilla in a jar with sugar you get homemade vanilla sugar that lasts a LONG time.

    I can also recommend vanilla salt. It smells so fucking good.
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  15. Aviari

    Aviari PartyWolf Is In The House Tonight


    Flavors: Devil's Heart (Devil's food + strawberry center) Caramel Turtle (topped with actual caramel turtles) Strawberry Cheesecake, and Tiramisu (instant coffee ftfw)

    The Cake:
    1 box mix
    + 1 extra egg
    Swap water for milk
    Swap oil for melted butter
    + ~1tsp almond extract (vanilla mix)
    + 1 packet instant coffee (chocolate mix)
    = Marriage/Adoption proposals. Apparently two coworkers are now cupcakesexual. I'm slightly concerned.

    The Frosting:
    Any tub of "creamy" frosting + 1c powdered sugar or unsweetened cocoa powder whipped in a mixer produces stiff, thick icing that can be piped into any shape, and hold that shape even in swamp humidity.
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  16. Beldaran

    Beldaran 70% abuse and 30% ramen

    I made a thing!


    Welcome to another episode of haphazard kitchen, today I got really annoyed with the sheer amount of green beans in the fridge. (That’s how most of this cooking gets done to be honest.)

    To make this I trimmed the ends off of a shit load of fresh green beans, and cut them down to a more manageable size. Then I melted butter in a high sided frying pan, and fried some brown flour, salt, pepper, garlic powder, and hot sauce in it. A less lazy person would have fried fresh garlic and onions at this point, but once I realized we didn’t have any onions I said fuck it. I stirred in the green beans along with a big dollop of sour cream and let that cook for a bit. By “a bit” I mean however long it took for the oven to pre-heat.

    After the oven had pre-heated to 375, I turned the heat up under the beans and moved them around so that there was space in the center of the pan for a cut of salmon. I seared the salmon skin up for a minute and then flipped it skin down. I turned off the heat on the stove top and covered the whole fish/green bean mess in cheddar cheese and then crushed garlic croutons because sometimes you gotta get creative with your breading options. I put the lid on the pan and put the whole thing in the oven for about 15-20 minutes.


    It was extremely delicious. The salmon was moist, the green beans were well cooked, and the cheese/breading combo tasted like cheesy garlic bread. My only warning would be to use less butter than I did; maybe half an American sized stick. I think it would taste really good with other stuff added too like onions or other veggies. Just make sure that whatever other vegetables you add have similar cook times; like, don’t just throw in chunks of potato, those would need to be cooked a bit ahead of time, but broccoli would be fine I’m sure.


    Green Beans (ALL)
    Butter, ½ American Stick
    Salt, to taste
    Pepper, to taste
    Garlic Powder, to taste
    Hot Sauce, to taste
    Sour Cream, big dollop from a spoon.
    Cheddar Cheese
    Breading, the above is crushed croutons, get creative!
    Cut of meat of your choice, the above is salmon.
    Last edited: Jul 26, 2015
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  17. sirsparklepants

    sirsparklepants feral mom energies

    This is a super simple recipe that is easy to jazz up but also very good with little effort for a day when you just can't. It's also quick. I'm not even sure it can be called a real recipe, but oh well.

    Southwest rice and beans
    You will need:
    1 can diced tomatoes and green chiles, heat level to your preference
    Adobo seasoning without pepper
    1 can black beans
    White rice
    Shredded cheddar or some kind of Mexican blend cheese
    A heavy bottomed pot with a lid
    Makes 2-4 servings

    Boil 1 and 3/4 cup water. The heavy bottom pot is important because the heat distributes better and keeps your rice from scorching.
    While it is boiling, open your can of tomatoes and drain most of the liquid. Also open and drain your can of beans. Give them a quick rinse, too.
    When the water has come to a boil, add 1 cup rice, your can of tomatoes, and a generous shake of Adobo. Stir well, then cover, and turn the heat to low. Cook for 20 minutes, stirring once halfway through.
    Add beans and stir, about five minutes before rice is done. Recover. When food is cooked, remove from heat and let stand, covered, for five to ten minutes to allow water to absorb.
    Serve, and top with cheese.

    This dish takes really well to modification. I've added sour cream, avocado, ground beef, and diced chicken (in different combinations) before and they're all good. You can omit the cheese and add lime juice at the end instead. When I'm really out of can, I omit the beans. It makes a great side dish that way, also without the cheese.

    It's also pretty good for you, nutrition wise, because rice and beans make a complete protein, tomatoes are full of good vitamins, and beans have fiber as well as quite a bit of potassium and magnesium. When I make it for my boyfriend on days he lifts, I add chicken, sour cream, and avocado, and eliminate the cheese. It gets a lot of proteins, mostly good fats, carbs for energy, and replaces electrolytes.
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  18. Meagen Image

    Meagen Image Well-Known Member

    I have been practicing this mushroom and chicken recipe with the chicken being prepared as here.

    Chicken breast (diced small)
    Baby mushrooms (or sliced regular ones)
    Green beans
    Corn starch (in the UK, "cornflour")
    1 egg
    Vegetable oil (I use sunflower)
    Sesame oil
    Soy sauce
    Balsamic vinegar

    Put diced chicken in a bowl. Add the egg white, 1 tbsp oil, 2 tbsp of corn starch, and a pinch of salt. Mix to coat.

    Heat up your favourite skillet, drop in 1 teasp each vegetable oil and sesame oil, heat it up, then toss the chicken in there and fry until golden on all sides. Take it out into a paper towel, and then throw the mushrooms and beans into the skillet. Add some ginger and garlic (I only have them powdered so I take about a teaspoon of each and mix it up with some water, then dump that out all over the pan.)

    Stir fry the mushroom and green beans for 5-6 minutes or until the beans are soft, then re-add the chicken, season with soy sauce and vinegar, and stir to coat. Serve over rice.

    Despite all the various seasonings that go into making this, the end result has a really mellow flavour. At least the way I make it.
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  19. winterykite

    winterykite Non-newtonian genderfluid


    a first attempt at naan

    1 packet of dry yeast (~7g)
    3-ish cups of warm/hot water (if you cant stick your hand in it, its too hot)
    3 teaspoons of sugar
    200-ish gram of browned butter (~3/4 of a cup, i think) (it was liquid and fresh from the stove so)
    6-7ish cups of flour
    6 tablespoons plain yogurt
    salt, black cumin seed, sesame seed, garlic powder, dried onion flakes, rosemary....

    1) add sugar and yeast to water, and let bubble
    2) brown butter. you might want to start doing this before step 1... or you can use acual ghee.
    3) add flour, butter, yogurt, and some salt. mix well, add flour until you get an elastic dough that doesnt stick much anymore.
    4) cover with wet cloth and let rise for about an hour in a hot place
    5) separate into parts as wanted. you can make 4 big loaves, or 16 smaller ones. make them flat.
    6) add spices to dough as wanted. black cumin seed tastes fucking divine.
    7) heat oven to 230°C, and put a bowl of hot water on the lowest run
    8) bake 10-15 minutes (smaller size, shorter time) or until the bread is mid-brown on top
    9) dont eat them straight off the tray
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  20. winterykite

    winterykite Non-newtonian genderfluid

    Ok i honestly didnt plan on making a double post but i need to give you this recipe

    do you see this greenish mush here?


    do you know what this is?

    this is the distilled taste of summer and everything that is good

    Eggplant bread spread

    eggplants (long and thin)
    1/5 of the weight of the eggplants in large onions
    17-20 ml sunflower oil per kg eggplants
    salt, pepper

    1) peel onions and wrap them in tinfoil
    2) broil eggplants until the skin is slightly charred (~20-25 min)
    3) broil onions in hot coals until done (~20 min)
    4) peel eggplants. yes, this is messy. save as much of the juice as you can. don't fret if some charred skin pieces stick along
    5) mince onions
    6) add onions, oil, salt & pepper to taste to eggplant innards
    7) blend
    8) eat on white bread and marvel at the taste of summer
    • Like x 1
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