Not sure where else to put this.

Discussion in 'Brainbent' started by local troublemaker, Feb 6, 2017.

  1. Zibanu

    Zibanu Well-Known Member

    For what it's worth I really don't think any of this is your fault. You've been bringing up issues but I don't think you deserve blame for everything that's going on.
    • Like x 3
  2. local troublemaker

    local troublemaker professional tumblrina

    Yeah, but I managed to poke the pride of you-know-who so now we have about three separate threads on How To Vent Thread within a week.

    Edit: I don't really care if people blame me, I get some Interesting Observations out of it.
    Last edited: Feb 12, 2017
    • Like x 6
  3. local troublemaker

    local troublemaker professional tumblrina

  4. local troublemaker

    local troublemaker professional tumblrina

    Oh jesus christ. Puh-leeeeeaaaaaase.
  5. local troublemaker

    local troublemaker professional tumblrina

    Thought: why do I get the feeling that people think that if we call something a Rule it's set in stone for all time no exceptions? Rules can have special cases. Rules can be altered or removed. We can work with it as we go, the same as we would if we called it a guideline.
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  6. local troublemaker

    local troublemaker professional tumblrina

    "That sounds vaguely like something Ray said once if you play it backwards and slow it down 10x!" Presumably, Ray also lives in a house with walls and a roof. We are All Secretly Ray.
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  7. local troublemaker

    local troublemaker professional tumblrina

    I'm firmly in Angry Vent Scream territory again and will probably continue throwing rage at the wall until I either calm down or fall asleep.
  8. local troublemaker

    local troublemaker professional tumblrina

    Is there anyone else Seebs has on ignore?
    If I'm the only one, I am simultaneously honored and eyerolling a bit.
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  9. local troublemaker

    local troublemaker professional tumblrina

    I want some dice to stim with. Some pretty, sparkly dice.
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  10. local troublemaker

    local troublemaker professional tumblrina

    Oh Boy
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  11. local troublemaker

    local troublemaker professional tumblrina

    Renember when Kintsugi blowups were every other month thing? Not every other day? Wow, that sure was wild wasn't it.
    • Like x 9
  12. local troublemaker

    local troublemaker professional tumblrina

    • Like x 9
  13. local troublemaker

    local troublemaker professional tumblrina

    Willam gifs are the best reaction images.
  14. local troublemaker

    local troublemaker professional tumblrina

    • Like x 4
  15. local troublemaker

    local troublemaker professional tumblrina

    Everyone stop updating your vent threads so quickly, I'm a slow reader, I can't keep up.
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  16. local troublemaker

    local troublemaker professional tumblrina

    Ok, so a lot of the vent thread drama was happening long before this thread got made. Why do I still get the feeling people think I'm the catalyst to the end of an era or something.
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  17. leo

    leo Well-Known Member

    same though
    let's be harbingers together
    • Like x 2
  18. Maya

    Maya smug_anime_girl.jpg

    [banging fists on table] APOCALYPSE, THE END TIMES, THE FOUR (TWO?) HORSEMEN
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  19. leo

    leo Well-Known Member

    Also btw if im one of the people you thought was gonna vague earlier: nah, I typically stay in my own lane, but I felt like people were expecting me to keep up to date w/ alix, so...
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  20. local troublemaker

    local troublemaker professional tumblrina


    Edit: Directed at this whole dumpster fire god I am so tired y'all.
    • Like x 3
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