shitposting rave 4: (almost) anything goes

Discussion in 'It's Galley's Turn' started by This Was A Triumph, Dec 11, 2016.

  1. Venture of Petrohex

    Venture of Petrohex Which Petrohex tho

    Noooo not the blocking anything but the blocking! How will I live without getting shut down daily? How will I liiiiiive withoooout youuuuu?
    [Venture to Scanner]: have you considered: i am a grownaft adult and can make my own bad decisions
    [Venture to Scanner]: what if i don't wanna grow better taste huh what then
    Last edited: Feb 13, 2017
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    What's your number?
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  3. Venture of Petrohex

    Venture of Petrohex Which Petrohex tho

    Gimme the stars sis hook a flier up!! [He makes grabby hands towards one of the galaxy drinks.]
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  4. Cosmina Kastellan

    Cosmina Kastellan Sergeant In Denial, Knight of Rage 18+

    Ja, mine job iz keepink sum eediots -pointed look at Wrench- mostly een der same amount ov peeces hy getz dem.
    Hy meen dot iz feexable een theory. Hyu gotz der komplete lack ov der sense der master giff biscuits alreddy. -not as grumpy looking as this sounds, pats his shoulder-
    • Like x 4
  5. Feinted F8

    Feinted F8 Never lost a war I didn't fight 18+

    -returns the thumbs up-

    Don't mind Ter, he's the one who usually has to snack on me 'cause he's a disaster.
  6. Boochie Flagrante

    Boochie Flagrante Alter Ego Countess Boochie Flagrante

    *would make a smart comment about the fate of @Reed Castor's phone, but 1) has already forgotten she stole the phone 2) has lost said phone in that time and 3) isn't always smart*
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    Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey!

    I've got PLENTY of sense. No one told me I was gonna be 1v1-ing a vampire!
  8. Terrence the Vampire

    Terrence the Vampire Worst Vampire Ever 18+

    -It's not vampire etiquette he's just real possessive of her at times because it's the end of the world and also a LOT of vampires are assholes-

    I can hear you, you know.
  9. Scanner

    Scanner Hears Your Secrets | 18+

    I am offended at your lack of taste again.
    Offended I'm saying.
    [Scanner to Venture]: ??????????????????? Bro I'm giving you an out to dump me, just do it.
  10. Cosmina Kastellan

    Cosmina Kastellan Sergeant In Denial, Knight of Rage 18+

    Jaja, und vould eet haf schtopped hyu eef hyu had? -plops down next to him to make sure he damn well stays put-
  11. Reed Castor

    Reed Castor lives on the b-side | 18+

    (snickers) you hitting on me now? is the giant bleeding neck wound a pity play? (she flips him one of her business cards, which has her number on it)
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  12. WRENCH


    [He's just going to keep drinking his tequila. WHO CARES IF BLOODLOSS MAKES IT WORSE.]
    I don't need pity plays! I get ALL the ladies.
    [He flips her the bird. And then dials her number and calls it from his phone.]
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  13. KABL003Y138

    KABL003Y138 The Boombitch 18+

    Translation: no. -kick-splashes at him from across the pool-
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  14. Lillian S----

    Lillian S---- Disgraced Southern Belle | 18+

    How long have you been practicing? I'm studying to become a doctor, you see, so I want all the advice I can get! I'm working in a hospital right now, so anything without the facilities there is a mystery to me for now.
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  15. Cosmina Kastellan

    Cosmina Kastellan Sergeant In Denial, Knight of Rage 18+

    -shoves tea at him, pets- How Sarge kept from wringink mine neck, hy vill neffer know.
    Ja hy gathered. Eeediots iz locky dey iz cyoot.
    Hmm, gotz to be zum century or zo?
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  16. The Jaeger Mirrors

    The Jaeger Mirrors Has both a literal and a metaphorical hammer

    Mina haz bin practicink long enuff, iz time she duz eet for real. -gleeful grin-
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  17. Venture of Petrohex

    Venture of Petrohex Which Petrohex tho

    Insult me harder bruh
    [Venture to Scanner]: and I am ignoring the out because I have horrible taste as we have already established
    [Venture to Scanner]: you're stuck with me bro DWI
  18. Cosmina Kastellan

    Cosmina Kastellan Sergeant In Denial, Knight of Rage 18+

    -throws something at his head- Hy svear to der master eef hy deedn´t haf to keep mine patient sittink schtill und not keelink heemself...
  19. The Jaeger Mirrors

    The Jaeger Mirrors Has both a literal and a metaphorical hammer

    -ducks, laughing- Hyu vould be medickink me, hy know, hy know!
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  20. Scanner

    Scanner Hears Your Secrets | 18+

    You're confusing as pits.
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