shitposting rave 4: (almost) anything goes

Discussion in 'It's Galley's Turn' started by This Was A Triumph, Dec 11, 2016.

  1. Libre of Iacon

    Libre of Iacon My name is not Libby, NS

    -evades, scoops up a handful of glitter to throw at Ratio-
    -ducks behind Whisperwind-
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  2. Whisperwind of Obex

    Whisperwind of Obex [bird noises]

    <Having the tiniest little tiff, it seems! Don't worry, I'm sure it'll all work out!! c:>

    <Thank you!!! c:> [Whisper takes the cup, accidentally leaving a dusting of gold glitter on the bar, and doesn't bother waiting for the tea to cool before sipping at it.] <Oh!! This is nice! Something like cadmium, almost!>
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  3. Ratio of Iacon

    Ratio of Iacon Entrepreneurial Spark | 18+

    <He Squeaks and shakes his hair out a little, before beginning an awfully silly looking stalking circle around Whisperwind.>
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  4. calicosAssassin

    calicosAssassin ex imperial orphaner

  5. Clover

    Clover Witch of Breath (18+)

    If I only did what I needed to, I wouldn't be me.
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  6. eyefishSoup

    eyefishSoup Oneira Eluvei, Knight of Hope [18+]

    I do, in fact, know a Jame. She's sworn sister to Maha'Valiska, which, I think, makes her my aunt.

    (Oneira grins)

    Don't tease him like that, girls, it's not his fault his aspect rejects him.
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  7. Whisperwind of Obex

    Whisperwind of Obex [bird noises]

    <Oneira and... I think his name is Narcissus? believe very different things!>

    <That's hardly any nicer!!!! Give him a chance!!

    ...Why do parts of my messages keep turning white-gold anyway? I mean, it's a very nice shade, but...>
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  8. freshetWeaver

    freshetWeaver Loreli Rheins, Sylph of Heart | 18+

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  9. Clover

    Clover Witch of Breath (18+)

  10. freshetWeaver

    freshetWeaver Loreli Rheins, Sylph of Heart | 18+

    -Eyes narrow-
  11. Clover

    Clover Witch of Breath (18+)

    -She lazily bleps with hooded eyes.-
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  12. Nightshade Randir

    Nightshade Randir Call me Shade.

    "How many sworn sisters does she have?" Shade shakes her head and laughs. "For a self-professed loner, that girl sure makes friends."
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  13. Clover

    Clover Witch of Breath (18+)

    HA! I'm your auntie!
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  14. bourasqueIndwell

    bourasqueIndwell Ilma Nordwind, Mage of Breath [18+]

    Oh, oh! That's a thing because this place here intersects with the Incipisphere, and apparently marks word with special meanings!
    The ones Oneira and Narcissus have been using are linked to the Hope aspect, although I'm not quite sure why your chance showed up in Hope-colours, as it's a Light word! Maybe you subconsciously assigned a colour to emphasis that looks Hope-yellow!
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  15. eyefishSoup

    eyefishSoup Oneira Eluvei, Knight of Hope [18+]

    You are also my inclade. And, by that logic, Chroma's aunt as well.
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  16. Clover

    Clover Witch of Breath (18+)

    Shoosh, child. Respect your elders.

    -Clover fans herself with a hand.-
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  17. Jamethiel Talissen

    Jamethiel Talissen Clan Leader, Adopter of Strays

    About as many as I have. Though our adoption processes are different. Eleven siblings, ten adopted. As well as a "cousin".
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  18. Nightshade Randir

    Nightshade Randir Call me Shade.

    Shade looks from Clover to Oneira and back, amused.
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  19. eyefishSoup

    eyefishSoup Oneira Eluvei, Knight of Hope [18+]

    Two I know of, possibly more on the world she came from! She joined the Pines Pride after helping us dispose of... something. (Something about the "thing" reads as "might be referring to a person")
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  20. Clover

    Clover Witch of Breath (18+)

    Ah do declare! Kids these days!
    • Like x 1
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