Not sure where else to put this.

Discussion in 'Brainbent' started by local troublemaker, Feb 6, 2017.

  1. local troublemaker

    local troublemaker professional tumblrina

    If Seebs does acknowledge any of us it'll only be to point out how we're totally lying slandering shitstirrers and can't be trusted.

    Add anything you want to the apocalypse party. Should we make an apocalypse party thread?
    • Like x 3
  2. leo

    leo Well-Known Member


    also i can be ragnnarock
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  3. local troublemaker

    local troublemaker professional tumblrina


    Here you go, and you can be Ragnarok.
    • Like x 3
  4. a small fis)(

    a small fis)( 26 people in a trench coat

    glub glub :D
    • Like x 3
  5. Ana Nimus

    Ana Nimus Well-Known Member

    brb suicide baiting to emotionally process seebs shit /not really
    • Like x 1
  6. ASPD Anon

    ASPD Anon Vagitarian

    Do me, do me! :-)
  7. Ana Nimus

    Ana Nimus Well-Known Member

    Trying to translate between forum and seebs is suffering enough :p (i do genuinely appreciate that)
    • Like x 4
  8. Wiwaxia

    Wiwaxia problematic taxon

    I'm just in awe of pulling out the classic rape culture victim blaming analogy, in a situation involving sexual threats.
    Good god, how fucking blind can you get?
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  9. ASPD Anon

    ASPD Anon Vagitarian

    It's like you are speaking fucking Swahili.

    Seebs doesn't grasp nuance. Water is wet.
    • Like x 5
  10. Wiwaxia

    Wiwaxia problematic taxon

    Eh, I think that goes beyond not grasping nuance.
    And that's one of the areas where I feel like even if you don't get it you still have an obligation to consciously learn to Not Fucking Go There (see also: spurious hitler references for things other than nazis, comparing anything other than slavery to slavery, "what about black on black crime," etc.)
    • Like x 3
  11. ASPD Anon

    ASPD Anon Vagitarian

    If I cannot get through to Seebs on a specific subject, and we generally respect each other, communicate effectively and are pretty friendly, I challenge anyone else to do better. Sorry. :-( I'll do what I can.

    I'm out for a while, I need food.
    • Like x 3
  12. Ana Nimus

    Ana Nimus Well-Known Member

    Apparently i wasn't nice or smrt enough to get a response from seebs
    • Like x 3
  13. local troublemaker

    local troublemaker professional tumblrina

    Same here! Oh well. Seebs isn't nice or smart enough to get respect, trust, or confidence from me. It evens out.
    • Like x 4
  14. local troublemaker

    local troublemaker professional tumblrina

    Note: I don't actually care if people are nice and I don't consider "smart" a useful concept.
    • Like x 2
  15. Zibanu

    Zibanu Well-Known Member

    "Solution: If you want to be able to discuss things with me, you have to perform to my standards, and if you don't than it's your own fault if I ignore you or misinterpret you"
    (I joke because I am very, very scared that I am a dumbass 100% of the time)
    • Like x 7
  16. Ana Nimus

    Ana Nimus Well-Known Member

    Same hat. Its actually something i try to work on here
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  17. Ana Nimus

    Ana Nimus Well-Known Member

    Will seebs ever acknowledge that I exist? Probably not
    • Like x 2
  18. leo

    leo Well-Known Member

    reasons we need counsel mods #65271615618 apparently
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  19. Wiwaxia

    Wiwaxia problematic taxon

    to be clear, I'm absolutely not criticizing you for being unable to get through to seebs on that, you've done more than i was even aware was fucking possible and consistently gone way above and beyond the call of duty. I am super grateful to you for the service you've done to the community there.

    I'm just personally unwilling to let seebs off the hook for saying that, inability to grasp nuance or no.
    • Like x 5
  20. ASPD Anon

    ASPD Anon Vagitarian

    Oh, well, yeah. Thank you and you're welcome. (Seriously, I was not expecting to be able to seebslate this well. I'm as shocked as you are.)

    I'm good at conflict resolution because I live for conflict, kind of like if you really like chocolate cake or crazy sex, you get good at cleaning up after you've had some. ;-)
    • Like x 8
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