shitposting rave 4: (almost) anything goes

Discussion in 'It's Galley's Turn' started by This Was A Triumph, Dec 11, 2016.

  1. Jamethiel Knorth

    Jamethiel Knorth Jamethiel Priests'-bane, Lordan of Knorth

    Sorry to hear -- I'd hug you but you generally aren't huggy.
  2. Jamethiel Knorth

    Jamethiel Knorth Jamethiel Priests'-bane, Lordan of Knorth

    "Oh Trinity. Lyra."
  3. Rawneth Randir

    Rawneth Randir Witch of Wilden

    Rawneth clicks her fingers and the sauce catches fire, burning up in evil black smoke until it's all burned away.

    "Foolish human. Do you deserve to live? I think not."
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  4. Lyra Lackwit

    Lyra Lackwit Leader of the (un)Official Jame Fanclub

    -bounces over to the james giddily-

    I always say that interesting things happen around you! And again it turns out that I'm right! Because now there are TWO James! Also Lady Randir, I guess. Oh, please don't tell me to go back to the Halls again. Please!
  5. Clover

    Clover Witch of Breath (18+)

    I'm gonna kill you some day.

    -She takes another bite, staring Rawneth down.-
  6. Rawneth Randir

    Rawneth Randir Witch of Wilden

    -points at Clover and a ray of shadow extends from her finger, enveloping Clover in blackness- Begone.
  7. Redux Glass

    Redux Glass spent a long year under glass

    (The two Reeds hypothetically have a truce, but oh boy that tone is. Difficult. To listen to without thinking of someone else. How does she know it's her?? Now baby Reed is also panicking. Good job making the situation better, Reed.)
  8. Jamethiel Oddclaw

    Jamethiel Oddclaw Highlord of the Kencyrath

    ...and there is my brother's little tag-along.
  9. Reed Castor

    Reed Castor lives on the b-side | 18+

    (Emotional distress? What emotional distress? Reed lives in determined ignorance. And also some amount of just genuine ignorance.)
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  10. Clover

    Clover Witch of Breath (18+)

    -the ray of shadow goes a funny angle and shoots into the sky.-
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  11. Lyra Lackwit

    Lyra Lackwit Leader of the (un)Official Jame Fanclub

    -is fucking boggled and is just like holy shit OMFG FDGGH LOOK AT THAT. she looks expectantly at the james. you're gonna fight her right. RIGHT?-

    -she grins widely at this and looks absolutely fucking amazed. OH MY GOD-
  12. Clover

    Clover Witch of Breath (18+)

    HEY REDUX thanks for trying to make me feel better.

    -Clover just stares at Lyra. How does a 14 year old girl eat a bowl of mac in a confrontational manner? Clover is doing it. Fight the world.-
    • Like x 3
  13. Lyra Lackwit

    Lyra Lackwit Leader of the (un)Official Jame Fanclub

    How did you DO that? Not even Tori, I mean Jameth, can do things like that! And she can do lots of things with the Senetha and Senethar.
  14. Redux Glass

    Redux Glass spent a long year under glass

    thank.. you? i mean, you're welcome.

    although, man, if ms grim vision of my lonely fucking future is any sign i don't get any better at people. >8P
  15. Clover

    Clover Witch of Breath (18+)

    I do what I want. ALWAYS.
  16. Lyra Lackwit

    Lyra Lackwit Leader of the (un)Official Jame Fanclub

    I would too, but people never let me. The only one who lets me do anything is Jameth and even she tells me not to a lot.
  17. totally not FL

    totally not FL lets do the trauma warp agaaaaaain

    follow ur dreams

    but also get a cat

    even if a cat is not ur dream
    • Like x 3
  18. Clover

    Clover Witch of Breath (18+)

  19. Reed Castor

    Reed Castor lives on the b-side | 18+

    oh. ouch. you wound me. i am so hurt. come back when you've done literally anything, kiddo.
  20. Lyra Lackwit

    Lyra Lackwit Leader of the (un)Official Jame Fanclub

    But what would I do with the cat? Unless I could teach it to dance with me. Or hunt! Or something.

    I can't just run away. That's just not proper and where would I go and what I would I even do and what if my family found me?
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