shitposting rave 4: (almost) anything goes

Discussion in 'It's Galley's Turn' started by This Was A Triumph, Dec 11, 2016.

  1. Voidborn

    Voidborn The Brass Skinned Dancer Macaria | 18+

    YEAH BUT JUST!!! That's Marchy's job! I never hang out with the Well! Ever!
    [.... that's an oddly vehement denial.]
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  2. Onyx Prime

    Onyx Prime The passage of time is highly problematic

    [Blinkblinkblink.] My apologies, then-- I'm not quite as well-acquainted with all of you from the new generation yet as I am with my first siblings.
  3. Voidborn

    Voidborn The Brass Skinned Dancer Macaria | 18+

    Yeah well! Then don't imply things!
    [She huffs! And stomps her foot!]
  4. Onyx Prime

    Onyx Prime The passage of time is highly problematic

    I truly believed myself to be telling the truth. Mistakes do happen, sister. [The Triptych obscures most of her expression, but she seems more amused than offended by the proto-tantrum.]
  5. Voidborn

    Voidborn The Brass Skinned Dancer Macaria | 18+

    [She sticks her glossa out. This is your actual grim reaper, kids]
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  6. Onyx Prime

    Onyx Prime The passage of time is highly problematic

    [Onyx continues to be charmed by her baby sister, optics glittering and all spark-blue.]
  7. Lord Polemarch

    Lord Polemarch Armadillo Moon Prince | 18+

    I'm actually way more important than Macs, if she takes a break the only thing that happens is Father getting a little tired. If I stop doing stuff frames rise =/
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  8. Voidborn

    Voidborn The Brass Skinned Dancer Macaria | 18+

    Just for that I'm stealing your ruststicks, Marchy!
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  9. Onyx Prime

    Onyx Prime The passage of time is highly problematic

    Every one of us is as important as the others, dear Polemarch. All the cogs must turn, or the whole system will fail.
  10. Lord Polemarch

    Lord Polemarch Armadillo Moon Prince | 18+

    Meh. Also she's totally bribeable! Last week she gave me candy so I wouldn't tell Caer she wanted to ask-
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  11. Voidborn

    Voidborn The Brass Skinned Dancer Macaria | 18+

    [She clasps a hand over Polemarch's face laughing nervously]
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  12. Onyx Prime

    Onyx Prime The passage of time is highly problematic

    [Onyx swallows down laughter of her own, but if one were to look very closely her wings are fluttering just the tiniest bit.]

    We all have our weaknesses. Candy is better than some other things our family have taken as bribes.
  13. Lord Polemarch

    Lord Polemarch Armadillo Moon Prince | 18+

    That's because candy is THE BEST!
    [Apparently licking Voidborn's hand made her reconsider her plan]
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  14. Deirdre of the Lantern

    Deirdre of the Lantern The living are not my purview [18+]

    (Deirdre ponders a bit)
    No active volcanoes on Spineridge, as far as I'm aware. The Qhori sit on one, and they have a deal with theirs. But Qhor is across the sea, and the travel time is prohibitive, but I will relay the suggestion, just in case it hasn't come up.
    They seem to remain dead when I or one of the angels does their rites.

    And, yes. Mostly because only angels can reach the spring. It is beyond the in-between, a place where mortals cannot go, only Tershoet, and his angels, and the dead.

    Shepherding the souls is the task of the Tershoeti priests who learned the Ghost River Rite. Meaning, almost all of them? To do the rites is to send the soul along.
    ... I remember Voidborn showing me a vision, and I think what you're getting at might be more along its lines? We don't have a designated person leading them from the living world to Tershoet's doorstep, the lantern should protect them. I suppose on Spineridge I am the closest to that, along with the Death angels and the Circle angels...

    That being said, hello Voidborn. I vaguely recall your brother, but I'm not sure I ever talked to him.

    ((mun note: I could've sworn I posted a retcon note about the Ghost River Rite somewhere, because I messed up in Deirdre's earlier posts. The Ghost River Rite is the burial rite, while the one she'd been referring to is actually the much rarer performed rite to become a Seer))
  15. Onyx Prime

    Onyx Prime The passage of time is highly problematic

    Well, that's something. The difficulty then becomes finding the time to do this for every single corpse raised...

    If the issue in at least some cases is that souls are not arriving at the Spring despite being sent on properly, clearly someone needs to keep a better eye on them while they make the journey. If the post doesn't exist yet, make it.
    • Like x 2
  16. Google Translate

    Google Translate myself suck upon I job|18+




    And my mother.

    Changing the hate? do?

    and Although many.

    Good question.

    The damage this time

    Open law.

    Really want.


    Unfortunately for the elderly.

    I swear.
    • Like x 1
  17. ?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!

    ?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! the earth is flat, confirmed

  18. The Shitposting Orb

    The Shitposting Orb ALL HAIL THE SHITPOSTING ORB|18+

  19. swirlingflight

    swirlingflight inane analysis and story spinning is my passion

    four sixty one?????????????????
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  20. The Unspoken Lady

    The Unspoken Lady Orchid covered deadwood breeze 18+

    -pops back into the rave (wait she was gone???) with a scream of incoherent rage. It's probably fortunate there isn't anybody under her godly influence or their souls would feel very uncomfortable right now. Her presence is 1/5 brine and rotting sealife. Like beached whale and that foul green smell of washed-up dead kelp-

    It's my fucking brother that's supposed to be righteous Crimson rage why the FUCK AM I THE ONLY ONE MAD ABOUT THIS SHIT-

    -flings a table. It's made of solid fucking basalt and built for a gods' conclave, but goes flying like balsa wood. Also realizes where she is.- Oh motherfuck.
    • Like x 3
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