I was shown this place after a dude said i could come here for support and stuff. My name is moon, I like cats, burgers, cheese fires, tea, and beasts. I have 10 cats and want to one day be both an artist and scientist. So um hi and stuff. =w=;;
We almost had 12 cats, but things happened and such. Most of our cats either find us or were rescues. Also I am still trying to figure out how this site works =w=;;
If you have a specific question re: site, the Meta subforum covers a lot of that even if it's just "where do i put a thread" (also i hear that we have signatures, but we have to enable them ourselves and i am a lazy :D) here is the most important emoticon ever: (: mystery :)
i have one cat that sometimes feels like having ten cats; i can't imagine what having ten for real would feel like welcome!
Its basically like you are surrounded 24-7, espeically when you have food and they KNOW how to get it from you. and thank you!