Discussion in 'Fan Town' started by itsAlana, Aug 28, 2015.

  1. Verily

    Verily surprised Xue Yang peddler

    Aaaaa Spock that's amazing! All the details and colors! The white rectangular bit over the chest with the pattern resembling the Decepticon symbol! It's perfect!
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  2. IvyLB

    IvyLB Hardcore Vigilante Gay Chicken Facilitator

    I love your design for soundwave so much spooooock

    (Also shuttershades meme may be over but shuttershades roddy will live on in my avatar and u can't stop me)
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  3. Verily

    Verily surprised Xue Yang peddler

    I am terrible at keeping my interests to myself, and that was how I discovered my mom has seen more Transformers movies than me. Which, I've seen zero, but still. She's seen two, in theaters. It was a work thing where her team voted on what to see at the theater and the company footed the bill for the purpose of morale. She said the movies were very earnest but she enjoyed them. She remembers Optimus Prime, Bumblebee, and Shia LaBeouf.

    Also I keep sending my sister out-of-context snaps of Mirage.
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  4. spockandawe

    spockandawe soft and woolen and writhing with curiosity

    Important canon details I forgot: Prowl has had his hands welded together for a joke, and the danger of doing this was listed alongside other life-threatening events like braving the Crucible and fighting on Babu Yar.
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  5. spockandawe

    spockandawe soft and woolen and writhing with curiosity


    Also, this. The Shimmer is at least sometimes real, it's just Springer showing up to recruit you into the Wreckers. And the Necrobot is an old dude with niche hobbies. So.... what's up with this seething moon business? OuO

    Does it have anything to do with the funky Luna I hot spot? Does it have anything to do with the sudden surprise reappearance of Luna II?

    And on the final, most important note: sniggering 5ever over 'cybervore'
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  6. aetherGeologist

    aetherGeologist Well-Known Member

    I thought it was the giant Luna II hotspot, but with recent plot developments I'm not so sure
  7. Verily

    Verily surprised Xue Yang peddler

    Huuuhhh. Was gonna ask if that might have been in some way be related to Kup freaking the fuck out in his spotlight. Checked the wiki, and apparently yes if you count retcons. And I do!

    I appreciated that spotlight a lot because I feel strongly that if you're gonna go and reference I Am Legend, you should be prepared to follow through. And it did!
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  8. Exohedron

    Exohedron Doesn't like words

    I'm very interested in the Nightmare with a Thousand Names.
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  9. Kemmasandi

    Kemmasandi Optimus Prime's disapproving eyebrows

    Spock that might be the best Soundwave human I've ever seen 8D

    Also time to self-promo a project I've been working on fooooooor about three years now, aha. Book of Hours is a TFP fic project that's intended to eventually be sort of a chronicle of the life and times of Optimus Prime, starting from juuuust before he met Megatronus and going up to the end of the war (an AU version, because I heavily dislike large parts of Beast Hunters and Predacons Rising, but y'know). I just posted chapter 8 of Rise, in which people have been filming Megatronus' rallies and one's gone viral, and Orion Pax is about to embark on an academic career that will eventually turn very political...
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  10. spockandawe

    spockandawe soft and woolen and writhing with curiosity

    GUYS guys guys

    Imagine empurata Starscream

    That is all

    (ps also I saw someone on tumblr mention that tfp soundwave could totally have been empurata'd)

    (empurata for all is what I'm saying)
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  11. Petra

    Petra space case

    Okay but, what about Empurata OP? He DID burst into the senate chambers and call them all the fuck out while screaming Megatron quotes at one point. What if ORION PAX had gotten shadowplayed and empurata-ed? We know what timeline happens if Megatron doesn't exist, but how about an au where OP got taken down? Maybe even taken care of by the decepticons after, depending on how badly off he got left?
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  12. spockandawe

    spockandawe soft and woolen and writhing with curiosity

    I was thinking about this too!! But I was also thinking even more about a TFA Optimus Prime who was empurata'd as part of his disgrace given the mess with Elita and Sentinel. It's a body horror shock that goes both ways when he meets back up with Blackarachnia, where he has trouble feeling bad for himself when she has it so much worse, and she feels kinda bad for him, but is angry about feeling bad for him, because just look what happened to her! It's a constant visible reminder to Sentinel of how things got fucked up, and how Optimus took the fall, and how Optimus is to blame. And it pokes at his negative emotions without hitting him in the WAUGH ORGANICS trigger. It adds so many extra dimensions to Optimus opposing Megatron, even though they've both been fucked over by the autobots, and they both know how corrupt and unjust things are. It adds depth to Optimus looking at what happened to Wasp, knowing how disproportionate and unjustified autobot punishments can be. It's another reason for Ratchet to take him under his wing even harder, because god, just look at this poor kid who got fucked over and mutilated. Plus optional things with Sari and her dad and offering to make Optimus a face, and Conflicted Feelings, and! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Fuck, I might have just talked myself into writing a fic about this XD This is some exciting stuff to consider.

    But also!! More idw characters it is exciting to empurata:

    Functionist timeline Ratchet
    Functionist timeline Pharma, especially if it ties back to Ratchet or his professional standards, or it hits him right in the vanity, just any way I can tap into his emotions
    Dominus Ambus, not in the functionist timeline flathead way, but in a standard timeline eyeball+claws way, before he disappears
    Megatron, but I already did that one XD
    Functionist timeline Prowl, which I actually have a wip for, I just got sidetracked and my lack of object permanence wiped my memory
    Sunstreaker, just for the vanity points (maybe because of his attempted participation in ye olde gladiator rings)
    Any one member of the trine, especially if it introduces asymmetry into the triad
    DRIFT, especially how a missing hands/face thing might shade later interactions with Ratchet

    I need to cut myself off now, I'm passing out as I type, hahaha. It's dangerous being my fave, apparently, the moment I get emotionally attached, I just want to chop your hands and face off :V
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  13. spockandawe

    spockandawe soft and woolen and writhing with curiosity

    Oh, and one last thing. MTOs. Countless numbers of mass-produced soldiers being made annnnnd usually immediately dying. How important is it to make faces for these guys? Is it really that important? Just think about Getaway, Brainstorm, etc, being born without a face at all, just being dumped onto the battlefield, barely thawed, with what basically amounts to a half-finished head.

    I actually had a page from.... I think Stormbringer or something with a bunch of one-eyed cybertronian mooks in the background, but I think I tossed the tab and viewcomic is down and view-comic has failed me, so that's the limits of my attention span :V
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  14. Verily

    Verily surprised Xue Yang peddler

    Heh, Sunstreaker just has the worst luck keeping his head attached to his body.
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  15. spockandawe

    spockandawe soft and woolen and writhing with curiosity

    I'm looking at the amazon preorder page for Transformers: Revolution, and

    (ps, this is apparently the trade that will have the 2015 holiday special included)
    Last edited: Mar 1, 2017
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  16. spockandawe

    spockandawe soft and woolen and writhing with curiosity

    Sure would be nice if I could make the decision to go to sleep and actually follow through on it for once in my life. But I have now absorbed even more serial killer trivia, as a woman living alone, learning about someone who killed women living alone. BUT HEY, worth it for empurata TFA Optimus! I couldn't stop thinking about this. I vaguely want to draw a Megatron thing, but we'll see how much longer I have before work destroys me or I finally get for-real sick.

    Optimus and Blackarachnia! (sfw)

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  17. Verily

    Verily surprised Xue Yang peddler

    Okay so Skywarp furiously hoarding weapons for Megatron makes me think of a very single minded dragon attempting to impress a much bigger, more serious dragon with Important Hoarding Skillz. A bit like Errol but meaner and with far less chance of success.

    Honey just.. settle. There's aiming high and then there's aiming stupid. Your chances are nowhere near a million to one. Maybe if you stand on one foot...
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  18. Loq

    Loq rotating like a rotisserie chicknen


    It's established that mnemosurgeons get a kind of backlash from their work where they can accidentally recall things pulled/erased from their patients-- Chromedome specifically has (what looks like) PTSD nightmares of someone else's trauma, but we don't know if or how else these 'misplaced' memories crop up.

    Chromedome brainfingered himself to erase memories of his four previous conjunx endurae, with Rewind 1 being the only one not to get this treatment because Tumbler Is A Perfectly Functional website Robot.

    Who wants to bet he occasionally gets flashbacks/memory leaks of the four conjunx he erased out of his own brain?
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  19. spockandawe

    spockandawe soft and woolen and writhing with curiosity

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  20. Loq

    Loq rotating like a rotisserie chicknen

    I've got an hour to kill, so I'm gonna round out my TFP liveblogging with Predacons Rising
    "Unicron is revived and possessses Megatron's body" THIS SHOULD BE INTERESTING
    also how is this different from Dark Energon poisoning stabbing

    [happy sighs at relit cybertron]

    ...wait, how far out was the warship from Nevada? Southwest of the Baja Peninsula is kind of a long way to go

    the christian symbology is real
    'you did the bad thing so now you don't get to see the afterlife' is kinda shitty bruh

    Primusâ™ Unicron is fuckin canon

    <3 <3 <3 listen to my boy

    they wouldn't kill him off so soon but D8 D8 D8

    aww there he is <3

    I still love Predaking <3

    someone on the writing team plays MtG

    smokey is adorable

    for a robot deity Unicron sure has a pretty organic aesthetic going on
    I mean it looks great don't get me wrong but

    guys. guys. swing smokey into the pillar, he can phase through and continue travel within whatever that tower is. Arcee weighs significantly less than him, and without the extra weight Bulk'll have a much easier time hauling her up. It ain't that hard.

    the sass is real
    smokey stop being such a pitch stud

    I know you're trying to be inspiring but Ultra Magnus has more experience as a tactician and if he's up and running you'll all have a better chance

    oh nooooo don't let this fight end with darksteel and sky lynx dead :<


    you can't convince me there wasn't a pitch quickie involved in that



    smokey <3


    don't vaporise them D8 why they gotta poof, please tell me they get rezzed

    you kinda brought this on yourself screamer
    I don't like seeing you hurt but dude


    [Clearly holding back tears:] "I didn't come back to save a life, only to lose the one I care most about!"

    I mean I like that they've finally got round to getting rid of the Prime caste but
    goddammit optimus don't abandon your diamond

    wait this is the same day

    goddammit optimus
    • Like x 2
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