fiber arts!

Discussion in 'Make It So' started by jacktrash, Jun 3, 2015.

  1. Saro

    Saro Where is wizard hut

    WOW!!!! Wow! That looks awesome!
  2. Anomal(eee)

    Anomal(eee) Grumblepunk Gremlin

    Oh wow, that is gorgeous!
  3. theprettiestboy

    theprettiestboy wombatman

    Spinning wheel update: I think I've got all the stuff I need, but what the hell is up with American lumber sizes? When something is labeled 5x1 I expect it to be 5 inches by 1 inch, not 4.5x.75. I mean really.
    So I had to update my plans a little but it's going pretty well.
    • Like x 3
  4. thegrimsqueaker

    thegrimsqueaker 28 Moribunding Mouse Aggravates the Angry Assholes

    yo, I'm thinking of setting up a kintsugi stitch n' bitch on friday nights (probably starting next week or the week after)

    anyone interested?
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  5. blue

    blue hightown funk you up

    I don't know how often I'd be able to come, but I'm into it! :)
    • Like x 1
  6. electroTelegram

    electroTelegram Well-Known Member

    !! i might attend if i finally get myself to start working on cosplay
    • Like x 1
  7. keltka

    keltka the green and brown one

    oh maaaan as soon as I can get any kind of sewing shit
    in the mean time I might just be sewing up my damaged clothes @_@
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  8. blue

    blue hightown funk you up

    can you knit at stitch and bitches?
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  9. keltka

    keltka the green and brown one

    stitch and bitch is probably not distitchinatory
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  10. NevermorePoe

    NevermorePoe Nevermore

    What is a stitch n' bitch?
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  11. thegrimsqueaker

    thegrimsqueaker 28 Moribunding Mouse Aggravates the Angry Assholes

    it's just a time set aside for fiberwork and talking
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  12. Saro

    Saro Where is wizard hut

    Yes that is a cool idea and I might actually get some work on my blanket done!
    • Like x 2
  13. Everett

    Everett local rats so small, so tiny

    Oh heck if i can get home from work in the next 2 hours id like to hangout, on whatever platform things are happening
    • Like x 1
  14. sirsparklepants

    sirsparklepants feral mom energies

    This would be great, I need some motivation to work on my cross stitch projects and Fridays bf is always busy. How were you thinking of doing it? Asking cause I don't have Skype.
    • Like x 2
  15. Anomal(eee)

    Anomal(eee) Grumblepunk Gremlin

    I've usually got a date night with Kit and Novas, but if this becomes a thing I'd still like to be able to drop into the chatroom or whatever of an evening if I'm available! A kintsugi stitch and bitch sounds like fun :)
    • Like x 1
  16. thegrimsqueaker

    thegrimsqueaker 28 Moribunding Mouse Aggravates the Angry Assholes

    @sirsparklepants that's actually the other thing I wanted to ask- does anyone have ideas for how to do it? I'm on discord now, so that's one possibility, but I'm open to any other suggestions

    also, there's nothing limiting us to just one night. we can do both fridays and saturdays if ppl are interested enough
    • Like x 1
  17. Anomal(eee)

    Anomal(eee) Grumblepunk Gremlin

    Ooh, true! The internet is a grand thing :)

    I have a discord (and also a skype, but ugh, skype), and I'm not really familiar with any other chat platforms right now. I'm assuming you were thinking text chat and not voice? (I don't have objections to either, for the record)
  18. blue

    blue hightown funk you up

    I assumed voice just because it's harder to work on stuff and type at the same time! But no objections if people would prefer otherwise.
  19. Anomal(eee)

    Anomal(eee) Grumblepunk Gremlin

    That was my concern too, but I know voice chat can get really garbled with lots of people, so I think there are downsides either way. My crafts aren't likely to come apart if I set them down, at least, but it would be awkward trying to juggle both typing and crafting
    • Like x 2
  20. keltka

    keltka the green and brown one

    hrmmm what if a discord w/ voice chat for those who want, and reg texting for those who want?
    maybe we could take turns dropping in music suggestions for SUPER STITCH FOCUS in the text chat?
    • Like x 3
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