shitposting rave 4: (almost) anything goes

Discussion in 'It's Galley's Turn' started by This Was A Triumph, Dec 11, 2016.

  1. Lissa Beijada-Pines

    Lissa Beijada-Pines [WT/Reverse/18+] love me and despair no more

    Lissa smacks him in the nose with the end of her lovelock. "As if I'd get that on my claws. Foolish man."
  2. Poisoned Silk

    Poisoned Silk The dream of your hottest night 18+

    -a wild Laverna appears. This one looks healthier than the others other than the eyeballs on her wrist. One's also painted on her forehead, but the dot for the pupil moves with the eyes on her face. To those who can sense such things she's very clearly demonic, if the horns and purple-smoking eyes weren't a tip off. The horns are rutilated with coldly glowing purple and decorated with gold-

    Ugh. Smells like I'm not the first to come here.
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  3. Stanford G. Pines

    Stanford G. Pines [WT/Reverse/18+] the maddest Ford of all

    "I don't know," Ford says lazily. "Never been here before. But I don't see too many people like you. How long has this transformation been going on?"
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  4. Marvelous Mabel Pines

    Marvelous Mabel Pines Supernova (18+)

    ...well this is ruining a perfectly good dream.

    -She pouts.-
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  5. Poisoned Silk

    Poisoned Silk The dream of your hottest night 18+

    -three of five eyes focus on him, the two real ones on her face narrowed in amusement- Since I ran out of time. And planet. It's very hard to run away from something that registers distance very differently from you. The 'transformation' is over, though. Unless I wanted to change more.
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  6. Stanford G. Pines

    Stanford G. Pines [WT/Reverse/18+] the maddest Ford of all

    "You're not Alex," says Ford. "Both she and Mason are sitting right here with Jezebel and Gwendolyn. So. Are you pretending you're my niece, or are you from another dimension?" He balances a teacup on one knee and a catte on the other. "And why aren't you happy to see me?"
  7. Afterglow of Apophenia

    Afterglow of Apophenia Some people murder?? to cope??

    You're telling me. First dream not full of blood in a decade, and it's full of organics instead.
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  8. Marvelous Mabel Pines

    Marvelous Mabel Pines Supernova (18+)

    -She wanders over and plucks some sort of savory finger food from the table.-

    Don't be silly. She's pretending to be me.
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  9. Poisoned Silk

    Poisoned Silk The dream of your hottest night 18+

    -mock-innocent head tilt- Aren't organics full of blood?
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  10. Stanford G. Pines

    Stanford G. Pines [WT/Reverse/18+] the maddest Ford of all

    "My niece doesn't have blue eyes," says Ford. "I do, but...I've always had blue eyes. Has William been misbehaving, or have you?" He grins. "You can tell me."
  11. Afterglow of Apophenia

    Afterglow of Apophenia Some people murder?? to cope??

    Most of you aren't wearing any right now, though, and you aren't even missing any obvious parts.
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  12. Marvelous Mabel Pines

    Marvelous Mabel Pines Supernova (18+)

    I don't know a William.

    -She rolls her blue, blue eyes.-

    I didn't say she was pretending to be me very well.
  13. Lissa Beijada-Pines

    Lissa Beijada-Pines [WT/Reverse/18+] love me and despair no more

    "How do you get blood without organics?" Lissa looks up over Ford's shoulder, curious as any cat. Her arm is around his shoulders now, her hand and claws splayed possessively. She's not digging in very hard. But she is digging in.
  14. Stanford G. Pines

    Stanford G. Pines [WT/Reverse/18+] the maddest Ford of all

    "Are you a Mabel or an Alexandria?" He glances at Lissa, a little teasingly. "Shred my shirts all you like, sooner rather than later, I hope, but try not to ruin my suit."
  15. Afterglow of Apophenia

    Afterglow of Apophenia Some people murder?? to cope??

    'Circulatory fluid' is imprecise and a mouthful, and 'energon' isn't a universal term, familiar though I am with it.
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  16. Lissa Beijada-Pines

    Lissa Beijada-Pines [WT/Reverse/18+] love me and despair no more

    "Okay," says Lissa, impishly. "I'll try. But I might not succeed."
  17. Marvelous Mabel Pines

    Marvelous Mabel Pines Supernova (18+)

    -She gives him the most withering look she can muster, which is pretty withering.-

    I don't have to answer your questions.
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  18. Life Support of Iacon

    Life Support of Iacon Co-Captain, Autobot Rep, CMO | 18+

    This place translates (binary gibberish) as any of blood, fuel, or energon, depending on the context. It's not precisely the same as organic blood, but in some circumstances it's analogous.
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  19. Stanford G. Pines

    Stanford G. Pines [WT/Reverse/18+] the maddest Ford of all

    "So you're in control of it. Good." Ford smiles.

    "You don't have to do anything," says Ford. "Do as thou wilt."
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  20. Afterglow of Apophenia

    Afterglow of Apophenia Some people murder?? to cope??

    See? The medic agrees, translation here is imprecise.
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