shitposting rave 4: (almost) anything goes

Discussion in 'It's Galley's Turn' started by This Was A Triumph, Dec 11, 2016.

  1. Jhenya Sage

    Jhenya Sage Mistfisher [18+]

    (Jhenya nods.)
    Uh... apology accepted.
    (How does one polite? Jhenya is not used to getting apologies.)

    I'd offer you a fistbump, but you're too big for that. For us it's stratification based on gifts -- mage gift gets you to the top, techie gift gets you to the bottom, and the ungifted are in between and do the work the mages won't do and the techies can't do. Twicegifted are [unexisted, sarcastic euphemism for killed] because they must not exist.
    (They bounce on their heels. On one hand, even looking at Afterglow makes their techie gift whirr to life, and this is part of Vereyann's realm, but they know what it's like to be looked at as a lesser being.)
    Huge shapechanging mechanoid species sounds so interesting! But I'm not going to pry because that would be seriously uncool.

    Oh no. I am deeply hurt, whatever will I do now.
    • Like x 3
  2. Poisoned Silk

    Poisoned Silk The dream of your hottest night 18+

    Do you value your teeth?
  3. Itch


    not really!
  4. Afterglow of Apophenia

    Afterglow of Apophenia Some people murder?? to cope??

    [The sarcasm is strong in this one:] Oh, yes, thanks ever so much for not immediately turning me into a research subject, I am so glad that was ever on the table.

    At least two medics of our kind have been in here, ask one of them for texts if you're interested. I learned all my anatomy first-hand, and that won't help you.
  5. Poisoned Silk

    Poisoned Silk The dream of your hottest night 18+

    -her skin ripples deep violet, a hint of usually-hidden armor- Try again.
  6. H.I.C.S.S. Gilded Chain

    H.I.C.S.S. Gilded Chain Sterling Catalyst - Shiny and Chrome | 18+

    [GC:] Ssssssuck My Helmsrig
  7. Circuit Head-Trip

    Circuit Head-Trip Psychic. Phaeton Pilot. Four years left alive 18+

    -friendly smile to let them know everything's cool, but doesn't say anything else so they don't end up deeper in What Do-
  8. Itch


    they fall out all the time anyvways!!
  9. Poisoned Silk

    Poisoned Silk The dream of your hottest night 18+

    I could remove the whole set.
  10. Itch


    vwhich set?
  11. Poisoned Silk

    Poisoned Silk The dream of your hottest night 18+

    All of the teeth.

    All of them.
    • Like x 4
  12. Lacuna of Devisiun

    Lacuna of Devisiun the quiet one (18+)

    I'd like to say the colonies did a good job of not falling into the same trap of dumbass social orders, but uh...

    There's a reason I'm never going back to Devisiun.
    • Like x 2
  13. Afterglow of Apophenia

    Afterglow of Apophenia Some people murder?? to cope??

    Escape is a good start. I'm told "take apart all the glitches who personally wronged you" is not a solution for everyone, but it's worked for me : )
  14. Lacuna of Devisiun

    Lacuna of Devisiun the quiet one (18+)

    Well, it's...

    You can tell I'm an outlier, obviously?
  15. Afterglow of Apophenia

    Afterglow of Apophenia Some people murder?? to cope??

    The confirmation is nice, but yes, you have either a power or some nice equipment.
  16. Lacuna of Devisiun

    Lacuna of Devisiun the quiet one (18+)

    That's mostly a... bad thing on Devisiun.
  17. Afterglow of Apophenia

    Afterglow of Apophenia Some people murder?? to cope??

    Ah. My most sincere sympathies. [He actually doesn't seem to be sarcastic this time.] I hope you're somewhere relatively better now? You're on Captain Nichrome's ship, yes?
  18. Lacuna of Devisiun

    Lacuna of Devisiun the quiet one (18+)

    Yup! Me and Stentato applied for engineering jobs and got out of there. We're lucky they didn't require diplomas or anything, just proven skill. It's not like any school would take us.
  19. Afterglow of Apophenia

    Afterglow of Apophenia Some people murder?? to cope??

    Given who's leading the ship I shouldn't think luck has anything to do with it, but it's good to hear Cybertron hasn't gone completely screwy again yet.
    • Like x 1
  20. Lacuna of Devisiun

    Lacuna of Devisiun the quiet one (18+)

    You think Nichrome picked us?
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