shitposting rave 4: (almost) anything goes

Discussion in 'It's Galley's Turn' started by This Was A Triumph, Dec 11, 2016.

  1. Thunderwing

    Thunderwing To challenge the great unknown

    Does speaking proper Neocybex count as an outlier power? [He... smiles, technically, but it rather looks like baring his fangs.] Even with zero 'bots Mister Stabby isn't exactly suited for a diplo mission, but we might swing by Devisiun, at least take a look at the place.
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  2. Afterglow of Apophenia

    Afterglow of Apophenia Some people murder?? to cope??

    I'm more capable of diplomacy than you are, Thunder, that was a terrible joke. At least I'm intimidating. [Despite the words, his tone is fond; he's been edging closer to Thunderwing throughout the conversation, and is now close enough to rap his knuckles against the bulkier mech's shoulder.]
  3. Lacuna of Devisiun

    Lacuna of Devisiun the quiet one (18+)

    Ha, no. It's just old superstitions about most outlier powers being dangerous, I don't want anyone to get tangled in that unexpectedly. I reckon outsiders would have an easier go of it anyhow, as long as they learn control before visiting.
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  4. Thunderwing

    Thunderwing To challenge the great unknown

    Intimidating? You? [He flares his wings in exaggerated surprise, smiling.] You're right, how could I have missed it? I'm so sorry, sir, the bodily fluids paintjob should've tipped me off.

    [Er. Right. Other people. Conversation with people he hasn't spent the last few thousand years cooped up with. Thunderwing makes a little crackly sound, rebooting his vocalizer.] Fair! I'll keep that in mind, thanks for the heads-up.
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  5. Lacuna of Devisiun

    Lacuna of Devisiun the quiet one (18+)

    I hope you guys can find some good work!

    -She smiles.-
  6. Alexandria Pines

    Alexandria Pines [WT/Reverse/18+] The show must go on!

    "There was a barrier around the town? What town?"
    ((I know but Alex doesn't))
  7. calicosAssassin

    calicosAssassin ex imperial orphaner

    provwe it.
  8. Wilhelm

    Wilhelm GREETINGS FROM S-411! [18+]

    "Gravity Falls. There's a barrier of sorts around the town in nearly every dimension- one I can't say I have too much information about, actually! Something I should probably study up on more...
    Anyway, from what I can tell, it's sort of a magnet as well- draws weirdness in and if that weirdness is strong enough it keeps it there! I have a similar effect of which strange things are often drawn to me and vice versa. It causes me no end of trouble!" He laughs in stark contrast to what he's saying.

    [ I gotcha, no worries. Also this information is half what I could scrounge up through J3 and the few episodes it was mentioned in and half me bullshitting and hoping I'm right. Feel free to correct me. :I ]
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  9. Mason Pines

    Mason Pines [WT/Reverse/18+] ALIENS!!!

    "That's where we live," Mason says, frowning, "and a whole lot of weird things do happen there." His eyes narrow. "But...what would you have done if you got out, and what were you doing there?"

    ((Haha, we started playing WT right after the first Weirdmageddon episode aired so there was no barrier in WT, which is why it affected multiple planets and dimensions, and a lot of stuff in J3 doesn't apply either--for one thing we have Valiska instead of Jheselbraum. BUT that's okay because you're from a different dimension! Anyhow the thing is that because these guys have a Will in their universe, they have no idea what to expect from a Bill.))
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  10. *The rather sleepy kitten almost falls over, but wakes itself up just before making impact.*

    *Cutepocalypse 2017 averted.*
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  11. Marvelous Mabel Pines

    Marvelous Mabel Pines Supernova (18+)

    -Mab finally looks over at Mason and Alex and notices the bubble.-

  12. Jezebel Pines

    Jezebel Pines [WT/Reverse/NS/18+] Knight of Time

    "Alex and Mason are talking to @Wilhelm," Jezebel says. "Look at the kitten, though. I swear that is @The Fattest Kitten I have ever seen."
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  13. Marvelous Mabel Pines

    Marvelous Mabel Pines Supernova (18+)

    Why do I feel like people are talking about me?

    -She frowns.- it the paranoia?
  14. totally not FL

    totally not FL lets do the trauma warp agaaaaaain

    dont be mean hes lovely and very talented
    • Like x 1
  15. Jezebel Pines

    Jezebel Pines [WT/Reverse/NS/18+] Knight of Time

    "I don't know," says Jezebel. It's not exactly a lie. She smiles at @totally not FL. "I didn't say he wasn't lovely or talented. I said he was fat. To the point where that may also be one of his talents."

    She sighs. "I think they might be worried about you, Mab. Your great-uncle might look like my dad, but they don't sound very much alike."
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  16. Marvelous Mabel Pines

    Marvelous Mabel Pines Supernova (18+)

  17. Mr. Mistoffelees

    Mr. Mistoffelees The magical. The marvelous. Q.E.D

    [an admiring nod]

    He'll grow up to be a twenty-five-pounder! Reminds me of our own Bustopher Jones, and that is no small compliment.
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  18. totally not FL

    totally not FL lets do the trauma warp agaaaaaain

    yea i dont think he is going 2 grow up

    hes a magic kitten created by someone who knows Jack Dick about real kittens
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  19. Marvelous Mabel Pines

    Marvelous Mabel Pines Supernova (18+)


    Are you a cat?
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  20. Jezebel Pines

    Jezebel Pines [WT/Reverse/NS/18+] Knight of Time

    "Maybe so, but worrying is one of the things family does."

    Jezebel smiles. Her ears prick up. "Well, hello. I'm Jezebel. And're really real?" She blushes. "Mom used to read to me about jellicle cats. Because we're cats."
    • Like x 2
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