What are your fan fiction gripes?

Discussion in 'Fan Town' started by OtherCat, Aug 27, 2016.

  1. spockandawe

    spockandawe soft and woolen and writhing with curiosity

    ....you know what, I'm going to be totally shameless and link this (nsfw) fic I wrote, because it is very much about lovingly poking fun at the entire idea of transformers porn (including making fun of the fanon xeno), and all the inherent silliness that goes into the whole thing. It seems appropriate, given the last few pages.
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  2. Verily

    Verily surprised Xue Yang peddler

    A+ good carfuckery, @spockandawe! Hilarious and hot. Verity is the best at snark. I love her.

    Us Veri*ys gotta stick together.
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  3. garden

    garden lucid dreamer

    a review i just got on a danganronpa fic i crossposted to FFN today:
    note that the characters they're asking about didn't even feature in the fic i wrote. i wonder if they post this request on all the danganronpa fics they read? unfortunately they're a guest, so i can't send a stern PM.

    but really. "i like this fanfic about this. now do a fic about something completely different because I believe these events should happen, and i will now explain why, giving much more detail than i bothered to spend actually thinking about what you wrote."
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  4. valenstyne

    valenstyne Went out for cigarettes, never came back

    That is an exceptionally annoying review, wtf. How entitled do you have to be to think it's okay to demand that random authors write your idea?
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  5. anon person

    anon person actually a cat


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  6. Clicks

    Clicks The All Consuming Dread

    The word "penis" is almost always very unsexy.

    Bring out the throbbing meat rods.
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  7. LadyNighteyes

    LadyNighteyes Wicked Witch of the Radiant Historia Fandom

    Re: spoiler: Do you mean MIGHTY MAN NOODLE?
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  8. garden

    garden lucid dreamer

    Okay, so that reviewer I spoke of in my last post is absolutely irritating and entitled, but I'm feeling slightly more charitable towards them than towards this person, who:

    -in september 2016, followed one of my fics and followed me as well (on FFN). (eta: they have never left any favorites, feedback, or engaged with my fics other than this one follow.)
    -in january of this year, messaged me on FFN asking "are fanfic requests open? any rules?"
    -i replied back saying that they were not open for mental health reasons, to which their response was:
    "it's alright. I don't mind
    Thanks anyway
    maybe some other time then?"
    -then today i get a PM from them. "are fanfic requests open? any rules?"

    Last edited: Mar 7, 2017
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  9. Elaienar

    Elaienar "sorta spooky"

    I'm really feeling this one again lately for some reason. Who do I have to kill pay to see an amoral villain who forms strong emotional attachments to a very select few people written as something other than a bleeding-heart intuitively moral mom friend?
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  10. LadyNighteyes

    LadyNighteyes Wicked Witch of the Radiant Historia Fandom

    Remember the discussion of Friendzone Flower Disease? Friend found an actually good one that contained the beautifully horrible detail of a little kid who had it because his mom was terrible. I approved.

    I was reminded to mention this because just now she found one where someone was hacking up camomile, which led by way of "I keep expecting someone to make tea out of it" to "there's totally a creepy underground black market for that" to "people refusing to get it treated because they're making a killing, yes doctor I realize I am literally dying but can you please leave it one more week and then I can afford the down payment on a new house without taking out a loan?" to "terrible parent refuses to get their kid treated because she has rare orchids! That's how we pay the rent!"
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  11. Jemmy

    Jemmy Don't Do A Hit

    If this isn't the right thread for this, I'll deffo move it but I'm like, dying over this. So, someone literally just posted this on the newest chapter of my fic:

    "Honestly.... maybe it's bad but...... I was hoping [redacted] would like. die soon lmao."

    like....why.....why would you do this..... I get the characters not the fandom fave but please, please let me live my slightly objectionable fic life. i havent even gotten into the meat and potatoes of this fic
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  12. spockandawe

    spockandawe soft and woolen and writhing with curiosity

    Ah yes, gotta love when people who hate a character..... read fics about that character..................

    Plus, god, why is it that so many of the people who do that kind of obnoxious nudging seem to not have been reading the tone of the fricking story and suggest things that are the OPPOSITE of what any of the framing would suggest (i may be slightly bothered about some other similar commenters on another fic)
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  13. Jemmy

    Jemmy Don't Do A Hit

    Lmao, yeah! Like it's literally a character fic about that character. He might not even die depending on how canon goes, which I'm sure will just, mm, get me LOTS of comments like this. super looking forward to being called an abuse apologist or what ever
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  14. palindromordnilap

    palindromordnilap Well-Known Member

    I just remembered an old PPC mission where the (MPreg) fic was translated from French, and one of the agents commented on "enceint" not being a real word. It actually is, and is the masculine version of the word for "pregnant", but isn't used much.
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  15. artistformerlyknownasdave

    artistformerlyknownasdave revenge of ricky schrödinger

    if anyone was still curious--i got pissed off seeing it in homestuck and tracked down the origins of hanahaki/flower lung disease!

    apparently it's from a 2008 manga called hanahaki otome
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  16. Starcrossedsky

    Starcrossedsky Burn and Refine

    not so much a rant as a boggle: why are there weird, distinct subgenres of harry potter/khr crossovers such as "character x was secretly Harry potter all along" and "Harry leaves Britain in a Secret Identity and winds up involved in the shounen mafia"?????
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  17. LadyNighteyes

    LadyNighteyes Wicked Witch of the Radiant Historia Fandom

    I've encountered that for other shounen anime too. Like "Harry Potter goes to Japan, joins Naruto's ninja clan."
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  18. Aya-non

    Aya-non Well-Known Member

    I don't know but I suspect some of them may have started as prompts that a few people did and that got turned into tropes afterward.

    For example, the "All the Gundam Wing pilots adopt Harry Potter because he's related to one of them (any one, your choice)" trope came from a prompt in a GW yaoi fangroup, but then people who weren't in the group started trying to write it without having any context for it.
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  19. swirlingflight

    swirlingflight inane analysis and story spinning is my passion

    There's a lot to the classic Underswap AU that bothers me. A lot of the main characters are 'swapped' into roles of other characters, but their personalities are drastically changed too. Sometimes, they're like the very outer shell of their canon selves (their bodies, one or two personality traits) with the emotions and goals of their swapped counterpart. Sometimes they don't even feel like that, just random different people wearing the same bodies.

    I think it's partly to try to keep to the same rough path that the story takes, to push the player character forward through the same zones, because goodness knows trying to write AUs is difficult as fuck; figuring out all the stuff that happens in canon only because of ripples of the main characters' actions, trying to account for stuff in a way that makes sense. Railroading it into a similar, parallel path as canon makes it easier, but not necessarily more successful; the world building breaks down when they don't make the differences work. Goodness knows a lot of Harry Potter AUs end up feeling flat and uninteresting after like year 1 because of that.

    Like, in particular, Muffet and Grillby changing places doesn't work without an explanation how the spiders are getting by in the cold Snowdin; Muffet's whole reason for fighting us in canon is because the spiders can't handle the cold, and she wants the money from killing us so she can finally afford a way to get the rest of the spiders safely to Hotland. Having her run her bakery in Snowdin... huh? How? Why? Did they figure out some really efficient magical heating system after all? Will it ever be explained? :mystery:

    People create some pretty cool things with these AUs, especially artwork. But I don't have fun making them without really getting into the nitty gritty of what and how things have changed.

    My favorite AUs are ones where canonical characterizations are tweaked in ways that still feel like that character, or there's some decent reason for why the canonical characterization isn't relevant. Where the author(s) ask, "what's going on in canon, how's it fit together," so that when we change things, we do the domino chain of making the new things work at least as well.
    see: ravenclaw!Draco, clinging to the sentiment 'knowledge is power' to try to convince himself that he's really a slytherin who's just using a different approach to the same goals.
    see: Naruto AU where Naruto died at the same time his dad died, and the life force in that body all this time has actually been the Kyuubi, and things diverge from the canonical timeline -- and tone -- accordingly. (the fic I'm thinking of has plenty of other problems, and I don't actually recommend it; I'm just fond of the premise and a fair amount of what they do with it.)

    eta: why did i say "goodness knows" twice in a paragraph -_-

    holy shit i love this
    Last edited: Mar 17, 2017
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  20. unknownanonymous

    unknownanonymous i am inimitable, i am an original|18+

    flowey switched with temmie and monster kid switched with asriel is what bothers me most in underswap. like, the other stuff i i bet i could find a way to make work if i wanted to, but those swaps just strike too deeply at the fundamentals of undertale canon, both rules of the universe-wise and narrative-wise, for me to accept them. (though omega temmie can be funny sometimes.)
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