shitposting rave 4: (almost) anything goes

Discussion in 'It's Galley's Turn' started by This Was A Triumph, Dec 11, 2016.

  1. Porrim Maryam

    Porrim Maryam Rainbo+wdrinker Extrao+rdinaire

    Is it? I've turned into+ a ball o+f freely distributed ire.

    But who+ will I pet then. The mis? Well I mean o+bvio+usly but

    Yo+u kno+w.

    -pets a mi-
  2. Kumari

    Kumari Well-Known Member

  3. Kankri Vantas

    Kankri Vantas Un9fficial plat9nic mediat9r 9f justice

    I was a6out three 9r f9ur, s9 this was a very l9ng time ag9. I have since alchemized all 699ks I was denied access t9 as a wiggler 6ut w9uld welc9me the 9pp9rtunity t9 6ec9me m9re well-read in intercultural literature. With y9ur full permissi9n as a mem6er 9f that culture 9ffering me access, 9f c9urse, I w9uldn't wish t9 appr9priate 9r step 9ver my 69undaries.
  4. totally not FL

    totally not FL lets do the trauma warp agaaaaaain

    listen my kitten cant love u more than me its the Law
  5. Kumari

    Kumari Well-Known Member


    are u ignoring me now, kankri?
  6. Like a Wave

    Like a Wave I'm not actually an anime 18+

    Very nice! ((I don't remember how big the fortress is, would it fit a dragon?))
  7. Porrim Maryam

    Porrim Maryam Rainbo+wdrinker Extrao+rdinaire

    It's just no+t right? I mean, yes, I'm upset but still. At the very least I co+uld minimize the damage. Then I try and just mess so+mething else up instead. At least yo+u're fine tho+ugh?

    -pets the cat again instead because fight me-

    I am a dirty, dirty criminal. Weren't yo+u listening to+ ho+w I was culled earlier.
  8. A Mi

    A Mi smol, NS

    -more purring. So much purring, and competing for pets. many soft fluffs want petted-
    • Like x 1
  9. arsenicCatnip

    arsenicCatnip A Necromantic Cat

    :33 Mewr not my meowrail, mine fixed his horn.
  10. The Behemoth Crew

    The Behemoth Crew Assorted NPCs 18+

    [Micah] -laughs a little, careful not to sound too bitter- It's a bit of a rebellion against the oppression on my world. Literacy is forbidden among the masses, and sharing knowledge carries a death sentence. Sharing with a D-bee on top of it, with the Coalition's Earth-for-humanity viewpoint? We are breaking so many bullshit laws right now. -the smile at least is genuine. Fuck the Coalition's bullshit right in the ear-

    Hey Static, can you make sure he gets some Voltaire in there?
  11. OP 13

    OP 13 WHY AM I MADE OF MEAT? 18+

    Sure thing! -pokes around on their tablet-

    ... Musician or philosopher?
    • Like x 2
  12. Porrim Maryam

    Porrim Maryam Rainbo+wdrinker Extrao+rdinaire

    -is porrim just like covered in mis now or something or-

    -either way she is finally sipping at that blood because URGH FINE LATULA WE'LL FEED I GUESS thoughts have come to mind. it's probably pale again right now isn't it-
  13. Poisoned Silk

    Poisoned Silk The dream of your hottest night 18+

    -saucy wink-
  14. totally not FL

    totally not FL lets do the trauma warp agaaaaaain

  15. Porrim Maryam

    Porrim Maryam Rainbo+wdrinker Extrao+rdinaire

    -laughs at that and chokes on blood oh god why-

    What are yo+u go+ing to+ do+. Repo+rt me to+ the mo+ds.
  16. The Archmitect

    The Archmitect Not Exactly A Gem

    Thank you! I´m planning on building more stuff back home, for us big mis.

    ((Nope. is extensive by now, but sized for mis not even a human would fit))
  17. totally not FL

    totally not FL lets do the trauma warp agaaaaaain

    @seebs get my cat back
    • Like x 3
  18. Poisoned Silk

    Poisoned Silk The dream of your hottest night 18+

    Oh no that's adorable. -Offers a silk scrap. The edges are too rough to be a handkerchief and it's interestingly stained-
  19. Like a Wave

    Like a Wave I'm not actually an anime 18+

    Scaling up the blueprint or just expanding the idea?
  20. Porrim Maryam

    Porrim Maryam Rainbo+wdrinker Extrao+rdinaire

    Kitty's go+t claws.

    #I can do+ cat puns to+o+

    Is it? There's a little co+ming o+ut o+f my no+se and yo+u go+ fo+r "ado+rable". Thanks, tho+ugh?

    -looks at the silk scrap. not the right texture. pockets it anyway and pulls out a box of tissue from her sylladex with the small key that is conveniently laying on a pillow. the blood is cleaned up-

    Really tho+ugh. The laugh was needed.
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