shitposting rave 4: (almost) anything goes

Discussion in 'It's Galley's Turn' started by This Was A Triumph, Dec 11, 2016.

  1. Eiffel

    Eiffel space dumbass | 18+

    EIFFEL: Down with The Man! Lil' chubby Hobbes is the property of the people now. (To demonstrate his point he picks up the cat and hugs it.)
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  2. Kite from the library

    Kite from the library Library room excavator [18+]

    Welcome to the club.
  3. The Behemoth Crew

    The Behemoth Crew Assorted NPCs 18+

    [Micah] ...Philosopher? -when Static's done they hand the tablet over, and after a glance Micah hands it over to Kankri- Wow, I think they just dumped every book that came up on a search for 'classics' but at least it'll give you a broad spectrum.
  4. Gwendolyn Northwest

    Gwendolyn Northwest [WT/Reverse/18+] Heir of Life

    Gwendolyn smiles. She has been paying attention, even though she hasn't spoken for a while. "You do have the right to your pronouns, but insisting on them doesn't hurt anybody else. It's terrible if that's the only way Kankri's ever been able to get attention, but it still hurts other people."

    ((It's not Gwendolyn's fault that I've been driven over the edge twice by my boss today already.))

    "Kankri, the fact that all members of the jade caste are expected to do the same thing with their lives appears to be in large part because most of them are females. It probably sucks a lot more to be a male jade than a female jade, because your gender expression is being denied to you, but that doesn't change the fact that the whole thing is based in the notion that there's something about females that makes them so much better suited to handling the young that they're not allowed to do or be anything else."

    "Kankri, no. Conversations like this can be intellectually and emotionally exhausting if you never give them a rest. Sometimes you just need to chill the fuck out, dude. Talk about the weather. Play a game. Smoke a bowl if you want. It's exhausting enough being oppressed without having to talk and think about it every single moment of every day!"

    "Well, you're probably right about taking exception to that, but only because you don't have to deal with your trauma after you're dead, dude. Condesce wants to kill my whole planet. I'm pretty sure if she succeeds we won't be worried about it after we're dead, but I still want to live."

    Gwendolyn wrinkles her nose. "Celibacy doesn't make you like everyone equally! It just means you're not doing anything about whatever feelings you do or don't have! If you don't have the feelings, then that's called asexuality or being aromantic, but it doesn't make you a superior being, dude. You're still gonna like some people better than you like others, even if you don't want to bump uglies. It's impossible to be completely impartial. And pretending that you can just makes it easier for you to lie to yourself about it."

    She sighs. "Also, just saying, if maybe you are ace or aro, and if maybe you were culled in part for those reasons, it is really unfair for you to expect other people to stop having feelings just because you don't like those kinds of feelings. Nobody can help the way they feel, and as long as they're not actually forcing you to participate in their love lives, which would be terrible, you can choose to direct your attention elsewhere."

    "You don't get to make decisions about what risks other people should be allowed to take," says Gwendolyn. "That is, in fact, the kind of thing the people who culled you were trying to do to you. You are allowed to go outside even if you do forget your coat and catch a cold, and other people are allowed to date each other, even if they do get hurt because it doesn't work out perfectly."

    She sighs. "Don't answer me right away. Think about it for a little while, okay? Other people get to make their own decisions about the risks they take, the same way you do. Just roll it around in your mind. I need to go talk to Porrim."

    Gwendolyn goes and sits down near Porrim. "Porrim, it's not that I'm fine with what they said, it's that I understand how they feel, and nobody says everything perfectly when they're hurt. You need to learn that almost as badly as Kankri does."

    She takes a deep breath. "Kankri asked you not to jump in and defend him because he can do that himself. Don't try to protect him if he doesn't want you to. That's what his cullers did to him, and your intentions aren't the same, but he still doesn't like it. If something keeps happening and it's always you and Kankri that it happens to, no matter who else you're talking to, it's because of something you and Kankri are doing. When Kankri hurts people, he needs to take his lumps. He does not need to be protected from it until and unless he asks you to help. You actually ignored his boundaries when he asked you to stop and you kept on going. This isn't healthy. He doesn't learn to treat people better if he doesn't face the consequences for treating people badly, and you don't need to take his pain on as well as your own. You've got more than enough, and he even contributes to that. Let him be who he is, but if he decides to be an asshole, you can't make people like him or pity him or let it go because his life's been shitty. Everyone's life has been shitty in some way. If you stop being co-dependent, you might find out that he handles things better than you think he can."
    • Like x 2
  5. Poisoned Silk

    Poisoned Silk The dream of your hottest night 18+

    My standards might be a little off from most. Does your culture have demons?
  6. A Mi

    A Mi smol, NS

    -the mis are mostly bunched up near the petting hands, but many have colonized the Porrim. One sniff at the blood- Mi?
  7. arsenicCatnip

    arsenicCatnip A Necromantic Cat

    :33 Mew! How dare mew! *giggles again* No of purrs mew can.
  8. Porrim Maryam

    Porrim Maryam Rainbo+wdrinker Extrao+rdinaire

    Do+ we really have to+ do+ this right no+w? Or am I just no+t allo+wed time to+ calm do+wn and no+t deal with so+mething?

    No+, I guess no+t. I need to+ keep being lectured when I'm clearly no+t all right.

    We do+ but I'm no+t sure if they're the same thing as yo+ur demo+ns? I get the po+int that yo+ur standards are pro+bably different tho+ugh.

    -ok good. she must be covered-
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  9. Porrim Maryam

    Porrim Maryam Rainbo+wdrinker Extrao+rdinaire

    Sto+p treating me like a fucking child.
  10. The Archmitect

    The Archmitect Not Exactly A Gem

    I´m making mew blueprints of course! Mi, building the same thing over and over would be so boring!
  11. Gwendolyn Northwest

    Gwendolyn Northwest [WT/Reverse/18+] Heir of Life

    "Sorry, but I'm not sure how long it's going to take for you to calm down or whether we'll be here together again." Gwendolyn shrugs. "This is not how I treat children."
  12. Vulcan Maleus

    Vulcan Maleus yonderlyThaumatologist, Mage of Void

    PersonallY that sounds like a load of hoofbeastmanure.
    This wouldn't happen to be just a human thing...would it?
    [Vulcan twiddles her thumbs together nervously. They make a soft metallic clanking noise.]
    I was under the impression that We were verY much killable.
    The onlY ones who are said to be immortal are The Mirthful Messiahs Themselves, Fam.
    You're not saYing You've met Them, have You?
    I can confirm this, at least as far as Alternia goes.
    The few Bigwigs in our cult who aren't dudes sorta have to go along with what The Sexist Globetrotters want, for political reasons.
    And that's when TheY haven't internalized the shit themselves.
    ...Aaand I can confirm the fetishization happens the other waY around too.
    It wasn't over nothing that I got "disobedient" enough for MY arms to get cut off.
    TheY don't understand I'm not fucking into Dudes, least of all creepY old ones.
    ...And it ain't MY place to talk about what TheY do to Hlorri...

    Dude, it's fucking awful being a female in the subjugglators.
    It's not just because I'm on the lower end of the Highblood caste that I rank so low. I mean, Hlor-bear isn't much higher in rank than me, and She's toward the top of the caste bloodwise.
    AYYY, right back atcha, Koolkat.
    *pointedly ignores*
  13. Porrim Maryam

    Porrim Maryam Rainbo+wdrinker Extrao+rdinaire

    It sure as hell seems like yo+u're treating me like a child. No+, Po+rrim yo+u're no+t allo+wed to+ be upset o+r left alo+ne. Yo+u need to+ sit here and listen to+ us tell yo+u abo+ut ho+w wro+ng yo+u are abo+ut abso+lutely everything. And then yo+u can go+ back to+ do+ing exactly what we tell yo+u and living with the kno+wledge that even when yo+u go+ ho+me it's o+nly until yo+u're o+f age. And then yo+u get to+ go+ to+ the caverns and pro+bably be lectured there to+o+.

    If that's yo+ur preference then I'd say, no+, it's no+t just a human thing. We just do+n't have any go+o+d wo+rds fo+r it I think. We can certainly make them.
  14. Kankri Vantas

    Kankri Vantas Un9fficial plat9nic mediat9r 9f justice

    Please d9n't tell me h9w I sh9uld feel a69ut discussing my 9wn 9ppressi9n. I understand that y9u may pers9nally prefer n9t t9 talk a69ut s9cial issues f9r fun, 6ut I find it t9 6e relaxing and intriguing. I am alm9st always "chilled the fuck 9ut", and d9 n9t require activities 9ther than my preferred 9ne.
  15. Porrim Maryam

    Porrim Maryam Rainbo+wdrinker Extrao+rdinaire

    Go+d that so+unds terrible. Yo+u sho+uld see the internalized hatred jade wo+men have fo+r themselves. Or, well, yo+u can't really since Befo+rus do+esn't exist anymo+re. It was a pro+blem tho+ugh.
  16. Nyanko Daisensou

    Nyanko Daisensou The Battle Cats

    *Raises hand*
  17. A Mi

    A Mi smol, NS

    -so many purrs. if it weren´t for rave magic porrim would find mi passengers on her after she went home later-
  18. Kumari

    Kumari Well-Known Member being ignored.

    -She looks genuinely upset for once.-
  19. the author speaks

    the author speaks [WT/18+] Mage of Space Stanford F. Pines, PhD

    "You're in the OTO. Why are you in the OTO?"
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  20. Porrim Maryam

    Porrim Maryam Rainbo+wdrinker Extrao+rdinaire

    -that would be the best no lie. finding them in her wardrobifier and being like wtf omg how many are there-
    • Like x 1
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