What are your fan fiction gripes?

Discussion in 'Fan Town' started by OtherCat, Aug 27, 2016.

  1. Verily

    Verily surprised Xue Yang peddler

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  2. ChelG

    ChelG Well-Known Member

    Similar wince when I saw someone describing someone performing their ablations in a bathtub.
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  3. palindromordnilap

    palindromordnilap Well-Known Member

    Why did I immediately think of guro?
  4. applechime

    applechime "well, you know, a very — a very crunchy person."

    i admit that sometimes if an author uses the "author chose not to warn" tag i get WARY...... cause like... unless they've indicated elsewhere that there's non-con or underage involved then i'm left with this looming possibility that the warning they've chosen not to tag for is "major character death" and I'M NOT COOL WITH THAT.......
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  5. keltena

    keltena putting the fun in executive dysfunction

    I have Issues with signal to noise, but I actually felt that particular choice fell within the bounds of reasonable interpretation of canon? Specifically because

    technically speaking, you don't learn that for sure about the main canon Neku. You hear it from Another Day!Neku, who is an AU version of Neku and isn't identical to him as a person.

    Mind you, I agree that it was pretty obviously the writers' intention that AD!Neku's backstory be taken as main-game Neku's backstory as well (especially considering there's a bit of early-game dialogue that vaguely alludes to it), and I definitely noticed that twigcollins had chosen to deviate from it. But it doesn't actually contradict canon to make Neku's backstory different from his AU counterpart's, even if it's clearly not the interpretation the writers intended, and I'm always open to people doing that kind of thing in fanfic. (Whether I like a specific instance of it varies, of course, but I'm all for interpreting the canon facts how you think works best.)
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  6. YggiDee

    YggiDee Well-Known Member

    I'll be honest I had forgotten about the backstory being applied to AD!Neku instead of canon Neku, but the stuff where Rhyme dies and Neku freaks out point to it matching up. Also I think if they wanted canon Neku to have a different backstory they wouldn't have bothered to specify AD!Neku's circumstances, I think? I don't even mind the change necessarily, I just want it acknowledged as either 'hey I did this bit different' or 'hey I forgot and it's 100k words too late to change it back' I just remember making a frowny face when I read that part and it took all my willpower not to type a cranky review about it.

    I've had a similar reaction before in a HS fic where a minor issue was changed without any kind of acknowledgement, while everything else matched canon (I think it was something offhand like, 'Karkat never told a anyone about his blood' or something) and I got annoyed there too, come to think of it. I don't really know why, considering how often I read AU fics or 'I'm only using the bits of canon I like' fics. I guess it bothers me if I'm not told that a thing is going to be different. Maybe I'm just anal.
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  7. keltena

    keltena putting the fun in executive dysfunction

    re: spoilers—yeah, that was my point. I agree that's obviously what the writers were going for; I just don't think alternate readings of canon to what the writers intended are quite the same thing as unannounced changes to canon. But of course, just because I like doing that kind of thing sometimes doesn't mean other people have to. I can totally get being frustrated by it!

    And I definitely feel you on frustration when people get their canon wrong in general. /hollow-eyed stare at certain bits of persistent, blatantly wrong fanon
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  8. LadyNighteyes

    LadyNighteyes Wicked Witch of the Radiant Historia Fandom

    Okay so as people who have seen me screaming in various places or have the misfortune of following me on Tumblr may have noticed, there has been a remake of my favorite game announced. In addition to me being hype as hell, though, I am also terrified. Because one thing I have learned in my years of grimly keeping this fandom limping along is that I am hypersensitive to people getting the main character's voice wrong, and almost everyone gets his voice wrong. I've had to nope out of fic by friends in a fandom where there are only 3-4 other active authors because nope, this isn't him, thought processes and emotional expression all wrong.
    Last edited: Mar 21, 2017
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  9. Silver Sheep


    Good? That is the system working as intended?
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  10. applechime

    applechime "well, you know, a very — a very crunchy person."

    sure sure that's how the system works and it is an author's right to use it thus but that doesnt change the fact that an author killing my fav without giving me a heads up first will destroy my trust with EXTREME PREJUDICE...... who knows what else they're capable of.......

    (i am not really. being serious i just STRONGLY PREFER to steer clear of tragedy, particularly unexpected tragedy when i'm already emotionally invested!! it hits me Real Hard and ruins my whole day. i am Just Complaining)
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  11. Silver Sheep


    No yeah fair. I am glad AO3 has it as a default warning because I know a lot of people need it, I just argh hate it (where is tension?) I will probably never use it myself. And you, hypothetically, will know which of my stories to avoid! Winner.
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  12. Wingyl

    Wingyl Allegedly Magic

    something i've only seen in descriptions and tags but: the fandom trope of 'heat', as well as the terminology issues with heat vs rut, also seems to always have the in-heat character basically involuntarily rape the nearest other character?

    like, that's not how heat works. even the most extreme accurate heat would be more like...character is going to great lengths to make it obvious they're in heat and also flirting with anyone they're into extremely obviously. but they'd still have self-control and wouldn't like...involuntarily rape their own brother because he was close. or whatever.

    the way these fics are described makes it sound like the characters are supposed to like...be basically mind-controlled every so often? it is very weird.

    also for some reason at least in undertale it always seems to be sans
    i could probably avoid almost all the weird porn by blacklisting sans but that'd also get rid of any non-explicit fic with sans

    does anyone know how to blacklist a rating? so like, instead of searching for "general", searching for "not explicit"?

    ETA: incidentally i've seen fics with the description seeming to indicate that the entire plot is '[some au] sans goes into heat and involuntarily rapes [some au] papyrus' that i can say that it seems to be most common with au sans in particular especially, seemingly, underfell sans? but not so much canon sans.

    like. this is not just one fic. this is enough fics that that specific plotline seems to be a trope.
    the specific plotline down to the characters.
    Last edited: Mar 22, 2017
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  13. unknownanonymous

    unknownanonymous i am inimitable, i am an original|18+

    i'd describe it as more like infinite lust plus complete lack of self-control

    mind-controlled implies a controller aiming for a specific outcome and while that is happening on the meta side, on the in-universe side, it tends to be a biological process affecting how people feel, if that makes sense
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  14. garden

    garden lucid dreamer

    the heat fic i tend to read usually treats it as being like sex pollen, which no doubt is not terribly accurate to actual heats but is fun for me to read.

    yep! you go to a tag or category or what have you, say Undertale. then you hit Filters, and then go to "Search within results," where you type in "-Explicit" (minus quotes.) you can even do "-Explicit -Mature" for bonus filtering, or even filter out a ship you don't like! for instance, you could type in
    if you didn't want explicit stuff, and also sans/reader doesn't float your boat. (in that case the quotes denote an exact phrase you want to filter out.) happy filtering!
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  15. Wingyl

    Wingyl Allegedly Magic

    thank you!
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  16. applechime

    applechime "well, you know, a very — a very crunchy person."

    okay i'm sorry for the pettiness and rudeness of my essential being, my soul, the deepest and truest depths of my heart but this fucking summary is so god damn bad
    ITS MAKING ME ANGERY....... i can't even articulate why i hate it so much but every time i see it i feel like that chicken that tries to fight the metal spinning thing in that video
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  17. garden

    garden lucid dreamer

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  18. vegacoyote

    vegacoyote dog metaphores and pedanticism

    "I'm bad at summaries" and/or a bad summary will make me nope the fuck out immediately.

    If you can't hold the reader's interest for two paragraphs, what makes you think they'll want to read an entire fic by you? If you don't think it's good, work on that shit, dude.
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  19. Aondeug

    Aondeug Cringe Annoying Ass Female Lobster

    I feel bad for those sorts, really, because I share their frustration. And it's not as if summary writing has dick and all to do with how I write my poems or my prose. It has remarkably little to do with it and if I could just have others write my summaries for me I damn well would because fuck them. I still write them though and don't bitch openly to my readers because I'd rather pretend that I'm not screeching at how unspeakably fucking awful the summary is.

    Summaries are my least favorite parts of fanfiction and I curse whatever cruel god decided they were necessary. Titles can go to fucking hell too, as far as I am concerned.
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  20. Aya-non

    Aya-non Well-Known Member

    I, personally, like writing summaries...but, ya know, I've always thought it would be cool to see what happened if you got together a bunch of fic authors and had 'em write summaries for one another's fics.

    Someone should try that. Maybe someone has and I've just not heard about it.
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