Undertale - Pet dogs and date a skeleton!

Discussion in 'Fan Town' started by Piratical, Sep 20, 2015.

  1. Wingyl

    Wingyl Allegedly Magic

    what if the argument that sparked the creation of the Mindscape was all the charas arguing over names?

    one of them dealt with being dead by compulsively naming things
    the others had a hobby of naming things beforehand

    result: they are all trying to nickname each other and fighting over who gets which nickname
    • Like x 3
  2. Wingyl

    Wingyl Allegedly Magic

    also, another AU: asriel doesn't rezz the fallen humans.

    when frisk backtracks all the way to the beginning, they decide, screw it, they're giving Azzy a little bit of their soul and seeing if that's enough to have him keep his form-after all human souls are really strong compared to monster souls, so obviously they could just shave a bit off their and give it to asriel and it'd work, right? (they give him a ninth of their soul.)

    somehow their absurd tired-small-child-logic plan works. so they're like, oh hey that worked...let's do it again for chara! suddenly boss monster chara.
    except the physical matter for chara's new form had to come from somewhere and their body is too rotted to be of use. so suddenly boss monster frisk as well, because the physical matter came from them and they turned into a monster too to survive it.

    after sorting out their clothes situation (they came back naked), frisk goes alllll the way back to new home and tries the thing again with the other fallen humans, and it works

    result: 9 boss monster children swarming the throne room
    asriel is wearing frisk's shirt as a skirt
    • Like x 8
  3. Wingyl

    Wingyl Allegedly Magic

    it feels like i'm the only one posting in here anymore, except for, very rarely, unknownanonymous
  4. Deresto

    Deresto Foolish Mortal

    Its all good stuff tho. i enjoy reading it but have a hard time thinking of stuff to add
    Last edited: Mar 24, 2017
    • Like x 5
  5. Wingyl

    Wingyl Allegedly Magic

    thank you
    • Like x 1
  6. swirlingflight

    swirlingflight inane analysis and story spinning is my passion


    You know I'm around. But I don't have things to say every day.
    • Like x 5
  7. Wingyl

    Wingyl Allegedly Magic

    i clicked the image and it turned blurry and sent me up to my previous post

    xenforo what are you doing?
  8. swirlingflight

    swirlingflight inane analysis and story spinning is my passion

    O_o what is it doing? That's a plurk emote of Alphys in the trashcan, shouldn't link to anything.
  9. Wingyl

    Wingyl Allegedly Magic

    xenforo thinks it's shrunken and if i click on it it blows it up
    but then sends me way too far up the page

    in conclusion ?????
  10. Wingyl

    Wingyl Allegedly Magic

    And now it's not doing that anymore.

    Xenforo is bizarre.
  11. Wingyl

    Wingyl Allegedly Magic

    should probably put the kindertale rambling in here, edited for readability+to remove unrelated discussion of things like spelljammer
    Wingheart-Yesterday at 12:15 PM
    i was thinking of the kindertale AU-where there's adult frisk and all the main adult monsters are kids

    sharetheworld-Yesterday at 12:16 PM
    That sounds cute

    Wingheart-Yesterday at 12:16 PM
    i was thinking of it in a way where frisk still falls into the underground
    but like...there's not enough kids to fill the roles of all the adults
    so there'd be all these kids with no parents
    and like...why is kid!toriel in the ruins?

    sharetheworld-Yesterday at 12:19 PM
    Good question

    Wingheart-Yesterday at 12:19 PM
    that seems to be a Thing in kindertale AUs that take place in the Underground

    sharetheworld-Yesterday at 12:20 PM
    I guess it makes sense- that's where she is in canon

    Wingheart-Yesterday at 12:22 PM
    i was thinking on that and figured: something happened
    like, something major-you'd only meet like...2 major adult characters
    and a lot of unattended smalls

    sharetheworld-Yesterday at 12:23 PM
    Yeah, that makes sense

    Wingheart-Yesterday at 12:23 PM
    so like...some sort of plague or something, that nearly left monsters extinct

    sharetheworld-Yesterday at 12:24 PM

    Wingheart-Yesterday at 12:25 PM
    something that mostly affected adults-maybe it worked by turning a monster's own magic against it, and children, with their weaker magic, were more likely to survive
    maybe toriel saw asriel beginning to get the symptoms and fled to the ruins, locking herself in with the surviving monsters there-all relatively weak
    maybe that's why there's a general trend of monsters getting stronger towards the barrier-the plague started in the ruins and so by the time it got to New Home people had found ways to reduce symptoms and a cure was found in time for Asriel

    sharetheworld-Yesterday at 12:27 PM
    Makes sense!

    Wingheart-Yesterday at 12:28 PM
    so Frisk falls down into an Underground where most of the adults are dead
    also-MK is the royal scientist. they made the plague cure.

    sharetheworld-Yesterday at 12:29 PM
    Not the head of the royal guard?

    Wingheart-Yesterday at 12:29 PM
    basically the problem is
    there's not many kid characters to pick from
    so it seems to be either there's a Royal Scientist or there's a head of the Royal Guard

    sharetheworld-Yesterday at 12:30 PM
    Yeah :(

    Wingheart-Yesterday at 12:33 PM
    and honestly
    i think there'd be a Royal Scientist-someone had to invent the Plague cure

    sharetheworld-Yesterday at 12:35 PM
    Yeah, that makes sense- doesn't really work otherwise

    Wingheart-Yesterday at 12:36 PM
    so. MK as the Royal Scientist
    oooh maybe their sister is Royal Guard Captain

    sharetheworld-Yesterday at 12:37 PM
    Yeah, that would be cool

    Wingheart-Yesterday at 12:37 PM
    but then there'd only be background characters to be Royal Guardspeople

    sharetheworld-Yesterday at 12:40 PM
    You could define them more, I guess?

    Wingheart-Yesterday at 12:40 PM
    of course then there's the issue of, which background characters do i ageswap?

    sharetheworld-Yesterday at 12:44 PM
    Kidgerson might be interesting?

    Wingheart-Yesterday at 12:44 PM
    hah, child turtle monster trying to run a shop

    sharetheworld-Yesterday at 12:45 PM
    Yeah ^u^

    Wingheart-Yesterday at 12:46 PM
    he's really interested in history
    he tries to tell frisk about monster history in between trying to sell them junk and/or food
    also: frisk just kind of...ending up with all these kids following them

    sharetheworld-Yesterday at 12:50 PM

    Wingheart-Yesterday at 12:51 PM
    frisk is like. "this...is not what i expected. why is this happening. i did not climb this mountain to get 6 kids."
    frisk comes out of the mountain with all these small monster children following them around like ducklings

    sharetheworld-Yesterday at 12:55 PM
    I could see it

    Wingheart-Yesterday at 12:58 PM
    frisk climbed the mountain for a reason and the reason was not to adopt children but...they wind up adopting children

    sharetheworld-Yesterday at 12:58 PM
    ...why did they climb the mountain?

    Wingheart-Yesterday at 12:58 PM
    they wanted to disappear

    sharetheworld-Yesterday at 12:59 PM
    Ah :(

    Wingheart-Yesterday at 1:01 PM
    i don't think there should be a flowey in this AU
    but there might be a chara-like, adult spirit chara following frisk around, narrating

    sharetheworld-Yesterday at 1:02 PM
    I could see that

    Wingheart-Yesterday at 1:03 PM
    really tall beanpole frisk being followed about by short chara and multiple monster children
    chara is narrating
    frisk wants to sleep

    sharetheworld-Yesterday at 1:03 PM

    Wingheart-Yesterday at 1:04 PM
    toriel leads frisk through the ruins and tries to greet them with pie
    toriel: "I didn't know what to do so i made you pie!"
    frisk: "...thanks?"

    sharetheworld-Yesterday at 1:05 PM

    Wingheart-Yesterday at 1:06 PM
    frisk just crashes in a chair
    toriel is like..."eh oldies do that"
    frisk is like 20
    toriel is Very Worried about Frisk leaving the ruins
    frisk is like...you can come too you know
    which is how frisk begins accidentally collecting children.
    frisk has this pattern of just...crashing at all these houses that have only children

    Wingheart-Yesterday at 1:25 PM
    anyway so like
    frisk keeps being invited inside and discovering that the house has no adults
    and trying to help
    and then crashing on their couch or whatever

    sharetheworld-Yesterday at 1:28 PM

    Wingheart-Yesterday at 1:28 PM
    i saw a thing where frisk fell asleep at the water cooler...this frisk would do that.
    and then get woken up by worried children.

    sharetheworld-Yesterday at 1:30 PM
    That does seem very 'frisk'

    Wingheart-Yesterday at 1:31 PM
    frisk: "i'm just gonna...sit here for a moment." [passes out at water cooler]

    sharetheworld-Yesterday at 1:33 PM
    And then everyone worries

    Wingheart-Yesterday at 1:34 PM
    that probably happens multiple times
    frisk goes to sit down somewhere and just...passes out
    frisk is tired.

    sharetheworld-Yesterday at 1:36 PM
    From all the kids?

    Wingheart-Yesterday at 1:36 PM
    partially because of so many children and partially because they were tired even before they decided to climb a mountain

    sharetheworld-Yesterday at 1:37 PM
    Ah, ok

    Wingheart-Yesterday at 1:40 PM
    more kindertale: undyne sees frisk and is like. A HUMAN! I AM GOING TO GET YOUR SOUL AND THEN WE CAN BE FREE!
    like in canon
    but unlike in canon this is small child undyne who is chasing frisk with a somewhat wobbly-edged magic spear

    sharetheworld-Yesterday at 1:42 PM
    I feel like that ends somewhat embarrassingly for her

    Wingheart-Yesterday at 1:42 PM
    it ends with her being bodily picked up by Frisk, having cold water poured on her, and then carried back to Waterfall

    sharetheworld-Yesterday at 1:43 PM
    So embarrassingly for her pride, then

    Wingheart-Yesterday at 1:43 PM
    frisk carries her all the way home like "you gave yourself heatstroke trying to kill me. rude. but i'm not letting you die you are like 8. why was i running from you in the first place you are 8."
    (frisk just kind of...panicked, picked up all 3 children following them, and booked it when undyne got out the spears at the rock crag)
    (then undyne collapsed and frisk was like...why am i running from a child?)
    (result: frisk carrying undyne back while once again being trailed by 3 children

    sharetheworld-Yesterday at 1:47 PM
    And then undyne starts following them

    Wingheart-Yesterday at 1:47 PM
    and frisk is like no. no do not follow me. i am going to hotland.
    frisk is like..."maybe don't"
    frisk wakes up at the water cooler to the 3 expected kids and 1 fully-decked-out-in-winter-gear undyne
    the winter gear is saturated
    she went swimming in the river to get the gear as cold as possible to avoid heatstroke
    frisk is very confused
    when they meet MK later MK is very confused
    when they get to Asriel Asriel is very confused
    (frisk falls asleep in his garden)

    sharetheworld-Yesterday at 1:56 PM
    Figures they do

    Wingheart-Yesterday at 2:00 PM
    frisk falls asleep pretty much anywhere they sit for more than a minute
    they are like an exhausted cat
    when they get to the surface they have like...so much paperwork

    sharetheworld-Yesterday at 2:03 PM
    To adopt all those kids?

    Wingheart-Yesterday at 2:03 PM
    mostly because they'd been declared dead on account of climbing up Mt Ebott

    sharetheworld-Yesterday at 2:04 PM
    Makes sense

    Wingheart-Yesterday at 2:04 PM
    "they willingly went up there? they're dead for sure"
    frisk, several days later: "surprise i aten't dead"
    "just really tired"
    "also i suddenly either have 6 kids or 4 kids and 2 niblings, i dunno what is happening"
    • Like x 10
  12. swirlingflight

    swirlingflight inane analysis and story spinning is my passion

    So in preparation of some jokey things with Papyrus in a dw game, I was searching around the game sprites for the unique things in his "TOTALLY REGULAR ATTACK."



    All the bones he uses in the regular pattern attacks use the neat, symmetrical sprites. The more creative things he pulls off, where the design is more complicated and meant to look like something, they get rougher and less symmetrical. It would have been pretty easy for Toby to make the regular attack less symmetrical, or these ones a little more, so deliberate design choice.

    Worldbuilding tells us about "bullet pattern birthday cards," which go completely unexplained and undemonstrated but I figure are like using a hole punch on a piece of paper or something, summoning the attacks on a small scale right in the paper to leave their shapes in it.

    Papyrus does these things, Blooky creates that hat and asks what we think... after those two I get stuck. Do we get the chance to see anyone else using magic in just plain fun ways that can't kill us? (Papyrus uses his control to only being us to 1 and capture us, Blooky makes their hat by crying outside the fight screen.)

    Mostly, I'm wondering if pulling that kind of creative design in battle takes unusual control, and most people take a little more time making art with magic, and that's why Papyrus' bones get rough there... Or if there's something else to it.
    Last edited: Mar 26, 2017
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  13. unknownanonymous

    unknownanonymous i am inimitable, i am an original|18+

    sans' teleporting, the fire in toriel's hearth

    those examples aren't from battles but they might count

    there's also the green healing magic some monsters use in battles (which does the opposite of kill us if we manage to catch it), the green approach on tsundereplane, rg2's green armor (those last two might not be magic, though), making the soul blue (that can lead to death but technically it can't kill all by itself)
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  14. swirlingflight

    swirlingflight inane analysis and story spinning is my passion

    Oops, yeah. Sans teleporting us after we give him the password totally counts as fun stuff.

    Toriel's fireplace is the kind of using magic for day to day life, since only some monsters have fire magic themselves... Not battle, but a useful reminder that no, really, their magic isn't just for attacking.

    Green magic as healing is battle speed stuff, and monster from vegetoid to woshua use it. It seems like they do something special to their magic to make it good for us. Vulkin thinks they can too, but, well... too busy going ^u^ and stuff to notice it's not green. Which reinforces that white, hurts you if it hits you, is the default for everyone.

    Green indicator markings, like with rg2 and tsunderplane... IDK what to categorize those as either.
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  15. unknownanonymous

    unknownanonymous i am inimitable, i am an original|18+

    yeah. they seem like they might just be helpful hints for the player, not magic that the monsters are actually using.

    and the green magic undyne gives us as a shield technically protects us, though it also prevents us from fleeing when it's on, though undyne is plannng on killing us anyway. and it might be possible for muffet to use her purple magic in a way that's not deadly at all, though i'm not totally sure about that. the justice shooter alphys gives us only does stuff to magic and metatton's body, not anything to anyone's hp.

    but yeah, it's hard to think of playful, non-lethal things that i'm a 100% sure are monster magic.
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  16. unknownanonymous

    unknownanonymous i am inimitable, i am an original|18+

    if monsters initiating the fight box (minus the controls) and then talking instead without allowing any fighting counts as magic, it was done during the storytelling on the way to asgore. it likely is just a storytelling tool, to allow for more expressiveness and fullbodies and multiple people talking at once, but it could be magic instead.
    • Like x 2
  17. swirlingflight

    swirlingflight inane analysis and story spinning is my passion

    Oooh, right! Undyne pings us green so we can't move away, just swivel in place... and, the take I like best is, she tosses us a spouse to use for deflecting, but sure she's gonna kill us but she's at least making sure we have a fighting chance.

    Alphas's lent yellow magic "peashooter" is weak enough to bounce off Mettaton's form, but manages to hurt his soul itself. I suspect that's because, with his body partly powered by her magic, and the peashooter firing little books of her magic, her own magic can't pass through her own magic. You know? Hmm. But that doesn't quite work, because the yellow attacks also work on bullets like the parasol mini-mettatons and the empty boxes and the bombs. :|a I arrived at the conclusion it's a weak attack for the game I apped her to, anyway...
    • Like x 5
  18. unknownanonymous

    unknownanonymous i am inimitable, i am an original|18+

    "Alphys! Shield the HUMAN!"
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  19. swirlingflight

    swirlingflight inane analysis and story spinning is my passion

    Hahaha tempted to not even fix that typo now
    • Like x 4
  20. garden

    garden lucid dreamer

    @Wingyl oh my gosh i love those kindertale ideas, especially exhausted frisk falling asleep whenever they stop to rest and all these children being Concerned
    • Like x 2
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