look upon these quirks, ye mighty, and despair

Discussion in 'General Chatter' started by esotericPrognosticator, Mar 25, 2017.

  1. esotericPrognosticator

    esotericPrognosticator still really excited about kobolds tbqh

    SO appropriated Percy Shelley quotes aside, this is a thread for discussion of and discussion in Homestuck or Homestuck-style typing quirks, as conceived in these posts:
    so! quirks! who's who, who are you, and what are the really neat ones you've come up with for your fantrolls? and if you're suddenly craving an unnecessarily difficult conversation in-quirk but out of character, then, well, here's the thread for you! such eccentricities will be tolerated and, dare I say, relished.

    (I'd be quirking, but I need a consensus as to what my quirk should be. what if I've picked the wrong one??)
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  2. Sethrial MacCoill

    Sethrial MacCoill Attempts were made

    my fav two fantroll quirks i've come up with were doubling and occasionally tripling Ss for a snake themed troll (Assssessss is a fun word to type) and refusing to use periods. all other forms of punctuation were acceptable, but no periods. he seemed really excited at all times.
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  3. artistformerlyknownasdave

    artistformerlyknownasdave revenge of ricky schrödinger

    how dare you call me a cheating cheater capslock is incredibly difficult >:0

    (i kid)

    i could probably do my troll!misto's quirk because it's demonic and i regret it, or a different sort of challenge would be making everyday conversation sound karkatty ;0 (i kid again...mostly)
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  4. turtleDove

    turtleDove Well-Known Member

    Ahaha, okay, so - I've got four fantroll quirks, off the top of my head (it started out as two, and then I remembered more, please send help). The first is Zeimah's, and it's lIterally jUst uPcapping tHe sEcond lEtter oF eVery wOrd. If the word has only two letters to it and the first letter should be upcapped, she will refrain from upcapping the first letter to avoid it looking like she's shouting.

    The second is Aveeno, who is fucking insane *nd r*pl*c*s *v*ry v*w*l w*th *n *st*r*sk *xc*pt s*m*t*m*s '*'. (Translation: and replaces every vowel with an asterisk except sometimes 'y'.) Because 'y' is only sometimes a vowel. His quirk is as obnoxiously difficult to read as he could make it, although he'll make concessions and drop quirk if he needs to get information across quickly.

    The third is Ileena, and in her original setting, she spoke with extreme precision and replaced all 'u's with 'v's for typographical archaicness. In her current setting, she's got too much to worry about to fuss with quirks.

    The fourth is Allyss, and she has a lisp that she carries over into even her text. Which meanth that thee typeth thingth the way it'd thound when thee thayth them.

    It's a toss-up between whether Aveeno or Allyss is the more obnoxious one to type quirked. Aveeno's definitely winning in terms of how obnoxious it is to read; I usually have to provide a running translation for him, OOC.
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  5. Aondeug

    Aondeug Cringe Annoying Ass Female Lobster

    S- f-r my -ne Handmaid bl--dswap I used this quirk. Substituti-n -f all O's with -'s. Als- the w-rds "subtracti-n" and "subtract" are als- just spelled as - n-rmally. S- y-u can have sentences like "Y-u - 2 fr-m 2 and get 0". The quirk was b-rn because she was the sessi-n's V-id player. Als- -bsessed with finding and making a Phil-s-pher's St-ne equivalent and making s-mething -ut -f n-thing.

    The Mindfang fr69m the same bl6969dswap meanwhile used this ung69dly quirk, wherein every O was swapped with 69. It was h69rrible and I regretted it immediately but by then it was t6969 late. We were stuck with this fucking shit. Als69 69ccasi69nally b69th she and the Handmaid w69uld type in Arabic because they b69th speak tr69ll Arabic.

    Then. There's the Dolorosa. I guess. Whose quirk involved using periods instead of commas. Persistently. oh and also she doesn't capitalize initial o's at all. You may note a theme here. And that theme is o based quirks. Because everyone with the o quirks are troll married to Mindfang. Who also has an o quirk. This quirk was picked due to this swap's Porrim being very. Very awkward and beset by confidence issues. Also. She's highly contrarian and rebellion. Just for the sake of it. oh. She also didn't type in Arabic script. But instead awful. Awful chat Arabic. Which if you don't know looks like this: 9aba7 al5air.
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  6. Aondeug

    Aondeug Cringe Annoying Ass Female Lobster

    I never did come up with a quirk for the Condesce meanwhile. At least not that I recall. I think a friend and I decided she used like horrible fucking pirate speech instead? So all her of's came out as o'. Thus somehow just barely adhering to my o quirk theme for Mindfang's wives.
  7. shmeed

    shmeed plant me

    50M371M37H 1 JU57 W4N7 70 7YP3 L1K3 M17UN4 C4PT0R F04 N0 G00D R4350N
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  8. context-free anon

    context-free anon Well-Known Member

    Y0U D0N'7 N33D 4 G00D R3450N 70 7YP3 L1K3 M17UN4 C4P70R
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    • Agree x 1
  9. unknownanonymous

    unknownanonymous i am inimitable, i am an original|18+

    i don't know if sans, PAPYRUS, GASTER and temmie count as having homestuck-style quirks, but i like that it is at least sorta a thing in undertale too
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  10. palindromordnilap

    palindromordnilap Well-Known Member

    THanks to autocorrrect and typing isssues, I already know mine would involve the first two lettters of each line being capitalized and an extra lettter being addded to each double lettter.
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  11. context-free anon

    context-free anon Well-Known Member

    also ! ()|\|(3 (/\|\/|3 !_!|* \/\/!+|-| /\ |=/\|\|+|2()|_|_ \/\/|-|() +*/|*3|) |_!|<3 +|-|!$

    their trolltag was hemicraniaContinua
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  12. Jean

    Jean Let’s stop procrastinating -- tomorrow!

    I have a character who replaces his i's with ' 's l'ke th's and doesn't use actual apostrophes. ' feel l'ke ' fell down somewhere compared to all these 'mpress've qu'rks you guys have come up w'th, though. W'th troll qu'rks unreadability 's a mark of accompl'shment, ' th'nk.
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  13. blue

    blue hightown funk you up

    chanye the ancient hyena-themed fantroll inserted - hehehe - laughter randomly in the middle of her sentences.. and there was maybe something else too but i don't remember? aAnd corAvi caAwed everything.

    @garden and i were discussing quirks for ASOUE characters at some point recently and i was amused but i'm tired and don't remember any of them right now. : P
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  14. swirlingflight

    swirlingflight inane analysis and story spinning is my passion

    I've made a few trolls.
    The most difficult one
    Speaks just in haiku...

    Syllable count-wise.
    An entertaining challenge
    That really sticks out.

    another tro11 wa5 durian agripa
    lowerca5e and 6arely punctate5
    5wap5 out the letter5 ive ju5t demon5trated
    >- make5 thi5 5hape for 6u11et li5t5 and green texting
    6lue 6looded lo5er to 6e perfectly hone5t
    lazy and Entitled
    and like5 to capitalize the fir5t letter for Important Idea5
    he didnt much 5tart 5hit to pick fight5 with hi5 peer5
    actua11y he wa5 5o far out of the loop of local revenge cycle5 that he didnt know a6out how 6ad theyd gotten until they.
    hi5 fucking.
    hive down.
    and it wa5nt even Per5onal they ju5t 6urned the whole fore5t!!
    5o then he gathered a5 much of hi5 5hit a5 he could and 6ooked it outta there
    hi5 fox lu5u5 wa5 Thri11ed at the excu5e to fina11y get him in the world around them in5tead of on the computer a11 the time
    joke5 on foxdad tho
    durian ju5t looked for 'a6andoned' hive5 of the recently decea5ed and camped out there
    until 5ome6ody el5e came along wanting to 5quat and looking ready to fight a6out it
    i played him in a 5ma11 game where other tro115 and human5 got to "play" 5GRU6
    he mo5tly
    >- ha55led other5 to do work for him
    >- alchemized 5nack5
    in a11 hone5ty i made him during the wor5t part of my depre55ed down5wing
    and 5ti11 living with my parent5
    5o there wa5 a lot of 5ad 5elf in5erting going on

    !My last major troll was NOCTUA KALIUM!
    .She was a hyper brown blood and more than a bit flight.
    (.It's a pun, she's raised by a bird.)
    (.Also supposed to develop enough telekinesis for flying.)
    (؟!Gliding is okay, and using a support thing like an airbender makes the difference so she can live high on a mountain, but it's not FLYING you know!?)
    !She prefaced every line with its ending punctuation!
    .Nice and symmetrical, just like her symbol.
    !!And capitalized stuff, especially when excited!!
    .A pretty simple quirk, aside from having the question mark.
    ...Honestly I didn't play her as long or as well as Durian...
    .Her background was kind of a mess for me to keep track of enough to build on.
    !And I don't know MMOs well enough to have done as much with the start of the game as I wanted to!
    (.Yeah, another where I made the character to join a game.)
    .I'm wondering now if I could repurpose her into a D&D5e orc wizard.
    !!The evocer specialist sort!!
    ؟What's that got to do with telekinesis? !Nothing!
    !!!...But explosions are AWESOME...!!!
    !Loud noises are awesome!
    !!If she were in the Harry Potter universe, she'd send Howlers all the time!!
    .She settles for sending people screamers instead.
    ...And they're as much a thing for her, with her C4 color and her fuse modus and her constant punctuation...
    !As her art (spray paint tagging) was supposed to be!
    .But that, like her many ex favorite shows and movies and things, fell into dusty disuse.
    .In and out of character.
    !She was meant to be the sort who loses interest of things and people in favor of the new, noisy, and shiny things!
    !!And for her prolonged interest in the mmo to be because of her hopefully-soon kismesis inviting her to it!!
    .But that was an NPC I had in the background who I didn't flesh out enough.
    .Knew the seadweller felt a sorta disdainful, conflicted pale, if anything, for this airy hothead.
    .Maybe ash.
    .Something of meddling and riling, mostly the urge to sit on this idiot and ground her.
    ...Noctua was, likewise, a reflection ofhow I was feeling about myself at the time...
    .When the feeling changed, I lost the character voice.
    .Shit happens.
    !I could make a redux version, and might do so!
    .Just haven't had much cause to.
    Last edited: Mar 26, 2017
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  15. garden

    garden lucid dreamer

    from what i can remember:
    -olaf would switch his quirk with every disguise but would consistently fail to hide his constant spelling errors
    -monty would double his 's's for a ssnake theme
    -josephine would be constantly *correcting people's spelling or grammar
    -esme would switch to a new quirk about every 5 minutes to match something that was "in"
    -captain widdershins inserted a clap emoji (or just an emoji) after every sentence, to represent how he says "Aye!" after damn near every sentence
    -the baudelaire children have no typing quirks and are befuddled and bewildered by the quirks of all the adults they meet.
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  16. Codeless

    Codeless Cheshire Cat

    Ok guys, gimme a quirk. Homestuck and Undertale are both fair game. However, I am excluding Nepeta for being too easy.
  17. esotericPrognosticator

    esotericPrognosticator still really excited about kobolds tbqh

    my favorite | & in♩u♭ita♭ly the most complicate♩| fantroll quirk i have create♩ is for my operatic troll | aka the one looking srs in my icon | aka saikym auigne || it's a ♭itch to type | ♭ecause a lot of the sym♭ols have to ♭e copy-paste♩| & the musical theory references may ♭e overly complex |♭ut it sure as hell looks cool when it's ♩one || they punctuate only with ♭arlines in place of commas ( | ) & final ♭arlines ( || ) in place of perio♩s | with no exclamation or question marks | ♭ut they ♩o use fermatas to in♩icate when they're trailing off... || they only use capitals when they're excite♩ | & they in♩icate the transition with <CRESCENDOS & DECRESCENDOS> || & finally they use the ♭ass clef to in♩icate their horns in their smileys | which are <ADORABLE> | if i ♩o say so myself (:C ||

    edit after previewing: AUGH FUCK THE STUPID FCKIN FORUM SOFTWARE WON'T DISPLAY MOST OF THE SYMBOLS?? HELLO?? THEY ARE UNICODE??? GET WITH THE PROGRAM???? [sighs deeply] but that's an approximation, I suPPOSE, except the ampersands are meant to be treble clefs, the ellipses are meant to be three fermatas, the angle brackets are meant to be the longer crescendo and decrescendo symbols, and the ":C" in the smiley is meant to be a bass clef.
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  18. Saro

    Saro Where is wizard hut

    Salifi has pretty okay grammar but tends to ramble (plus use parenthetical statements), and used the chemical symbols for sodium and chlorine wherever they appear (so, for example, acclaim would be acClaim, unnatural would be unNatural, etc.)

    Also uses science terminology and associated abbreviations

    No termiNal periods
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  19. esotericPrognosticator

    esotericPrognosticator still really excited about kobolds tbqh

    @Codeless Equius? I always find Equius' surprisingly hard to maintain.

    edit: or did you mean "easy" as in "too obviously matches my persona"?
    Last edited: Mar 26, 2017
  20. Codeless

    Codeless Cheshire Cat

    The latter. It´s the first thing people think of with me and I don´t MIND but I´l like a surprise.
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