Discussion in 'Fan Town' started by itsAlana, Aug 28, 2015.

  1. Codeless

    Codeless Cheshire Cat

    Why would you make the bird blocky? Why?
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  2. spockandawe

    spockandawe soft and woolen and writhing with curiosity

    Eldritch Tailgate!!!


    Awright, I'm okay with this new development again, if only because it will upset other people within the setting, so I get to enjoy their suffering
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  3. spockandawe

    spockandawe soft and woolen and writhing with curiosity

    As far as I know, it's preeeeeetty close to his old design (except for the way the proportions are so D:), and some blockiness shows up in flashback things. But this isn't flashing back, this is in the present where he is GORGEOUS and flawless and needs to be adored (and I genuinely don't understand how someone could choose between the old design and his current design and decide they want to draw the old one)
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  4. coldstars

    coldstars get Jazzy on it

    Eldritch Tailgate deserves more tentacles, not...yaoi hands ;-;
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  5. Codeless

    Codeless Cheshire Cat

    That would be like going from Sarah Stone Starscream to g1 Starscream. Why?

    (Also what gened and colours does that derg have?)
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  6. spockandawe

    spockandawe soft and woolen and writhing with curiosity

    Ice/cornflower/white, petals/butterfly/glimmer
    , but also with a nice little... shadow? accent thrown on top of it all, because I had it sitting in my hoard and had never gotten to use it before (i don't care much for faes), and eldritch Tailgate is my favorite. I have a shameful number of transformers dragons, and my current goal is to slap a pretty/fitting accent onto every single one of them :P
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  7. Petra

    Petra space case

    He's a pretty baby.

    And honestly I've been liking how Tailgate is getting kind of unsettling in canon because it's a good example of like, emotional impulsiveness and lack of experience not being only cute traits. Maybe it's cuter when he's small and relatively weak but when he's small and an ABSOLUTE POWERHOUSE suddenly it can be scary! And part of that is that Tailgate is very used to being small and relatively weak, I think? He's not used to being a legitimate physical threat to people when he's just doing everyday things.
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  8. spockandawe

    spockandawe soft and woolen and writhing with curiosity

    And he's used to being someone who's kind of a step behind, who's easy to take advantage of, who came right out the gate lying about his past because he has real issues with who he is. He made some steps in a positive direction, backing off on the lies about his history, putting the waste disposal thing back on his arm, etc. And then along comes Getaway to abuse his trust like WHOA and take advantage of his sweet accommodating nature. Even before he knew about his e%quisite STRENGTH, he came out of that experience angry. And now that he's strong... well, he's going to be that much less receptive to people guiding him from the outside, he's going to be less willing to let people protect and help him, because HE'S strong enough to protect people now, thankyouverymuch, and he's sick of people thinking he doesn't have his own autonomy.

    I'm not at all surprised he's getting snappy even with Cyclonus, I'm pretty delighted by this development, because it's such a logical step in his emotions, but when you've got a naturally sweet character and bad things happen to them, it's a piece of reaction that a lot of creators just... glide past. And Tailgate isn't able to just push back verbally either, he's all swole and junk, he is taking control of his life back, STOP TRYING TO TELL HIM WHAT TO DO. And Cyclonus is probably one of the best people who could articulate why restraint and control is so important, he cares enough about Tailgate to be patient while Tailgate is being difficult, and he cares enough about Tailgate to actually dig in far enough to try to explain and help, past his own difficulties with expressing his feelings.

    I've got veryvery many emotions about all this. Little things where Tailgate just burns over how he doesn't keep up, how people expect things he can't quite do, how he misses little things and messes up, how easy it is for someone to reach in and steer him. He gets openly upset about being left in a spot where he told a ship full of autobots that he wanted to be a decepticon. He's upset over how... aggressively Rodimus and company made their counterargument, and the scope of everything he didn't know when he embarrassed himself. He calls Chromedome 'Domey' and gets shut down. He set himself up by claiming to be a bomb disposal expert, but now he has to actualy dispose of a bomb, and oh god he's boxed himself in, there's no way out of this without disappointing someone, and lives are at stake, this is all his fault. And Getaway. Just a brutal thing for someone as sweet and trusting as Tailgate to experience, but that's why he was chosen for it.

    So yes, I am intensely happy that this is where his character went, how alarming it is to see this emotional reaction, alongside that out of control strength, alongside his inexperience with that kind of power or the stakes that go along with it. I think with Cyclonus he's got a good chance of coming out the other side without taking too many more hits, but Cyclonus is probably going to absorb some nasty hits from Tailgate before things even out. Tailgate still hasn't forgotten the way Cyclonus hurt him at first, both the decepticon thing and the actual literal kicking. The kicking is referenced as late in the game as issue 33 or so. From that, Tailgate definitely knows how much it sucks to be hurt by someone for no decent reason, other than them taking out their anger on him. And once his emotions steady out a little here, he's going to have to process the way he's literally hurt other people without proper cause, the nasty things he's said to Cyclonus, and I'm not sure Cyclonus is getting away from this without taking some physical damage too (I'm kind of thinking the last page of issue whatever has something to do with tailgate. what? i dunno, but it seems like a likely connection). All such good stuff. And then Tailgate has the balance of having been hurt and being able to hurt others, both in pretty serious ways. CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT, i love it
    Last edited: Mar 26, 2017
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  9. Petra

    Petra space case

    I would hope this stops people infantilizing Tailgate.
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  10. coldstars

    coldstars get Jazzy on it

    Good thing he's the most resilient dude ever forged! /montage of all the times Cyclonus has nearly died/gotten blown up/ Seriously, Cyclonus, what are you made of?
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  11. Petra

    Petra space case

    Dead universe.
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  12. spockandawe

    spockandawe soft and woolen and writhing with curiosity

    But he told Velocity he felt old and tired. I am still le worried :<

    And also!!! I was poking through more comic issues, and in the fuss of EVERYTHING, I forgot Rung was part of the guilt whatsit


    And by that I mean he was a vague, cagey motherfucker who dodged like whoa and oh my god, TELL ME YOUR SECRETS. I want to know what rung was so upset over, I neeeeeeed to know :(((((
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  13. Petra

    Petra space case

    I will note we only learn things about Rung when other people say it themselves. And I think that's happened a few times specifically to hurt Rung, directly or indirectly? The scene we got with Froid before things broke bad was legitimately the most we'd learned about Rung's past in the YEARS the comic had been going. A single scene!
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  14. Petra

    Petra space case

    The other scene I can think of where we genuinely learned some shit about Rung is the hostage scene early on, Rung forgiving Fort Max (revealed he'd been through a LOT of shit to develop his forgiveness skills), aaand... when we saw his alt, I think.
  15. spockandawe

    spockandawe soft and woolen and writhing with curiosity

    Heyyyyy, why would I want to be sleeping or anything. But I'm feeling the rhythm of these things again

    answering (rodimus).jpg


    rentmoney (megatron starscream rid return).jpg

    machine (swindle).jpg


    sadstory (tailgate).jpg
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  16. spockandawe

    spockandawe soft and woolen and writhing with curiosity

    So JRO said the thing on twitter about sometimes Pharma catches himself off guard and hates what he's become. Pharma's not on the screen that much, so we don't get to see too-too much not-being-awful depth out of him, what we get is mostly via Ratchet or out of the comic from JRO. And then there's this tiny piece of canon. The plot here is moving at breakneck speed and we've got character moments for two main characters happening, so I'm not surprised this never quite clicked in my head, but I am SO DELIGHTED TO SPOT IT NOW. Pharma brushes off the character thing and leaves the screen. Then Rung clarifies the character thing, while he and Skids have character things of their own, but unless you backtrack, it's so easy to miss filling in the gaps between that statement and what Pharma said earlier.

    (and it makes me so happy to have this comic that I have read to hell and back, and instead of getting tired of it and bored, there are still new things in there for me to find and love)

    pharma guilt.jpg

    I love this, I love him, he's awful and delightful and hiding guilt/anguish/self-reproach, I love it
    Last edited: Mar 27, 2017
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  17. spockandawe

    spockandawe soft and woolen and writhing with curiosity

    Wait, WAIT, and this is literally the very next thing that happens in the comic. They've just outright told us that Pharma feels too guilty to pass through an aequitas-type barrier. And then he plays out this shameless bit of nastiness, in direct contrast to what we were just told.

    pharma guilt 2.jpg

    He feels too guilty to pass, he sometimes catches himself off-guard and hates what he's become. But when someone confronts him directly, he just doubles down on every bad thing he's done. If we want to go into pride things, it could tie into that. Or it could be something like Whirl where WELP, everything is irredeemably ruined, so why even bother trying to make it better. Or both! Both is good. Maybe with a pinch of guilt playing into the way he provokes First Aid. This could have all kinds of flavors to it and I just want to know MORE. He's so terrible, and also I ache for him. I've got so many feelings right now, this isn't how I meant to spend my evening ;-;
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  18. Verily

    Verily surprised Xue Yang peddler

    So last time I had a chance to sit down and read comics I said I thought Rodimus was about to do something cool, and Spock said yes. And yay! Rodimus did get to be cool!

    He ends up on Hellmurder Planet with some aliens and Wheelie. The aliens are trying to escape into space. One of them attempts to convince Rodimus to leave Wheelie behind, as he seems to have gone totally nuts.


    ....Is that a faint glimmer of self-awareness? I mean, he's always had baggage about leaving people behind in this continuity, but so far in the ongoing it was like he forgot to care.


    Daaamn, careful with all this self-awareness or you may stumble into some actual character development.

    Rodimus even attempts to apologize to Ironhide for his role in getting him killed. Ironhide has no clue what he's talking about because he was resurrected from much earlier in the timeline (yay comics). Sunstreaker frantically gestures to Rodimus to shut up:


    Included because I thought it was funny. Sunstreaker, I wish you specifically would maybe not use that particular gesture. It makes me nervous. D:

    Then they all go to earth, including green muscle alien and Bob the Insecticon. Rodimus gives Optimus the Matrix, and Optimus renames him Rodimus officially, which is way better than letting Swindle rename you. I'm relieved they remembered that Rodimus isn't Starscream and didn't have him attempt to use the Matrix to seize power.

    Instead, almost everyone gets to be happy for once, which is a very nice change. Even Mirage and Sunstreaker hug it out. Dawwww.


    Is this the end of everyone being a total dick all the time for no reason?
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  19. Exohedron

    Exohedron Doesn't like words

    In that brief hour.
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  20. Verily

    Verily surprised Xue Yang peddler

    Not being total dicks for an hour is still better than always being total dicks forever!
    • Like x 3
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