Shitposting Rave OOC Content Controversy

Discussion in 'It's Galley's Turn' started by cleverThylacine, Mar 25, 2017.

  1. cleverThylacine

    cleverThylacine cuddles for the weird and the fierce

    oh yeah and this

    6) Don't make us watch you commit torture of either animals or people and say it's OK because you did it to an NPC you control and not one of our characters. I am okay with the wiggler eating kittens because it doesn't know any better and it's spoilered, even though it kinda does bother me. Just like I hope most of you are OK with the thylacines hunting rabbits. But jesus holy fuck if it's not fucking natural behaviour being performed by an animal or a child that doesn't know better, it is not fucking okay.
  2. The Alkahest

    The Alkahest The Demoness of Sector 3066

    Ok thank you. Sorry about freaking out. Things have just been rough lately and what not. Bluh.
  3. TwoBrokenMirrors

    TwoBrokenMirrors onion hydration

    -patpatpatpat- I getcha. Tea or other hot beverage of choice will help.
  4. Striped Stocking

    Striped Stocking Fashionable legwear

    Perhaps report this thread to get it moved to FID; would that be acceptable to everyone?
  5. cleverThylacine

    cleverThylacine cuddles for the weird and the fierce

    Basically my problem with the rave is that people keep using "rave magic" as an excuse to do horrible things that everyone else has to put up with that wouldn't fly in another game because either the GM would say "fuck no stop that shit" or the other characters would put a stop to it. Rave magic should not be used to allow consequence-free horrible gross nonconsensually sadistic behaviour that everyone else has to either pretend to ignore or pretend to be fine with.
    • Agree x 1
  6. cleverThylacine

    cleverThylacine cuddles for the weird and the fierce

  7. The Alkahest

    The Alkahest The Demoness of Sector 3066

    Thank you.
  8. TwoBrokenMirrors

    TwoBrokenMirrors onion hydration

    Moving the thread back to Galley's Turn but keeping it as its own thread would probably work.
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  9. Striped Stocking

    Striped Stocking Fashionable legwear

    Alternately, Move it back to Galleys turn as it´s own thread?
    Ok so you mentioned a few incidents as examples, as comparison how violent would you consider the time we had Triage and Sawbones patch someone up in a fair amount of detail? (If they had been human it would have been fairly bloody, and we´re treating humans same as robots here.)
    Another example, would gross medical stories as can be found on several sites for such be too much?

    (I´m asking to figure out where you put the boundaries, not trying to fight you on them.)
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  10. TwoBrokenMirrors

    TwoBrokenMirrors onion hydration

    I've reported the thread asking for it to be moved back to Galley's Turn but kept separate.
  11. IvyLB

    IvyLB Hardcore Vigilante Gay Chicken Facilitator

  12. cleverThylacine

    cleverThylacine cuddles for the weird and the fierce

    My problem is being forced to watch torture all the time. I work in a hospital and I take minutes for the Trauma QC committee. If you're trying to help someone, you aren't contributing to my problems.


    I don't mind people discussing their past awful experiences either.

    I mind having to deal with people who enjoy hurting people in ways that they don't want to be hurt for fun and being expected to not care. Not being able to stop powerful people from hurting others in front of me is actually kind of triggering even if my character flat out didn't see it, and when my character and I are both triggered at once I have a brain full of murdercat.

    I am actually surprised that's not a more common trigger even though I didn't think of it as one until just now. It's not uncommon for abusers to threaten pets and smaller children after all.

    In games where there is meaningful combat, there is not such a feeling of utter helplessness to make it stop. It can even be cathartic and fun to kill and/or drag off to jail a person like that.

    I'm also really angry at being made to feel that I'm weird for thinking torture is more upsetting than dick. :/
  13. seebs

    seebs Benevolent Dictator

    Okay, MOD SCIENCE time, I'm moving this back to Galley's Turn from TCHGB because some people can't see TCHGB for mental health reasons.

    But please do remember, part of that is that people can have a hard time with the Fight Thread tone, so please make an effort to keep things a little mellower maybe? Like, if you agree with something, and disagree with another thing, point out the agreement so people don't feel quite as attacked, stuff like that?
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  14. Mendacity

    Mendacity I’m meaner than my demons

    I don't like the hurting of pets thing. It's a trigger for multiple reasons but one thing I want to say:
    I run Blume!Marcus, and he is a HORRID person but I'm playing him very toned down from his actual roots. He's fun to play because while horrid he still has redeeming qualities. If I EVER go over a line please let me know, especially with Blume!Marcus (@Mr. Holloway is the actual account ). If anyone wants to fight him feel free because I like 'bad guys' being in spaces to be punched.

    That saying there are few characters that I've seen in the rave that play a villain roll without dipping into the 'too far seeming too edgy for you' shit. That's part of why I brought Blume!Marcus in, he's there to be an antagonist. One that is a person and has issues and honestly just needs friends but an antagonist.

    I'm saying this because I feel like cruel content and mentions of cruelty are fine! And I don't think cT is saying that they're not fine, it's just there's a line. For me the line is crossed when we're not allowing other characters to react or try to stop things like this, basically if you bring a shithole in try to be considerate and realize that someone's going to curb stomp them if they're too shitty. Play an asshole / villain? Prepare to have that character hated.
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  15. cleverThylacine

    cleverThylacine cuddles for the weird and the fierce

    Incidentally, if we are going to accept hearsay regarding John leaving over peen, there are other people who left SPR or greatly reduced participation due to issues with fightiness, unstoppable cruelty and too many characters who enjoy being fucking assholes.
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  16. Codeless

    Codeless Cheshire Cat

    I play Starscream, who is not really a nice person. I try to keep him out of conflicts and play him as being essentially on his lunchbreak and therefore can´t be bothered with picking fights because well, I don´t want to fight people as Starscream. (Part of my playing him in the SPR is shameless wish fulfillment of let Starscream have nice things.)

    I also brought in mis in part because mis are not terribly moral creatures, and I wanted for other people who play villains/assholes but don´t want to play conflict just them, to be able to have their problematic child just pet a fluffy kitty creature if they want.

    I would like it if there´s not something horrific happening, if characters that don´t get on could be allowed to not see or ignore each other if they players don´t want to play out the conflict.
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  17. Codeless

    Codeless Cheshire Cat

    I personally still consider that hearsay (Re: John) unsubstantiated.
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  18. cleverThylacine

    cleverThylacine cuddles for the weird and the fierce

    I enjoy Starscream, too.
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  19. cleverThylacine

    cleverThylacine cuddles for the weird and the fierce

    Me too. My hearsay is based on things people actually said to me but there's no reason anyone else should consider it substantiated. It's just personally annoying to me because those are people I like.
  20. Aondeug

    Aondeug Cringe Annoying Ass Female Lobster

    Yay it was moved. Thank you for moving it and thank you people who asked for it to be moved. Again sorry about that.

    Since I'm the player who is behind Greshan I feel that I have to talk about him. I feel that cruelty and cruel content is fine. I want a place in which I can play characters who are cruel. However, there are some principles I try to keep in mind when playing him. First off, he is being significantly toned down. Part of that is because, yes, he's a coat but he's not entirely free to be too shitty. There's some shit that he could theoretically still get away with even as a coat, and I personally don't allow him to have the power to do that because I feel that is going too far in a setting like this. He needs limits. One such limit, for the curious, is that he isn't able to mind control people in the rave. Which is a power he canonically has in the books. He's tried it once with a Cronus, but that failed pretty terribly and even then I didn't just have him show up and be like AND NOW I OWN YOU BITCH. Secondly, I do try to allow people to actually react to him and shut his shit down. I'm fine with people getting pissy at and fighting with awful characters I play. All I ask is that we don't move into the reverse problem, wherein my freedom is entirely removed to react. Which at the least with Greshan and my others means do not kill them and do not try to keep the character entirely out of things by being perpetually shitty to them. The latter is kind of a hard thing to explain, but I just feel that there is a point wherein we move past reacting and into actively attempting to silence people. I haven't really had this issue here per se, but I have seen it happen elsewhere with rp. So I guess it is a fear I have of happening? Basically. Yes. I do want to clarify that I'm fine with the amount of resistance my characters have gotten and that I don't feel it's crossing a line into being like actively unpleasant. Just. Concerns? Concerns. Please do hate them and fight back against them though. I don't want a free card to be a dick and that's not right to others.

    As far as things like Mara are concerned I really don't mind having them around nor do I really feel they need to be censored at all. They fall into a sort of jokey context that I feel is clear enough that it doesn't bug people. However things like the rape dolphin and zombie robot torture porn I do feel we've crossed a line in that we're entering definitely dead dove content. I do not, in any fashion, buy dead dove not being inherently nsfw. With that sort of shit I am fine with spoilering.

    I'm not really fine with spoilering comments related to the function of genitals and sex in general, though. I've already said that I'm not going to spoil things like the James running off to fuck a Tori and I'm going to stand by that unless absolutely forced. That is to say we would have to add a clear rule to the rave for me to agree to spoilering it in general. Personally I'm rating frank discussion of how cat dicks as lower on the THIS IS BAD AND MUST BE SPOILERED scale than things like zombie robot torture porn. Much lower. It's something that I don't think needs to be spoilered on a PG-13 level. Like just in terms of my personal standards. Ivylb's chart thing I think is important in this regard because there was like a point about intensity on the thing? And that for me is a big part of why the cat dick thing is fine, but not zombie robot torture porn. Sheer intensity of the thing.

    As far as things that actively upset me, most of mine are weird stupid things like tickling and I really don't want those things spoilered. I will not mention any of the others that could potentially set me off because, again, I really don't want them spoilered or for people not to do them. I find there being a rule that we spoiler things and not have VERY CLEAR CUT standards as to what exactly must be spoilered upsetting though. There isn't one yet, but if we're going to make a rule about that I'd like for it to be very specific and very clear. I've got lots of anxiety about that sort of shit.
    Last edited: Mar 28, 2017
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