Discussion in 'Fan Town' started by itsAlana, Aug 28, 2015.

  1. coldstars

    coldstars get Jazzy on it

    If you closely in the background, you can see the Lost Light escaping the plague of Creepy Hands in the distance. Fly faster, Rodimus...

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  2. mizushimo

    mizushimo the greatest hits

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  3. Verily

    Verily surprised Xue Yang peddler

    It's a trick of perspective. They're actually just really close to the camera/artist.
  4. Petra

    Petra space case

    He's wiggling them around mounted on his fingers.
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  5. mizushimo

    mizushimo the greatest hits

    The hot new look on Cybertron
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  6. mizushimo

    mizushimo the greatest hits

    Rodimus and Megs have a fight, the admiration he felt during dying of the light has definitely cooled. I like seeing Roddy getting all up in the Captain's face

    This issue and mood whiplash, my theory that Drift deliberately shows off for Rodimus is confirmed <3.
    Mags and Megs are being cute again help,
    ..there's so much ship teasing in this issue MY GOD.
    Edit: Rodimus is probably not going to die for real..but Cyclonus on the otherhand. Cyclonus arc could very well end with his death to save Tailgate. I'm not ok with this. He's my precious son....JAMES DONT YOU DARE KILL HIM! I WILL BE SAD.

    EDIT 2: JRO SO HELP ME PRIMUS. I WAS LOOKING FORWARD TO THEIR EVENTUAL ROBOWEDDING DONT YOU DARE!!! They are supposed to get married!!!!!!! We already had one character die in the saddest way possible, we do NOT need a repeat performance!!!!
    Last edited: Mar 29, 2017
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  7. coldstars

    coldstars get Jazzy on it

    Am distraught, because I distinctly remember a video/vine of someone zoomed in on a tiny hand...zooming out to reveal the hand is attached to a slightly larger finger...and then zooming out further still to reveal their actual hand, all set to extremely dramatic music. And I can't find it anywhere ahhhhhhhh
  8. spockandawe

    spockandawe soft and woolen and writhing with curiosity

    I have paid money for I think... half the marvel comics run? And since I own half, I HAVE to eventually buy the rest. I haven't read any of it yet, and I'm still going to buy the second half even knowing what I'm getting into. But I put my trust in marvel, and they have betrayed and hurt me :C

    (also, Prowl's face and... EVERYTHING up there is an Experience. But I am also quietly bothered by Grimlock's skinny little neck. And him being the same size as Prowl. Everything, everything bothers me, all of it, I give up)
    Last edited: Mar 29, 2017
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  9. Verily

    Verily surprised Xue Yang peddler

    @coldstars, was it Doctor Strange and his fractal hand? I've been seeing a lot of gifs of that recently.
  10. Verily

    Verily surprised Xue Yang peddler

    Just a random TFP screencap because it made me laugh.

    Raf tries to encourage Ratchet with a parable about how he finally succeeded in climbing the rope in gym class.


    Ratchet misses the point but stumbles upon a greater truth.
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  11. Codeless

    Codeless Cheshire Cat

    That needs to be reaction image. DonĀ“t ask me for what, but it needs to.
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  12. spockandawe

    spockandawe soft and woolen and writhing with curiosity


    Plot, plot whatever. Plot is exciting, plot is fun, I want more depth on Killmaster because if JRO can pack depth into Pharma and Overlord, I really want to see him pack it into Killmaster. Rodimus blah blah blah-ing over whatever-of-twelve is gr8. Combiners are gr8. BUT ANYWAYS.

    Quick aside: Megatron and Rodimus! Fighting!!!!! Saying the things that they know will hurt each other! Coming right on the heels of that intense dying of the light stuff, the extra intense not-conversation they had in 55, and then turning around and hitting each other right in the weak spots. It's the kind of frustrated, intimate hurting that I love best. The flavor of... you wouldn't know how to get to someone this badly unless they'd let you in close enough to see those weak points. I love it. Megatron's intensity when he starts sussing out how to defend the city/citizens, especially when they're so much less destructive and so much less prepared for war than the average population that he's used to. Especially that contrast coming right on the heels of Rodimus yelling at him. And oh my goodness. nd the quiet moment where Minimus Ambus says 'I don't think you're trying to avoid your trial.' Just! Fuck me up! Just fuck me up.

    But the most important part.

    CYCLONUS! Cyclonus oh my god, darling, noooooooooooooo :C But WHIRL. Whirl, my baby, my son, my sweet violent angel who is letting himself care openly about other people! Getting Cyclonus to open up, yes, good. Oh my god, GOOD. I am so happy. I am so happy in every direction, so much so that I can't articulate it. Cyclonus coming to help Whirl even though he's falling apart, the banter, the physical contact, Whirl initiating the talk, Whirl calling Cyclonus out when he lies, Cyclonus confiding in him, all of that. But that last page. Oh man.

    So just the talk was *clutches heart in pain*. I'm really pleased that I totally called it on Tailgate hurting Cyclonus physically, though I'm not exactly happy to be proven right. I'm that same flavor of delighted-distraught over how bad the damage was, the fact that this is a persistent problem and not a one-off anger thing, and the fact that Tailgate is so pleased about his new strength and he doesn't have a clue what he's doing. I'd been feeling idly discontent that Skids got the short end of the stick on the spark spasm thing and Tailgate was only getting positive side effects, and this pleases me, even though it causes me great pain.

    But. Hhhhhhhhh. Cyclonus taking care of him. Cyclonus taking care of him secretly. Cyclonus getting hurt because if he doesn't step in, Tailgate might hurt himself instead. Cyclonus refusing to let Tailgate know about this even when Tailgate's got him half dismembered. WHIRL trying to get Cyclonus to make a healthy move. Cyclonus's restraint and difficulty expressing himself coming back to bite him (again) with even higher stakes than before. WHIRL!!!!!!! Whirl stepping in to recommend healthy communication, trying to get people to communicate well even though he's him, that even though he's ruined everything for himself for forever and why bother trying to salvage it, he'll make an outreach effort to try to help people he cares about do better than him.

    And that last page. Oh my god. I don't know what's about to happen, but I know I'm about to suffer. I can't type out all the thoughts and emotions that went right through me, I can't focus in well enough to do a thorough job. But Whirl is being open, doing outreach, going around Cyclonus, being open, being opEN ABOUT HOW HE'S BEEN HURTING

    But however this plays out, I'm pretty sure Tailgate is about to be devastated. I'm preemptively a little teary over this whole situation. The whole dynamic of Tailgate is (unintentionally) hurting Cyclonus. Cyclonus is protecting Tailgate, and protecting Tailgate from that knowledge. Whirl is going around Cyclonus's efforts to protect Tailgate, because he knows sometimes hurting is better than continuing to do harm in ignorance. I'm getting really emotional over this, and I'm having stronger ot3 feelings than ever.

    I don't know what story Whirl is about to tell. But I know it's about to hurt me. "A love story." "Does it have a happy ending?" "They never do." I'm not sure Whirl would come at the Tailgate/Cyclonus thing directly. The 'never' feels like this is going to draw on history. If they don't get interrupted, I'm fairly sure Whirl is going to draw the connection pretty clearly by the end, and Tailgate is going to hurt so badly over what he's done to Cyclonus. But. History. I'm a little afraid to speculate about what he's going to talk about. But the only thing I can think of is ROTORSTORM.

    That's where my thoughts end. With rotorstorm rotorstorm rotorstorm!!!!!! I don't know if that's where it will go. But ifs are lame, I can't think in maybes right now. I'm a little upset to see my fic probably get jossed. But maybe there will be some pieces that match up well. And whatever happens, tell me more about whirl and rotorstorm jro pls I will sell my soul to see some of this in canon!!

    JRO wrote LSOTW. He's responsible for the stories. He's responsible for slipping Whirl into Rotorstorm's backstory. Has he planned this the whole time? I was being blown away by 50-issue payoffs, but... oh my god. If it was anyone else, I'd say this is probably too much of a stretch, that Whirl's going to talk about something else. But... with JRO............. god, I don't know. Rotorstorm. I love that fic and don't want to see it jossed, but. Rotorstorm!!!!

    My thoughts are caught in a loop, there is no escape. There is only Whirl, Rotorstorm, and pain.
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  13. KarrinBlue

    KarrinBlue Magical Girl Intern

    Bluh my normal comics reading site has only uploaded the cover
  14. spockandawe

    spockandawe soft and woolen and writhing with curiosity

    WONK ;)
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  15. Petra

    Petra space case

    I can't see viewcomic.
  16. spockandawe

    spockandawe soft and woolen and writhing with curiosity

    Site seems down as far as I can tell, and view-comic doesn't have it. But I was able to read it at the link I posted above!

    eta: this link :D
  17. KarrinBlue

    KarrinBlue Magical Girl Intern

  18. Petra

    Petra space case


    I wonder if viewcomic finally got taken down for good.
  19. spockandawe

    spockandawe soft and woolen and writhing with curiosity

    Ohhh, I hadn't thought of that. Ooh. Hm. I might spend my evening manually stealing comic pages from the internet. I hate it when things poof away, it seriously distresses me :T
  20. Petra

    Petra space case

    I was right about Anode!

    I did NOT call that Tailgate has been thrashing around in his sleep and Cyclonus gets battered bc superstrength, tho. God. It's going to kill Tailgate when he finds out. Also Whirl's eye gets so small when Cyclonus walks away from that convo. Worry? Anger? Both?

    'I don't think you're trying to avoid your trial'. ILU, MINIMUS. I mean obviously Megatron was at first. By now, I think he honestly cares about his crew and wants to stick with them.

    'Blah blah blah'. Hahah dunk on that asshole, Roddy.

    ...Whirl. Aw no.
    • Like x 4
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