shitposting rave 5: discount rejects from every genre

Discussion in 'It's Galley's Turn' started by SHITPOSTING ALPHYS, Mar 20, 2017.

  1. A Mi

    A Mi smol, NS

    -the mi decides to climb Mare. If allowed to succeed it will wind up on her head, looking smug. Who´s tiny now?-
  2. Mae Borowski

    Mae Borowski I've got nightmare eyes

    Awwwwww. You're like a tiny me. Well. Tinier me. All full of a need to prove everyone wrong just because you can. Just don't jump off the roof of the Snack Falcon because someone dared you.

    -lifts a paw and strokes the mi. she is looking up. trying to see the mi. and failing-
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  3. A Mi

    A Mi smol, NS

    Pirrr! -the mi peers down at her and extends a tiny paw onto her forehead.-
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  4. Mae Borowski

    Mae Borowski I've got nightmare eyes

    I feel like I've just been blessed. Mom's probably going to be pissed. Unless you're some sort of little saint. St. Mi of the Shitpost Rave, patron saint of being just the most precious thing ever!
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  5. Nyanko Daisensou

    Nyanko Daisensou The Battle Cats

    -Neko Barudaa regards the new cat with curiosity-
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  6. A Mi

    A Mi smol, NS

    -the mi tires it´s best to look innocent, then realizes Mae can´t see it and descends to her shoulder to look cute there. But there is mischief in those fluffy ears.
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  7. Mae Borowski

    Mae Borowski I've got nightmare eyes

    Holy shit.

    -is too awed by the cuteness and also this new buff cat to suspect the mi-
  8. OP 13

    OP 13 WHY AM I MADE OF MEAT? 18+

    -heart eyes errywhere-
  9. aurumIlluminatrix

    aurumIlluminatrix Achromat Nichrome/Ophira Reesch, ThiefOfDoom | 18+

    Oh No Surely Not. I Am A Very Saintly Troll. All Pacifism And Gooey Affection And Reasoned Decisions. A Veritable Vegetarian Even. My Exclusively Carnivorous Lusus Is Very Understanding.
    [Behold, her awardwinning deadpan]
    [She does without second thought]
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  10. Nyanko Daisensou

    Nyanko Daisensou The Battle Cats

    -Kyoshin Neko comes to investigate as well-
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  11. Mae Borowski

    Mae Borowski I've got nightmare eyes

  12. Nyanko Daisensou

    Nyanko Daisensou The Battle Cats

    -Kimo Neko waves hi-
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  13. Mae Borowski

    Mae Borowski I've got nightmare eyes

    I am going to die.
  14. A Mi

    A Mi smol, NS

    -is cute-
    -fluffs up! The mi will protect you!- Hiss!
    • Agree x 1
  15. Mae Borowski

    Mae Borowski I've got nightmare eyes

    Wait no! That was a sarcastic I'm going to die! Unless this leggy cat decides to fight me. In which case we'll take him. Show him who's boss. A proper pair of tiny warriors.
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  16. Nyanko Daisensou

    Nyanko Daisensou The Battle Cats

    -Kimo Neko looks very confused-
  17. Nyanko Daisensou

    Nyanko Daisensou The Battle Cats

    -did someone call for a tiny warrior? Batoru Neko is here-
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  18. Mae Borowski

    Mae Borowski I've got nightmare eyes

    We come in peace, Stilt Cat. Please don't harm us. Or whatever it is you and your legs can do to us.
  19. Mae Borowski

    Mae Borowski I've got nightmare eyes

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  20. Nyanko Daisensou

    Nyanko Daisensou The Battle Cats

    -Kimo Neko is no longer a Kimo Neko. In a blinding flash of light, Kimo Neko is now Bikyaku Neko, The Sexy Legs Cat.-

    -Bikyaku Neko strikes a pose.-
    • Winner x 2
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