shitposting rave 5: discount rejects from every genre

Discussion in 'It's Galley's Turn' started by SHITPOSTING ALPHYS, Mar 20, 2017.

  1. Mae Borowski

    Mae Borowski I've got nightmare eyes

    Why wouldn't I be able to eat chocolate? I'm not a cat. Or like a cat cat. Just a person who happens to be a cat. Anyway that out of the way, I mean I try to tell people that but they're all "Oh. But do you have a job?" Which I don't. I mean I just got back home and it's not like jobs are easy things to find. I can't just be like, wow, yeah I now work at Pastabilities. Especially since IT CLOSED WHICH IS JUST THE WORST. I live with my parents though and don't pay rent so I get my adult status revoked.

    -sits next to the adult who for some reason ISN'T calling us a kid-

    Tea's nice.

    Nah, it never sounds fun. Half the people stars are named after all died horribly. Or went insane. Or both! And like does anyone ever get a statue before they die in some sort of horrific tragedy? Doubt it.

    It was sarcasm though.

    Awesome. At least I can be something in the history of a sarcastic robot named Lord Starscream. Which is a pretty badass name. Imagine a star screaming. Shit would be terrifying.

    I mean it's kind of depressing when you put it that way but...Basically.
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  2. Wiretap of Altihex

    Wiretap of Altihex Medic. No, really.

    Sir? [Is really the only thing he can say without digging himself into a hole.]
  3. Starscream

    Starscream Seeker

    Is that a compliment, or sweet sweet vengeance?
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  4. Starscream

    Starscream Seeker

    Yes? -Why yes Wires, you may have all the rope you like to hang yourself with-
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  5. Mae Borowski

    Mae Borowski I've got nightmare eyes

    A compliment?
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  6. Wiretap of Altihex

    Wiretap of Altihex Medic. No, really.

    History books are biased scrap anyway. If I'm remembered at all I'd rather it be by the people I've helped than because I somehow made a big enough mess to get noted down as part of the Justice Division.
  7. Mae Borowski

    Mae Borowski I've got nightmare eyes

    Well I mean yeah, but at least I could exist in one and be the subject of ire for students across the globe! Eff history books! And the establishment! And that Mae Bobobrowski person mentioned in one sentence on page 257!
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  8. Nyanko Daisensou

    Nyanko Daisensou The Battle Cats

    -Neko Kami-sama rains down a large quantity of cat food on Mae-
    -Neko Kami-sama also rains down a large quantity of cat food on poisoned silk too-
  9. Nyanko Daisensou

    Nyanko Daisensou The Battle Cats

    -Tanku Neko would give a thumbs up to this, if they had any.-
  10. Nyanko Daisensou

    Nyanko Daisensou The Battle Cats

    -Neko Tokage, feeling inspired, breathes a fireball at a nearby shed, setting it alight-
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  11. Wiretap of Altihex

    Wiretap of Altihex Medic. No, really.

    [Internal screaming
    That was a request for clarification, not for recognition, what is he supposed to say????
    Congrats Starscream you confused the radar back into silence]
    [Snickering.] Fair enough! I'm just a medic, if my name's in a book I'm doing something wrong.
  12. Starscream

    Starscream Seeker

    -bursts out laughing- I was gonna tell you there is such a thing as bad publicity, but I´m not sure it applies to you.
    I´m trying to be remembered for something people like. Just for a change of pace you know.
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  13. Wiretap of Altihex

    Wiretap of Altihex Medic. No, really.

    Well, I mean. The Republic, New Iacon... I don't wanna jinx it, but those definitely look like they'll at least get part of a chapter.
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  14. Starscream

    Starscream Seeker

    Maybe if I´m a very good little mech I can get a whole chapter to myself. -definitely sarcasm, but amused sarcasm.-
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  15. Lissa Beijada-Pines

    Lissa Beijada-Pines [WT/Reverse/18+] love me and despair no more

    Lissa smiles and presents her with a cup of tea. It is exactly how she likes it--Lissa doesn't know but she's trusting the Rave to know.

    "Well, I can't have chocolate, because I am a cat cat, or at any rate an actual feline. I was thinking at first hot chocolate, because Mason and Alex like it. But then I thought if you're as much of a cat as I am, that could be a bad idea!"

    She shrugs. "I don't think you get your adult status revoked. You're still making decisions for yourself, aren't you? Jobs are hard to find. I'm not sure how it is in your world, but in ours the economy really sucks. Unless you're filthy rich. Most of the younger people in our family work in one of the family businesses, but not everyone has that option. I hope you can find a new job soon, but you're still a person whether or not you have a job."
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  16. Jamethiel Knorth

    Jamethiel Knorth Jamethiel Priests'-bane, Lordan of Knorth

    "I worked in an inn for a while," Jame says, "but not everyone can deal with that. Waiting tables, dancing ..."
  17. Torisen Talissen

    Torisen Talissen Jedi Knight, Student of Master Knorth

    ...a dancing girl?

    -this gives him some pause. awkward. horrified. pause. i mean she'd look nice dancing...BUT WE MUST PERSIST-

    That...Whatever the case, that confirms my suspicion that you are not my sister. Which still leaves the question of what you are then.

    -chance of it being a gurlanin in disguise has risen to 500%-
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  18. Lissa Beijada-Pines

    Lissa Beijada-Pines [WT/Reverse/18+] love me and despair no more

    Lissa smiles. "I think my job history is best left out of this discussion." She shrugs. "I don't get paid for the work that I do. I used to, but most of the money went back to Beijada Station. Now...I take care of the family, and the lodge, and I do whatever needs to be done. Everything from rose gardening to working in the shows at the Mansion to...taking out garbage, when needed."
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  19. Jamethiel Knorth

    Jamethiel Knorth Jamethiel Priests'-bane, Lordan of Knorth

    Jame shoots him a pained look. "I'm your sister's counterpart in another dimension, not your sister. We didn't grow up the same. And what else would I be? Meet many people who are her double in every single respect?"

    "Sounds not far from the duties of a Lord," Jame points out. "If they care, anyway." Her expression indicates what she thinks of those who don't. "I'm a soldier, really? An officer in the service of my brother, whether he likes it or not. And lately, I've been part of the Pines household and running security there."
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  20. Stanford G. Pines

    Stanford G. Pines [WT/Reverse/18+] the maddest Ford of all

    "It's so strange to hear about another Pines household, and on Pennarion at that." Ford sighs.

    After a moment he looks up at Torisen. "I'm reliably informed that no less than three of my alternate selves frequent this place. One of them is married to a demiurge, and one of them is a talking pillow...don't ask me how that one happened. At least the teenager over there who blames me for not being her father has the excuse of being six sweeps old."
    • Like x 2
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