shitposting rave 5: discount rejects from every genre

Discussion in 'It's Galley's Turn' started by SHITPOSTING ALPHYS, Mar 20, 2017.

  1. Moirana of Clan Aerihman

    Moirana of Clan Aerihman We've come to a place now that’s safe to go 18+

    We tried to make it the center of the megaverse. Good news: we succeeded. Bad news: we succeeded. And the giant portal that rained demons, alien intelligences, and a variety of other annoyances for a few hours. We used up most of the planet's magic fixing it, then we decided "fuck this shit we're out," sank Atlantis so we wouldn't have anything to go back to, and fucked off across the megaverse. Which took the last of the magic. And that meant the planet was double fucked when magic came back. Tapping a world dry like that doesn't really happen when people are still living on it, so when magic came back... it was bad. Messy. And the center of Everything Forever. Whoops.

    Well, when we fuck up we do it well.

    Funny thing. If more clans got over the shame and put their heads together we might be able to make things better. But most of us, former clan excluded and not counting, won't set foot on it. Even though realistically if anywhere needs us, if duty should lead us anywhere... -shakes her head-
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  2. Lindi

    Lindi Eye of Snakes | 18+

    [They snicker]
    Poppiessss are my other big price. Soothing sleep and dreams were my first domaine. Calm, relaxed.
    For the longest time i could only be summoned in fields of them, drawing on their presence makes saying my name easier.
    Yesssss, this much is true....
    Cooperation can only happen, when egos have been killedddd~
  3. Moirana of Clan Aerihman

    Moirana of Clan Aerihman We've come to a place now that’s safe to go 18+

    -eyes narrow slightly, thought and regret- That's the other problem. The clan that actually has taken up in force on Earth again. In Atlantis itself, even. Unfortunately, solving the problem is not their priority.
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  4. Samahl Mahariel

    Samahl Mahariel Disaster bi extraordinaire

    [Snickering.] Yup. Sounds like magicians alright.
  5. Moirana of Clan Aerihman

    Moirana of Clan Aerihman We've come to a place now that’s safe to go 18+

    I've been told literal world-shattering arrogance is a common Atlantean trait across megaverses.
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  6. Lindi

    Lindi Eye of Snakes | 18+

    [.... they don't sound particularly like they mean it]
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  7. Koios

    Koios Diamonds are cheap, rubies are better | 18+

    Wa-hey! This isn't Vegas. Where am I?
  8. Samahl Mahariel

    Samahl Mahariel Disaster bi extraordinaire

    Dunno! There's people from lots of different places here, far as I can tell. Not Earth!
  9. Koios

    Koios Diamonds are cheap, rubies are better | 18+

    Nice! I mean, I like earth. Earth's great. Human realm and all that, but this isn't hell so... Nice!
  10. Lindi

    Lindi Eye of Snakes | 18+

    [They blink then flop over impressively, stretching luxuriously]
    [Sweetly blows a little cloud of smoke in the direction of the newcomer. That's how flirting works, right?]
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  11. Koios

    Koios Diamonds are cheap, rubies are better | 18+

    *Very quickly converts from sitting upright to laid on his stomach with a dramatic, and probably a little painful, flop. Crosses two arms to support himself and uses the other two to prop his head up.*

    Well! Hello to you too my fellow serpentine friend. You can call me Koios.
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  12. Lindi

    Lindi Eye of Snakes | 18+

    [Bat eyelashes at new snek friend, smiling]
    They call me Lindi, Eye of Snakes. Koios sounds like a great name to call into the night.
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  13. Koios

    Koios Diamonds are cheap, rubies are better | 18+

    Oh you have a title, that's impressive! Does it? I think Lindi is a bit better.

    *Waggles his eyebrows. Sexiest demon in the room right here, look at him go.*

    Are there others here? Is Lindi your true name?
  14. Samahl Mahariel

    Samahl Mahariel Disaster bi extraordinaire

    [She's not going to say anything, but there sure is a very amused-looking black cat nearby.]
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  15. Lindi

    Lindi Eye of Snakes | 18+

    It's the name one can use to summon me, yes.
    And there are some, but only one of them is nice and he's woefully stuck in a mortal shell right noooooow~
    [They dramatically swoon, draped very decoratively on the floor. Look at them, so so sad and cute.]
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  16. Burning Girl

    Burning Girl I stand accused of mayhem 18+

    -gently nudges a stray bit of snek off her foot that landed there in The Swoon-
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  17. Koios

    Koios Diamonds are cheap, rubies are better | 18+

    Mortal shell... Like, human body? Weird! Stuck? How do you get stuck? It just happens, you just.

    *Waves his hands a bit* Then you're human shaped. It's fun! Hmmm. *reaches out with one hand to touch.*

    You're very pretty.
  18. Lindi

    Lindi Eye of Snakes | 18+

    I don't know how he ended up that way but it's traaaaaagic.
    [They lean in, eyes fluttering shut, anticipating the touch eagerly.]
    You are veryyyyy pretty yourself, Koios~
  19. Koios

    Koios Diamonds are cheap, rubies are better | 18+

    It is tragic...

    *Almost-awkward pat-pat. HIS WEALTH OF EXPERIENCE HAS ENDED. However, he perks up a bit.*

    I am, aren't I? I'm very pretty. Thank you.
  20. Lindi

    Lindi Eye of Snakes | 18+

    [They make a happy little noise. Yesssssss~ tactile sensory stimulation is one of the redeeming factors of corporeal experience]
    Ruby Red is a verrrrryyyy good color.
    [the very is almost purred, they stretch it out so much.]
    • Like x 1
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