Like, if it was all properly sealed and fixed and had proper drainage so I could just pressure wash the whole lot every now and then, I would totally want it as my Secret Second Bathroom that people only stumble upon by accident. I would also keep a tape of marshland background noises playing in there on repeat. Maybe also a small smoke machine.
It could make a pretty cool conservatory type thing. Get some leafy plants and ferns in there. Maybe some little water features. Fairy lights.
Ngl if someone made me pee with my butt on a toilet seat the same texture as the sink seems to have, we wouldn't be friends any more, so perhaps that's a good thing.
True. It could at least be the same colour? I hate that bathroom and its frogs/toads but that one bit not matching the whole thing bugs me
I feel weird about wooden toilet seats in general. They're not cold enough. I expect toilet seats to be hard and cool, otherwise they ping me as Unclean for whatever reason.
A friend of mine recently told me something similar about having issues with BLACK toilet seats. The house I grew up in has toilet seats of all kinds... white... black... wooden... and there's one that used to be fucking PLASTIC. I mean it was sort of cushiony... like probably foam-covered wood covered with hideous drab-pink plastic. That one... that I did not like. For one thing, it felt like sitting on outdoor furniture. For a worse thing, it was very old and there were places where the seam had somehow stopped being smooth/out of the way and became an insidious vengeful trickster demon that would regularly scratch or pinch you!
100% agree. Did anybody else's grandparents use exclusively cushioned toilet seats? They also used those horrible shag carpet coverings for the toilet lid. Bathroom time at nana's was a bad time.
My great grandparents did that too, along with having a bajillion towels that felt like heaven that you werent supposed to use.
The cushioned ones fucking STICK to you. I don't want to think of things STICKING to me while on the shitter, thankyouverymuch.
My grandparents had the cushioned toilet seat. As a kid, I thought it was pretty cool. As an adult...
we have white/plastic seats and tbh?? im not really picky because im also quite used to outdoor toilets which, yeah if you have santiary issues, fears of things attacking from below or dont like wood panels that may not be up ur walley
does anyone have like dirty chrome seats ala prisons and the kitchens in big restaurants now THAT would be a seat not to trust