shitposting rave 5: discount rejects from every genre

Discussion in 'It's Galley's Turn' started by SHITPOSTING ALPHYS, Mar 20, 2017.

  1. Integritas

    Integritas Broken Dove, Dead Bird | 18+

    Well for me the fun part is watching people make complete and utter idiots of themselves and fall all over eachother for a chance to kiss my feet and get back in my good graces, but that's just how my line of work goes.
  2. Cloudcrusher of Kalis

    Cloudcrusher of Kalis Bomb-Ass Therapist | 18+

    -he shrugs-
    Depends on the person, mostly. Some people like t' see other people embarrassed, some feel better when people 're hurt, some people enjoy makin' assholes feel bad, some people like feelin' superior. Power thing, mostly, I think. Depends on what yer definin' as pickin' on, too.
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  3. turntechGodhead

    turntechGodhead dave ver 3.0.4 |18+/NS

    personally i have a tragic and terminal condition that has left me completely devoid of restraint in the needling department
    i cant help myself i just GOTTA point out how weird and gaunt ben stillers weird sort of gaunt face is

    its fun as long as everyones giving as good as they get and nobody brings up like actual serious shit
    no actual shit flinging while youre flinging shit you get me
    im kinkshaming bro
    • Like x 2
  4. Norm the Genie

    Norm the Genie The All-Powerful Genie (Thief of Breath)|18+

    It was one of the only things I could do to resist my masters, get back at them for controlling me.

    And being snarky is just... fun, you know!
  5. Integritas

    Integritas Broken Dove, Dead Bird | 18+

    [He stares at dave for a long moment before absolutely losing it, laughing with weird, hiccupy bird-chirps in between]
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  6. turntechGodhead

    turntechGodhead dave ver 3.0.4 |18+/NS

    am i
    am i racist if i suddenly want to introduce you to davepeta

    ok yeah thats probably racist idk if youd like them theyre pretty yiffy and also hells of intense
    but i think theyd like you just going off the minimal interaction ive had with them
    theyre cool but theyre part strider and most importantly part me so that goes without saying
    they probably wont kinkshame you but only because the kink ammunition people have against them could cause a nuclear boner winter annihilating everyone without an appropriately ridiculous fursona
    • Like x 2
  7. Integritas

    Integritas Broken Dove, Dead Bird | 18+

    Sweet, sweet summer child I don't think it is possible to kinkshame a demon who earns his living by causing rampant boner-related bloodfeuds in the local artist community. Or someone who is going steady with two other animalistic demons.
    [Siiiiiiiips on what is now a Martini, because fuck if we're drinking more after already honoring the tradition of daydrinking at the easter brunch we might as well do it in style]
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  8. The Archmitect

    The Archmitect Not Exactly A Gem

    -wanders in, looking a but bedraggled- Mi?
  9. Integritas

    Integritas Broken Dove, Dead Bird | 18+

    My, what happened to you, dear?
  10. turntechGodhead

    turntechGodhead dave ver 3.0.4 |18+/NS

    unfortunately for your sick dunk i was born in the frozen asscrack of december
    clenched within its frosty cheeks

    at any rate fuck this yiff shit tell me about the artsy boner gang wars i need to know you cant just dangle that in front of me like that
    a tantalizing glimpse at those untold erotic depths
    dick dada
    postmodern porkers
    im getting worked up just thinking about it
    • Like x 5
  11. Integritas

    Integritas Broken Dove, Dead Bird | 18+

    [He snickers]
    See, there is this thing artists have about their muses. And if you are very cute, and look very good draped over furniture and getting painted, and may coincidentally also have some amount of magical glamours and the like because your literal job is seducing mortals into sinful behavior...
    Well let's just say a couple painting tools are surprisingly versatile as murder weapons.
    Mortals get so jealous about people they don't even own.
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  12. turntechGodhead

    turntechGodhead dave ver 3.0.4 |18+/NS


    [he looks delighted at this]

    my muse is a little more artifact laden than that so i guess im not susceptible to your charms of which im sure there are too many to count
    tell me can you drape the entire nineties over a chaise lounge all sexy like
    maybe a silk windbreaker to hint at the luscious neons beneath
    her heads one of those crazy fruits from those old gushers commercials
    • Like x 2
  13. Integritas

    Integritas Broken Dove, Dead Bird | 18+

    [He is still grinning as he sips his martini, nodding sagely]
    I am sure you can if you just try hard and believe in yourself or however that nonsense went.
    • Like x 1
  14. turntechGodhead

    turntechGodhead dave ver 3.0.4 |18+/NS

    i got the POWER

    [dave plops his ass down on the ground, paper and pencils materializing before him, and starts to make his vision reality]
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  15. The Archmitect

    The Archmitect Not Exactly A Gem

    @The Archmitect has aquired a lap full of mis. they are likliklikcing her dry very slowly-
    Well who else am I supposed to beleive in? Also has anyone got a towel? -drips-
  16. Integritas

    Integritas Broken Dove, Dead Bird | 18+

    [Teggy watches with much delighted (tipsy) encouragement for Dave]
  17. Integritas

    Integritas Broken Dove, Dead Bird | 18+

    [He materializes one for her. It's incredibly fluffy and luxurious]
  18. The Archmitect

    The Archmitect Not Exactly A Gem

    Thank you. Sudden water from above should not be legal. @Universe
    But really if I didn´t believe in myself, who else would I believe in? Would there even be a mi? Err, me.
  19. Integritas

    Integritas Broken Dove, Dead Bird | 18+

    [He shrugs]
    I think what that saying refers to is less believing in oneself in the sense of "I believe I exist" and more "I am confident I can do this", which y'know is a useful attitude to have unless one would end up in mortal danger for doing something without any practice or knowledge.
    Though the last situation would be hilarious to observe from the outside I am sure.
    • Like x 1
  20. The Archmitect

    The Archmitect Not Exactly A Gem

    Well you could have said! -indignant mi! But a slightly drier one- Who are you anyway?
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