shitposting rave 5: discount rejects from every genre

Discussion in 'It's Galley's Turn' started by SHITPOSTING ALPHYS, Mar 20, 2017.

  1. The Archmitect

    The Archmitect Not Exactly A Gem

    Well, you look very architectural sometimes! And I´ve heard of living cities. -licks cream off her coffee-
  2. Vector Prime

    Vector Prime Primax 1005.24 Gamma

    Ah! You are from a stream that got to the bubbles, then-- I wasn't sure, but that does make the explaining a good bit clearer! Yes, this is something like a permanent dream bubble. You're quite welcome, of course; keeping track of such things is my job, after all! Vector Prime, at your service for as long as you're here. [He makes a shallow bow to her, though 'shallow' for a giant robot is still quite a distance.]

    Oho! There are living cities among us, yes, but they are bigger even than me! Not terribly many anymore in my home creek, unfortunately-- or at least not many autonomous, which is rather more a shame.
  3. Apostasia of Tetrahex

    Apostasia of Tetrahex бабушка утконос [18+]

    (Apostasia grins wrily, and points to the floating sign.)
    That's why I'm sharing. Yes to all of those.

    Speaking of living cities, a bunch of Titans came through a good while ago.
  4. Mister Simon Schuyler

    Mister Simon Schuyler Her Majesty's Agent, Recently Expired | 18+

    "I simply have not a single idea what you are talking about, my lad, she tied me to a chair for breaking into her quarters and attempting to uncover connections to London's criminal elements. She merely took wuite violent exception to this."
    He sounds rather cheerful about this, all thins considered.
    Aww, he pets the Mi. You tried my dear, you tried.
    • Like x 3
  5. Vector Prime

    Vector Prime Primax 1005.24 Gamma

    Signs are tricky things-- taking one of these might have been an invitation to a brawl! But yes, I don't much like lying; all those things are, in fact, true, at least in the particular universal subset you and this iteration of I are from.

    [He frowns at mention of the Titans, though; the crystal in his chest pulses slowly with red light.] I had noticed them wake, yes. Not much happy about that mess.
  6. The Archmitect

    The Archmitect Not Exactly A Gem

    Autonomous as opposed to what? And can I see one? Can I talk to them?
    Is that what they´re called, Titans?
    Why is it bad if they wake up?
  7. Vector Prime

    Vector Prime Primax 1005.24 Gamma

    Talking to a Titan... Well, it's doable, but it'll probably take some practice.

    The other two questions are... rather intertwined.
    The Titans reawakening is not in and of itself a bad thing; I'd take it for a good sign in other circumstances.

    But there exists a certain model of bot, known by... any number of names, but we called them Titanmasters while I was still limited to one universe. If one such mech has the opportunity, he can half-kill another and use its corpse as a sort of puppet. Titans, because of their decentralized neural physiology, are uniquely susceptible to this, and can even be controlled from a distance by a strong enough Titanmaster.

    An old Master, twisted by... Well, Onyx might be able to tell you exactly, but my best guess is the wars took their toll on him, though it may also be as simple as some part of his spark twisting that way...
    In any case, an old Master woke from his eons-long slumber, realized the new cultures that had sprung up in his absence were not to his liking, killed one of my brothers for a host, and went to get himself a Titan army.

    I can't say I wasn't tempted to interfere, but... [He looks away for a moment, sighing quietly.] Well. It's rather cleaned itself up, hasn't it? And they're stronger for it, bonds solidifying with a common enemy to face.
    Last edited: Apr 22, 2017
  8. Apostasia of Tetrahex

    Apostasia of Tetrahex бабушка утконос [18+]

    Omission ain't lying, but, for what it's worth, I appreciate your openness.

    The Titans are some of them. There's others, some big as planets.

    Adapt or die, in my opinion. But you'd have to get close first.
  9. Lee

    Lee i will face god and walk backwards into hell

    (Nepeta takes a seat next to all the hubbub, cupping her chin in her hands.)

    I'm awfurlly sorry about your brother, mister. I don't have a clear idea of what a brother means to mew, but it must have been furry hard to go through. I hope you're doing better now!

    Yes, well, that's how things generally go in these parts, if I'm not mistaken! Unfurrtunate happenstances happen to us all, whefur we like it or not, so there really isn't much we can do besides do our best to survive and thrive. The strong cull the weak, the natural food chain of the world, all that good stuff! Might I ask where you come furrom, though? I've nefur seen many aliens befur, and wow-- this place just seems to be full of them!
    • Like x 1
  10. The Archmitect

    The Archmitect Not Exactly A Gem

    Mi! I´m glad they survived it. That sounds bad.
    -wide eyes- Planet planets?
  11. Vector Prime

    Vector Prime Primax 1005.24 Gamma

    Oh, there's any number of things that are also true that I haven't mentioned; those just seemed the most relevant.

    Remember those bits about "responsibility" and "doing better by mortal mechs"? I'd much rather you lot didn't all die out, even if it is better for you to make that stand and adapt on your own.

    Mm. It's not the first I've lost and it won't be the last, but... suffice it to say I was rather fond of him in an almost-pale sense of the word. His spark will move on, as do we all.

    [Fond laughter.] Yes, planet-planets. A few moons too, depending on which stream you're in.
  12. The Archmitect

    The Archmitect Not Exactly A Gem

    Mi!!!! I wonder what they think about people building on them.
  13. Apostasia of Tetrahex

    Apostasia of Tetrahex бабушка утконос [18+]

    (Apostasia grins)
    Still more than many others.

    Y'know, originally I was referring to the headmaster guy, who in my honest opinion needs to either chill out or get a nice, fashionable bullet piercing between the optics, but the point stands.
    If we don't adapt to the new age, and to the lil squishies developing technologies that give them the ability to fight back? Then our time is over.

    That depends on the genius, the people building on them, and whether or not they asked. We asked ours. What's it like where you come from?
  14. Vector Prime

    Vector Prime Primax 1005.24 Gamma

    I'd argue that no species needs or deserves to die out entirely, but then I'm a hopeless, idealistic optimist. All things come to an end, but this... this is not the time for our universe to.
  15. turntechGodhead

    turntechGodhead dave ver 3.0.4 |18+/NS

    dont worry i can be publicly indecent without help from anybody else
    get funky above the winglord they sound like they got a stick up their ass and the only way to remove it is to bust a move

    and nah its because i decided to be santa and share my culture with aliens which apparently makes me the fucking devil
    i mean i know santa and satan have the same letters but i didnt think it was THAT literal yknow
    [for all the smack he talked, dave can't actually go that fast and isn't going to use his powers to cheat to the finish line. he throws his hands in the air and whoops before flashstepping (flash flying?) after--he's going incredibly fast for a human, but is still trailing behind]
    [it is probably the same dave, and he comes back for the coffee after racing]
    no one will ever know my agony
    ill suffer in silence better dye my hair black and drape it sadly over one eye
    write angsty poetry about karkat

    [he takes both mugs, but because he is dave, the good coffee is given a brief glance before he sets it aside and dives into the sludge]
    so you thought she was a criminal you guys had an impromptu bondage sesh and then it was happily ever after?

    shit i gotta hear the rest of this story
    • Like x 3
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  16. Karkat Vantas



    • Like x 2
  17. eyefishSoup

    eyefishSoup Oneira Eluvei, Knight of Hope [18+]

    (Oneira wipes a theatrical tear from the corner of her eye)
    They grow up so fast.

    (Oneira. Oneira you're like 14 human years old.)

    There, there. Coffee?
  18. Apostasia of Tetrahex

    Apostasia of Tetrahex бабушка утконос [18+]

    (Apostasia nods, and grins)
    Didn't say anything 'bout lying down and letting it happen. 'S why Scelus is basically a big experiment in adaption. But OP is getting is aft wrecked by the planet he's trying to colonise without the input of the locals, and Megatron's stance on the necessity of organics doesn't reek of adaption either.
  19. turntechGodhead

    turntechGodhead dave ver 3.0.4 |18+/NS

    [dave snorts and moves onto the good coffee--the art trash is good by his (appallingly low) standards, but he's curious]

    catch me in the retirement home writing my memoirs in blood
    never thought id make it to the ripe old age of 21 but here we are
    drinkin coffee instead of booze in my twilight years
    • Like x 3
  20. Torisen Talissen

    Torisen Talissen Jedi Knight, Student of Master Knorth

    -walks into the room looking like some asshole going to comicon. look at them robes. look at the saber. this is normal. also normal is that tori looks like death. sleep doesn't exist. only caf. though he'd prefer tea right now. just a nice warm cup of tea. dreadfully sweet as per the mando standard. oh look there's tea. he stares at the tea and the table it rests on, still not really understanding the rave's possibilities-

    Well that's curious. But can I say that I've a bad feeling about it?
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