In more pleasant news, here is my friend's aquarium. The blobfish is mine. Spoiler: blobfish finds my face terrifying
So even after trying the demo and bouncing off of it I find myself once again crushing on this game, so I'm gonna hope it was just because I picked a class for the trial that I don't usually play. tbh I just really thing Astrologians are super pretty and Machinist gunplay sounds rad If I want to buy this game and give it a real shot, is it best to buy Heavensward right off the bat, or does it only add post-main-story content and so I should pick it up when I hit that point?
All the HW content is post-main-story (and post-patches-released-in-leadup-to-expansion). The only thing it opens up at character creation is the Au Ra race (lizard people), so unless you really want one of those, you might as well just get the base game. Alternately, wait for the new expansion to drop and there'll probably be discount bundles of the game and first expansion available.
Good to know, thanks! Apparently the base game is only like 10$ and comes with playtime, so score! Now I just need to get it to stop crashing when I try and make a fresh character. Any idea what this error thing means?
Is the launcher crashing when you try to log in, or after? I'd poke around the tech support forums, make sure your graphics drivers are up to date, and if all else fails, you may need to do a clean reinstall. It looks like that error is usually either graphics card related, or due to a corruption in the data during download.
The launcher's working fine, from what I can tell. I log in fine, I hit the title screen, I go to character select, I try to make a new character, and that's when things go to hell. According to this thread, it seems to be a real issue. I guess I'll try a reinstall.
You guys seen the 2 day maintenance thing? Everyone here is on Aether, right? Why couldn't it have lined up with me going up the coast >:(
Uh. So I uninstalled my game. But I can't find anywhere to redownload the client?? Where do I go to download FFXIV
@Socratease (or replace "na" in the url with your region, I'm assuming you didn't get the Steam ver)
A reinstall seems to have done it! Putting my trial regal tol Elezen Archer in the fridge for now and making a smol Miqo'te Now the question of which class to start as! I liked the way the Archer looked aesthetically (I am a sucker for the harlequin aesthetic), but the way it plays didn't super grab me. Which class is the most action-y? With many buttons to press and preferably a decent helping of micro? Which class is the most Fast and Danger?
@Socratease you might like pugilist/monk for many buttons to press, fast paced, danger because you will Always Pull Off The Tank if you press your buttons fast enough lmao or Rogue/Ninja. Though to unlock that one you need to start and get either Marauder or Arcanist to level 10 edit: excuse me forum why u cut off the last bit of my post lmao
Hmmmm I'd say ninja probably? Though you can't start as rogue, you have to go as a diff class (preferably arcanist or marauder bc same starting city) until level 10 and then switch over. Edit: I daresay I was NINJA'D
Or if you really want micro you will want idk, archer/bard, or arcanist/scholar/summoner. If you get to Heavensward, you can pick up Astrologian or Dark Knight. Scholar is a healer, but its also does decent dps because of micro.
I'd say all three Heavensward classes are more hands-on yeah, but you can't get them until you finish the base game. Bard playstyle changes significantly once you hit level 50, it becomes more like a caster and I know some people don't like that, but it keeps me on my toes. Machinist is very similar.
If you want to suffer, I recommend astro once you hit HW. I did the intro quests and even with just the base skills it seems overwhelmingly complex with the cards and dps and healing. I prefer the boring fun times of DRG and WAR, myself. Also, fuck glad. Who wants to level me to 22 so I can get provoke?
Thanks a bunch for the tips y'all! Tomorrow I roll a Pugilist on Adamantoise! TBH the moment I hit Heavensward I'm gonna sink my teeth into those advanced jobs and never let go. Astrologian looks *so fancy*
@Socratease Astro is my main healer and its a lot of fun. If you need any help, I'm on adamantoise so you can always friend me and ask me :)!