Discussion in 'Fan Town' started by itsAlana, Aug 28, 2015.

  1. Sleepy_Stiingray

    Sleepy_Stiingray local ass beater

    I'm actually screaming at this, I mean I wanna read G.I. Joe too, but I didn't know about this.

    Where is it said that that happened??
  2. Petra

    Petra space case

    The tf wiki!

    Now Starscream is the only one of the trine that isn't allied with human organizations.
  3. Sleepy_Stiingray

    Sleepy_Stiingray local ass beater

    Omgggg, btw, does anybody know where I can read the comics before MTMTE?

    I've gotten to stormbringer.

    Also, thank you so much!
  4. spockandawe

    spockandawe soft and woolen and writhing with curiosity

    This isn't 100% complete, and I know people dug up links to some of the ones I couldn't find before (and also this is out of date by half a year now), but this should have a good number of links!

    • Winner x 1
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  5. Sleepy_Stiingray

    Sleepy_Stiingray local ass beater


    I downloaded all of the spotlight comics, so that's good.

    And someone on deviantart sent me a link where I can read MTMTE online.

    I keep seeing windblade Starscream, and I'm in love.

    But again, thank you.
    • Like x 2
  6. mizushimo

    mizushimo the greatest hits

    Last edited: May 2, 2017
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  7. Sleepy_Stiingray

    Sleepy_Stiingray local ass beater

    REALLY handsome boy! I can't wait for him to show up now.
  8. spockandawe

    spockandawe soft and woolen and writhing with curiosity

    So Prowl and Chromedome were meeting to discuss things before the Lost Light takeoff, when the attempted blackmail went down, and they were meeting in Prowl's office. Things were strained between them, yes, but it seemed like they reasonably respected each other's strengths. But things were awkward enough that I doubt Chromedome wandered in on his own. So, Prowl set up a meeting. So... Prowl presumably had Chromedome's space phone number.

    And then in Titans Return, Prowl mentions that he tried to call Chromedome and his space phone number had changed. I am tired and my words are breaking, but it's a very reasonable read that Chromedome changed his number between that flashback and the present, and we don't know of any reason for him to have done that besides cutting ties with Prowl. And Prowl can put the pieces together well enough to know he must have done something to provoke the mindfuckery, though he's awfully good at internal justifications, and the consequences that went with the botched brain rewiring were REALLY darn severe.

    But while Prowl has been losing friends left and right, and finding out how little his friends think of his morals, and one of his closest friends dying, and getting shut down when he tried to reach out to Optimus, and getting punched in the face, and even having Verity kinda shove him away when he's trying to take care of her-- In the middle of all that, he sees a video from his old boyfriend, his oldest friend period that we know of, where Chromedome is talking about how he's about to die. And he's worried for Chromedome. So he tries to call him. And he finds out that somewhere in that time frame where he's been losing friend after friend after friend, even Chromedome has cut him off too.

    I don't have good conclusion words, but it's that little quiet constant that you've always been sure you can rely on, where you reach for it and it's not there after all, and all you can do is try to recover your balance and avoid eye contact and say a quiet little "ah."
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  9. KarrinBlue

    KarrinBlue Magical Girl Intern

  10. mizushimo

    mizushimo the greatest hits

    eeee! I just...skimmed through some episodes of RiD 2015 season 3 (Combiner Force) and guess who got teased??
    SOUNDBABE! And he's talking again... and he has a tiny blue robot working for him, but it's not Frenzy :(
    Episode 1

    Episode 2

    FOUND THE PROMO WITH WILDBREAK - he's not the brightest bulb but he's stylish
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  11. TheOwlet

    TheOwlet A feathered pillow filled with salt and science

    So theoretically, if I spent my on-call shift yesterday hammering out a potential robot OC where do I plop that down so that people can poke it and tell me how well it holds up?
    (also @spockandawe what flight are you u in and can I add u)
    • Like x 1
  12. mizushimo

    mizushimo the greatest hits

    NEW DEVELOPMENTs: A bunch of episodes are on Dailymotion even though they haven't aired yet.
    this guy has all of them on Dailymotion up to episode 7
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  13. Sleepy_Stiingray

    Sleepy_Stiingray local ass beater

    So I see people are showing their TF OCs

    [shakes] uh... i-is anyone interested in seeing mine?

    If so, here:

    I have two, an Autobot and a Decepticon, but I only have a name for the 'con. His name is ShockCollar.


    i l ov e h i m -squishyautobot.png
    SquishyAutobot on DA made him for me as a trade.

    If not, feel free to ignore this.
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  14. TheOwlet

    TheOwlet A feathered pillow filled with salt and science

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  15. Sleepy_Stiingray

    Sleepy_Stiingray local ass beater

    ty, aaa
  16. IvyLB

    IvyLB Hardcore Vigilante Gay Chicken Facilitator

    @TheOwlet heck I think in here maybe? OCs go in the fandom thread imo unless you have a specific RP to put them in in mind.

    ........... I don't think any of y'all want to know the slightly ridiculous amount of TF OCs I have
    There's... a lot.
    • Agree x 2
  17. Loq

    Loq rotating like a rotisserie chicknen

    [shuffles 20 robot rp subs under the rug]
    • Winner x 2
  18. TheOwlet

    TheOwlet A feathered pillow filled with salt and science

    Ok so, as mentioned I brained this out last night while on-call at the hospital so I havn't had time to cross reference it yet (though i was eyeing the uhhh big tf rp thread on here, for framing) and my terrible carrier headcanon from in this thread here because if I can I will.
    Anyhow, idea is:
    A carrier flight frame (Think something light a freight plane) part of a 'Con crew. The ship he's on gets into a fight with an autobot ship, relatively early on in the war, and while they survive the initial fight (unlike the 'bot ship), it ends up so damaged that they have to try and land on the nearest energon carrying planet in the hopes of repairing it. Except somewhere in the athmosphere something goes terrible wrong and instead of 'landing' it's more 'crash and leave a giant crater' with OC as the sole survivor. He's now down three symbiotes (and the trauma that comes with that), stuck on an organic planet, in the middle of fuckall nowhere, with no way to contact his side, or anyone really, never mind the fact that nobody knows he's still alive to begin with.

    And then he stays on the planet for essentially 3 million years. There's a species of sentient organics there when he first crashes but he really only sees the tailend off because they've split into several factions and just discovered biological warfare and things are going downhill hella fast, which also gives him a lot to think about because he's essentially a direct witness to what happened if several groups of people are absolutely hellbent on coming out on top.

    Anyhow, during his stay there another, unrelated group of organics develops sentience and even limited space travel but they're really really isolationist when it comes to the rest of the galaxy, so they mostly just ignore the giant robot they're sharing a planet with, while said giant robot does his own thing.
    'his own thing' here being 'medic with about 3 million years of nothing to do but study this organic stuff, talk to himself and try not to offline' which results in him being really good with organics, so the point of actually figuring out how to make this non-metal bullshit work in his favour, since resources of replacement wiring or plates are kind rough to come by.
    So when found by society-at-large again he's either looking really scruffy or like he's partially made from wood.
    Haven't really settled on a name yet, I am however eyeing up both Setback and Updraft but I still gotta check if those are like canon names already (it's late I'm running on like 4h of sleep so that's gotta wait until after naptime)

    But... yeah that's the idea I'm having so far, crit very welcome! I was trying to work around my lacking canon knowledge best I could but y'know.
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  19. Loq

    Loq rotating like a rotisserie chicknen

    I love him already :D

    And as for this-- people having the same name is canon ("no, not that Prowl") and also I accidentally forgot Thunderwing existed and subconsciously stole his name for an Insecticon so like
    Don't worry about it :P
    • Agree x 2
  20. TheOwlet

    TheOwlet A feathered pillow filled with salt and science

    Well that's good to know at least now I can just toss a coin between the names!
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