Discussion in 'Fan Town' started by itsAlana, Aug 28, 2015.

  1. Loq

    Loq rotating like a rotisserie chicknen

    I mean, the game itself is pretty vague about it-- dark energon is involved, Quintessons are involved, but how the two tie together...? Something something Quintessons supplying the DE, it's a fighting game so the writers don't really care :P

    On that particular mission, Starscream apparently voluntarily joined the Quintessons (as opposed to Mirage and Arcee, who were mind-controlled into it Somehow) because... Because Starscream as far as I can tell? Blah blah power something something "choosing the winning side". Characterization? What characterization? Soundwave, as all the other Good NPCs do, thinks this is completely fucking stupid-- the Quintessons aren't gonna give you a position of power, Screamer, it just ain't happening, no matter how useful you make yourself-- and tells him so.
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  2. IvyLB

    IvyLB Hardcore Vigilante Gay Chicken Facilitator

    So.... what you're saying is Thundercracker watches Mad Max Fury Road and gets the Mother's Milk bit explained and is all like "Oh so that's where the human food milk comes from! :D" and Marissa is like "nOOO-")
    • Like x 6
  3. Loq

    Loq rotating like a rotisserie chicknen

    Also!! Soundwave is getting focus arenas finally! Starting 6 hours from this posting (1pm eastern, idk about other timezones) we can all fight for a chance to get the Good Boy, if it holds to the pattern of the other arenas we'll have three days to climb the ranks.

    I'm not still salty I never got waspinator what are you talking about
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  4. Sleepy_Stiingray

    Sleepy_Stiingray local ass beater

    And my friends kinkshame me
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  5. Petra

    Petra space case

    I deeply dislike the Mistress of Flame and idk exactly how much of that is leakage from my own headcanons and my camien OCs.
  6. spockandawe

    spockandawe soft and woolen and writhing with curiosity

    Okay but I am thinking that a lot of characters would be rally sincerely into this

    All the things you said up there, about scarcity and liquid diets. Those are SO GREAT.

    BUT. Consider additionally that siphoning is a thing that exists in the comic, and makes regular appearances in fandom kink. Lactation is like that, but there are the times siphoning gets portrayed as pretty sketchy in the comic, like Sonic and Boom laying into Drift in the dead end. Slash the business the Scavengers are doing, with corpses, it's easy to see desperate mechs resorting to the same measures in the slums, but with unconscious or weak mechs, not necessarily dead ones.

    But when siphoning does happen in kink, I've usually seen it as a pretty intimate act, where a lot of the erotic overtones tie back to trust and the awareness that the other person is taking an injury to give this to you. And those are GREAT overtones, I love those overtones. But consider all the pre-existing Cybertronian ideas and emotions that would already BE there, given the cultural awareness of siphoning as a thing.

    And then they find out that humans have a special anatomical construct SPECIFICALLY designed for this one single purpose.

    Oh my god, I'm on mobile on an elliptical, so I can't flail at as much length as I could wish, but the sudden sucker punch to the libido when cybertronians find out about this has SO MUCH POTENTIAL!

    Especially when you add in boobs being right alongside where a cybertronian spark would be, so the extra intimacy they'd be feeling about sustained closeness there. Them being fascinated by on how a good number of people, you can still SEE them! Right there! Even when they aren't actively feeding someone! Especially with retractable junk in play on the robot side, I can see them being all :O in the best way

    I'm going to stop before I go into cybertronians figuring out how to work kink scenes around this premise, but. You guys know me. It's going to be a thing sooner or later :DDD
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  7. Petra

    Petra space case

    Obviously the answer is attachable jelly tits with energon banks inside them, duh. :P
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  8. TheOwlet

    TheOwlet A feathered pillow filled with salt and science

    Like, from 'useful over winner all the way to agree' what do i chose can i rate something multiple things also great as if 'robot porn' isn't kinky enough already y u gotta do this to me
    (Also i reckon this is gonna make an appearance in your kink meme things now won't it?)
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  9. Sleepy_Stiingray

    Sleepy_Stiingray local ass beater

    Guys, this is me just being pretty curious about gross things, but, you know the headcannon about 'bots having valves?

    How would that work? Would it be like squishy mesh or something? Or would it be hard metal?

    I'm confused about this.
  10. TheOwlet

    TheOwlet A feathered pillow filled with salt and science

    going by fanfic, the general consensus seems to be 'soft mesh, lubrication options inbuilt'
  11. Petra

    Petra space case

    I kinda figure it'd be similar to whatever their faces are made out of? Still metallic but with give and squish to it.
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  12. BunjyWunjy

    BunjyWunjy Frabjous

    • Witnessed x 3
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  13. spockandawe

    spockandawe soft and woolen and writhing with curiosity

    I'll raise you one

    Attachable jelly tits that actually have a tap into your own personal energon lines :DDDD

    (and this is TOTALLY going in my kink meme as soon as I figure out who to do. Thundercracker is an option, but that feels too easy, and I can save him for trickier organic kink stuff. HMMM. This is a tricky one to figure out XD)
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  14. Sleepy_Stiingray

    Sleepy_Stiingray local ass beater

    Oh, fun, so just like bits and pieces of squish-metal. Or maybe under their armor is like patches of squish-metal.

    • Agree x 4
  15. Loq

    Loq rotating like a rotisserie chicknen

    wait did you actually find good ovi
    where, most of what I see on ao3 focuses on the eggs coming out, not going in
    • Agree x 2
  16. Sleepy_Stiingray

    Sleepy_Stiingray local ass beater

    Tbh, but uh... this one might be awkward for most people to read with it being an insert 'n all and people look down upon reader-inserts
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  17. spockandawe

    spockandawe soft and woolen and writhing with curiosity

    Also, if you want to post any thoughts or feelings or reactions or ships as you go through, please feel free! I love reading people's reactions as they go through comics or shows :D
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  18. BunjyWunjy

    BunjyWunjy Frabjous

    Regarding the new Optimus Prime and TAAO:
  19. Sleepy_Stiingray

    Sleepy_Stiingray local ass beater


    [dabs] same tbh

    lmao I finally got my friend into the RiD 2015 cartoon, and he's already shipping
    I'm proud
  20. BunjyWunjy

    BunjyWunjy Frabjous

    more seriously tho
    HOLY SHIT these issues just ripped my poor heart right out and stomped on it. Disregarding what's going on with Windblade and Sideswipe even (WHERE THE FUCK IS SUNSTREAKER WHERE IS HE?!) I really like how Starscream is being portrayed, and how he wiggled out of that do-this-or-never-be-redeemed trope that everyone was trying to force him into. I think that he couldn't have made the choice everyone was demanding of him and still been Starscream, if that makes sense. He stayed true to his character and chose the secret third option. (He's a lot like Homestuck's Vriska in that respect, actually)

    On earth, I really really like how humans and cybertronians are starting to come to grips with each other, and I'm glad that Optimus has started being slightly less of an alarming dictator. I'm suddenly waaay more wary of Pyra, though. She's being super sketch and manipulative rn.
    Still love what's going on between Aileron and Jetfire, and the development both characters are getting! (Though Jetfire's was way in the past, but it gives great insight to his character and I love him, okay)
    Thundercracker and Marissa continue to be the Dream Team yes good.
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