Tyranny of Dragons Campaign OOC Thread

Discussion in 'It's Galley's Turn' started by esotericPrognosticator, Apr 17, 2017.


are you reading this thread?

  1. hell yeah!!

  2. I'm. part of the campaign so. yes?

  3. HELL yeah sign me the FUCK up for the microfandom dude

  4. no I'm just a sarcastic piece of shit

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  1. NevermorePoe

    NevermorePoe Nevermore

    I only did that in case i needed to alter it further. And okay.
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  2. esotericPrognosticator

    esotericPrognosticator still really excited about kobolds tbqh

    @NevermorePoe ALRIGHT SO FEEDBACK there is a lot of it and I am sorry, I just wanted to go over all of this and sort it out before the game starts. :) my comments are in order from top of character sheet to bottom, pretty much!

    unless you're using a shield, your AC should be 12, not 14—11 from the leather armor plus your DEX mod (+1).

    I'm not sure where you got the number listed under "Money"; you should just have 5 gp from your background.

    I'm also nnnnot sure what's up with the part that says "+X [quarterstaff] (1d6 +2, versatile (1d8))." are you saying that you can attack with your quarterstaff, doing 1d6 +2 HP bludgeoning damage if holding it in one hand and 1d8 +2 if holding it in two hands? that's correct. you also get +2 to your rolls to hit with the weapon.

    did you remember to add your racial bonuses to your ability scores? you should get +1 to INT and +2 to CHA.

    under your "proficiencies" section, you have a bunch of modifiers listed for saving throws. technically, you're only proficient in Intelligence and Wisdom saving throws, but those saving throw mods you have listed there are correct, just a little confusing.

    likewise, your list of skills makes it hard to tell which ones you've chosen to be proficient in. I'm pretty sure you're proficient in Medicine, Religion, Nature, and Perception (the first two from your background, the second two from your class), but yeah.

    you appear to have completely forgone your Druidic Spellcasting ability! that is an important feature of your class, and you should definitely add those details (choosing the cantrips you know, knowing how many spell slots you have, knowing how many spells you can prepare, choosing a list of spells with which to start the game, sorting out your spell save DC and spell attack modifier, etc.) and just kinda... make sure you understand how those mechanics work?

    in addition to the equipment you have listed, you also start with either a wooden shield or any simple weapon, a scimitar or any simple melee weapon, and a druidic focus from your class. (you appear to have already selected a quarterstaff as your simple melee weapon, but that means you still get your choice or a shield or any simple weapon.) from your background, you should also start with an herbalism kit. and I am not sure what you mean by "totem." also, while you have the explorer's pack listed, it also should contain a mess kit, which you have omitted.

    I suggest you write the details of your racial traits on your character sheet, like so:
    Darkvision: see in dim light as though bright, dark as though dim, range 60 ft.
    Hellish Resistance: resistance to fire damage*
    Infernal Legacy: can cast thaumaturgy cantrip**
    *btw, do you know what this entails?

    **you may want to summarize the spell's description somewhere for future reference

    you do not have the Discovery feature from your background listed.

    aaaand that's it! please answer my questions and ask me questions back! and sorry again for how long this fucker is. :P
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  3. NevermorePoe

    NevermorePoe Nevermore

    This is my first time making a character sheet, so its not surprising that there's some errors. I'll reply with actual detail in a few moments, this is to let you know i've seen the post.

    [Edit:] Changed the quoted text to clarify the reason that it had been altered, also altered the original edit reason.
    Last edited: May 5, 2017
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  4. NevermorePoe

    NevermorePoe Nevermore

    I did originally have a shield, decided against it, and then forgot to remove the bonus.

    I thought I added all the stuff from background, and a roll for class? oops.

    I'm also nnnnot sure what's up with the part that says "+X [quarterstaff] (1d6 +2, versatile (1d8))." are you saying that you can attack with your quarterstaff, doing 1d6 +2 HP bludgeoning damage if holding it in one hand and 1d8 +2 if holding it in two hands? that's correct. you also get +2 to your rolls to hit with the weapon.
    tbh this part confuses me. I think yes, to your question.

    I swapped the numbers somewhere in my head, sorry.

    The book was not that great at explaining things in anything less than an entire book, I got some help from people on discord, but at that point i was pretty tired and misinterpretting things a lot.

    I've marked proficiency with an asterisk now, you were correct.

    The part of this I forgot is to list it in the sheet, woops. I chose produce flame, guidance, jump, and thunderwave.

    oh, I probably just didn't see the mess kit while I was going through the book. simple weapon, um, dagger then. Oh, a totem is a druidic focus.

    I do know what the thaumaturgy cantrip means, but my book says i only get it at level three so I hadn't done anything with it yet.
    I'll summarize the spells shortly, it'll take a moment for me to finish revisions.

    Thanks for the feedback!

    [Edit:] added one thing 'cause I forgot it earlier.
    Last edited: May 5, 2017
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  5. esotericPrognosticator

    esotericPrognosticator still really excited about kobolds tbqh

    totally understandable! just make sure you change it back. :)

    nope, you only roll for class money if you decide not to take the class/background standard starting equipment. so yeah, 5 gp.

    okay! so those are important attack mechanics I'm talking about there, and I'd like to make sure you understand them before your first combat. can you please tell me what you don't understand? it also might be helpful if you explained to me how you think a weapon attack works.

    no big deal! just... which did you swap? did you give Vitae a +2 to INT and +1 to CHA or something like that?

    's okay! and yeah, it's real long, I'm pretty sure I had to read it all the way through before I understood what was going on. :P you can also get help here if you like! no question is too silly or whatever. (or you can PM me, or my Discord is esotericPrognosticator#6106, although I'm a bit of a Discord n00b, tbh. :P)

    glad I could help! (although I guess you only changed that on your copy of your sheet, 'cause I can't see any asterisks in the sheets here?)

    hmm, okay. so produce flame and guidance are cantrips, aka 0th-level spells (although I think that's a silly thing to call them, but anyway). as a 1st-level druid, you are allowed to know two of those, so the ones you picked are just fine! just remember that you can cast cantrips as often as you'd like (i.e., you do not have cantrip spell slots), and they do not count against the number of spells you have prepared.
    so I see you have two 1st-level spells prepared: jump and thunderwave. as I said, those are a-okay, it's just that you're allowed to add two more spells from that category to your list! yay!
    also, sorry if you already know this and I'm 'splaining to you, but D&D's spellcasting mechanics are notoriously difficult and counterintuitive, so I want to make sure: you have four 1st-level spells prepared, but you only have two 1st-level spell slots. that means that during one day (aka the time between "long rests," when you sleep—doesn't have to be a "sunrise-sunset" kinda day), you can cast two spells on that list once, or one spell on that list twice. you get both your spell slots back after sleeping, although they don't carry over—like, if you have one left when you go to sleep, you'll wake up with two, not three. does that make sense?

    's no big, unless you want to give detailed descriptions of how Vitae eats. :P (the herbalism kit is more of a deal, though. make sure you add that!)

    cool! we can talk more about the dagger after we've sorted out the quarterstaff mechanics. also, just for reference, what kind of focus is it/what does it look like? why is it important to Vitae?

    actually the Player's Handbook (and I don't know why the hell someone would make that slight change in their pirated copy of it) says that you get a spell at 3rd level (hellish rebuke). since cantrips are more simple, you start off with that one at first level. 's all squished together, though, I can see how that might be confusing. :)


    you're welcome! I'll answer the other question you sent me in a mo'. ;)
    • Informative x 1
  6. Arxon

    Arxon Well-Known Member

    Wait is this true for me too?
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  7. esotericPrognosticator

    esotericPrognosticator still really excited about kobolds tbqh

    mm-hm! although bards just straight-up know four 1st-level spells when they're at first level (that is, you can't switch the spells you're able to cast around from day to day like druids can). otherwise, yeah, you have two 1st-level spell slots and they work the same way. (another confusing thing about this fucking wreck of a spellcasting system: both spells and characters have numbered levels, but spell levels very rarely correspond to character levels—like, tenth-level characters can't cast 10th-level spells. sign.)
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  8. esotericPrognosticator

    esotericPrognosticator still really excited about kobolds tbqh

    to check up on everyone's character sheet progress:
    @The Frood Abides @Helen of Boy @swirlingflight I believe your character sheets are complete and finalized. is that correct?

    @Arxon @NevermorePoe I believe your character sheets are filled out, but you're still in the process of editing them. is that correct?

    @garden I believe that your character sheet is mostly complete, but you are still working on your character as... a character, so to speak, not just stats, etc. is that correct?

    @KarrinBlue @Lazarae I believe that you are working on your character sheets but have not yet posted them in this thread. is that correct? if so, could you please post what you have, even if you don't have much? thanks!

    have I forgotten anybody?

    edit bc I am a forgetful dunkass: this is not required, exactly, but may I recommend this character creator to your attention? you don't have to buy a figurine, you can just take a screenshot, and I would like visual references for your characters, if you are so inclined... :3c
    edit the second: also I am lowkey going to make references for a lot of NPCs tbh and you wouldn't want your characters to be outclassed would you >:)
    Last edited: May 6, 2017
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  9. KarrinBlue

    KarrinBlue Magical Girl Intern

    Yep, I'm just busy with exams. I'll try and get a skeletal version up tonight, if nothing else.
  10. esotericPrognosticator

    esotericPrognosticator still really excited about kobolds tbqh

    @KarrinBlue thank you! I totally understand (mine are looming too... :/), and I also understand if you're just lacking spoons for whatever reason. I'd just appreciate if you liked my post asking after you or just posted "low on spoons, sorry" or something so I know what's going on.
  11. The Frood Abides

    The Frood Abides Doesn't Know Where His Rug Is

    Correct. Tho I have finals coming up this week so my posting may be unpredictably sparse.
    • Useful x 1
  12. esotericPrognosticator

    esotericPrognosticator still really excited about kobolds tbqh

    my finals are the last couple days of May running into June, to preemptively warn you guys. although most of them are papers (and one of my finals is the Calc AP, which is the 18th), so I'll be doing a lot of work even before they're officially due. THANK you, Latin teacher, for making the rough draft due two weeks before the final draft, when you damn well know we'll do all the research and the bulk of the writing for the rough draft... :/ ('s a cool paper, though, so it could be worse. and she's real understanding about executive dysfunction and so on; p sure she had depression at some point herself (maybe still does). so yeah.)
  13. NevermorePoe

    NevermorePoe Nevermore

    I have some stuff to do today, mostly cleaning. I'll update when I can. in the mean time, here's Vitae!
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  14. esotericPrognosticator

    esotericPrognosticator still really excited about kobolds tbqh

  15. Lazarae

    Lazarae The tide pod of art

    I've been working just above flatline- I can do silly stuff like the Rave but every time I try to do serious stuff like work on my sheet (which is 98% fucking done I just have to do the writey bit with her story and personality really) I go @_@. Hopefully it'll clear up soon since I've been getting some Actual sleep.

    I do have visual references! Well, one. Dollmakers are love but I get too picky and I made a character with goddamn horns which made it worse. (Especially since the horns on this maker are perf). And I couldn't do her wings on this one and -babbles-

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  16. swirlingflight

    swirlingflight inane analysis and story spinning is my passion

    well i guess i'm going to spend the rest of the day playing in hero forge and gimp
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  17. esotericPrognosticator

    esotericPrognosticator still really excited about kobolds tbqh

    @Lazarae psst the character creator I recced has extensive horn AND wing AND tail options
    also I feel you (and you too, Swirl) because like. tbh I lowkey have a dollmaker addiction....... like, witness all the dollmaker pics I have saved:
    Screen Shot 2017-05-06 at 6.47.04 PM.png Screen Shot 2017-05-06 at 6.48.42 PM.png Screen Shot 2017-05-06 at 6.50.42 PM.png
    yeah. so.
  18. Lazarae

    Lazarae The tide pod of art

    hahaha.png lookit that scroll bar those are all dolls

    I'll probably attempt her on the figure maker when I'm less fidget.
    • Winner x 2
  19. swirlingflight

    swirlingflight inane analysis and story spinning is my passion

    I can't believe one of the poses is a meme pose


    look at this bs

    anyway i decided to play around blocking colors, here's the current draft:


    colors added in gimp by:

    making a layer of just the silhouette

    making a copy of that layer, and blocking colors in it

    setting the colors layer to translucent on top of the original screenshot, adjusting opacity to a decent low saturation coloring

    copying the visible layers, making a new layer of that, and upping the contrast so the shadows and lights would pop again

    my main regret with doing that is those weird straps on the chain shirt. might make a color version of him not wearing armor.




    and @esotericPrognosticator I still need to add his alignment and background/personality info, but the game mechanics side is otherwise done.
    Last edited: May 6, 2017
    • Winner x 1
  20. NevermorePoe

    NevermorePoe Nevermore

    I just got confused, reading my book. I got the real one yesterday! I'll add that and the other two spells later today.
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