Crossover Consideration Station

Discussion in 'Fan Town' started by Wiwaxia, Apr 17, 2015.

  1. winterykite

    winterykite Non-newtonian genderfluid

    that almost makes me ask, why not hufflepuff sollux?
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  2. artistformerlyknownasdave

    artistformerlyknownasdave revenge of ricky schrödinger

    hmm, i guess there's no real reason why not other than i wanted him and aradia in the same house! :p
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  3. Jean

    Jean Let’s stop procrastinating -- tomorrow!

    Is it a thing to post bits of that crossover here, or should I not? Here it is, anyway:

    Potential plot no. 1:

    Harry and Ron have no idea that Hermione has more relatives until what would have been their seventh year.

    Hermione is digging her way through her bottomless bag when a surprised expression crosses her face and she snatches her hand back out. In it is… a muggle cell phone? Which is vibrating. She stares at the thing for a moment before hurriedly pressing something on the screen and bringing it up to her ear.

    “Hello, Jade!” her voice is overly cheery, trying not to show her strain over the past weeks since Bill's interrupted wedding (over the past years since Voldemort came back, over the past years since her life has been in danger every year).

    “Hermione!” The boys can clearly hear Jade’s reply. “How are you? I mean, how are you holding up? I heard about the muggleborn registration bullshit and I thought, no way Hermione would let them get her, so I thought I'd offer my island if you want to come and regroup. I've got some stuff to give you if you do!”

    Hermione gaped, speechless.

    “I mean, I'll give it to you anyway if you don't, but the logistics are a little harder, you know?


    “Y--” She cleared her throat hastily. “You know?!”

    “Of course I know! It's all over the papers, isn't it?”

    “I don't like this,” Harry muttered, glancing around the big field where they'd agreed to wait for Hermione’s… cousin? She hadn't been exactly clear on that. “It could still be a trap.” Ron shrugged uncomfortably and Hermione cast him a narrow look, but said nothing. They'd beaten the subject to death already, arguing in circles until they agreed to try meeting with her and just be poised to apparate away at the first sign of danger.

    Potential continuations:
    1. Jade arrives in a helicopter! She says she'd better rest before heading back, unless one of them can fly a helicopter? She seems genuinely curious. On the way back, they make a pit stop at a truly weird house with a waterfall where Jade catches a quick nap and they pick up a pair of even weirder teenage girls. Then on to the island!

    2. Jade arrives in a crackle of green light! She says everybody got everything? and then more green light swallows them. When their vision clears, they're in a large, vaulted room with a bronze-plated vacuum cleaner on a pedestal, a truly gigantic statue of a wizard, and a random pumpkin that just… appears as they watch. This way! And she leads them to an adjacent room which is empty but for… a bunch of plug-in windows? What? If I tried to teleport you all the way myself I would have exploded my brain or something, so we're taking the fenestrated planes instead! And follow me! And she opens one of the the windows and jumps in, vanishing as she does?! So they follow her, and end up in the atrium.


    The game ends, not with a bang but with a whimper. And suddenly… they’re thirteen again.

    They’re still gods. Jade’s not sure how to feel about that.

    John’s dad, Rose’s mom, and Dave’s bro are all alive again, presumably because they died within the game, but Jade’s grandpa -- and John’s nanna, for that matter -- are still dead. Jade tells herself that’s okay. He lived a long life. He was happy. And anyway-- anyway, there’s Jake.

    There is Jake. He’s not on her island, but she can see his island out of her bedroom window. There’s Jane, living with her own dad down the street from John. There’s Roxy, who woke up in the lab next to Rose’s house and who Rose’s mom apparently forged paperwork for indicating that she was her second daughter. There wasn’t Dirk, not for a while, because he found himself in foster care and bolted. He showed up at Jane’s house two weeks later, much worse for wear and running a fever, and that was the first they knew he was alive, that his soul hadn’t been too fractured to make it through the game.

    Jake, Jane, Dirk, and Roxy are all sixteen, which is unfair, Jade thinks. But no one seems to have noticed that she and Jake are alone on their islands, so that’s fine for now. She’s got all the necessities here, after all, and Grandpa’s fortune sitting around collecting dust besides. Jake is fine, if lonely; he’s got his Grandma’s fortune too. Apparently they were twins, wizard and squib, and their grandchildren were a mirror image -- for all that he still had difficulty with his Hope powers, Jake was a wand-waving wizard, and for all that Jade was a Witch, she wasn’t a witch.

    This wasn’t surprising. Jade had always known about magic. Jake had, apparently, assumed everyone made things happen when they were emotional. Jade gave him her grandpa’s wand and helped him find a school that would take in an untrained sixteen-year-old, and that solved the loneliness issue.

    Of course, Jake couldn’t keep his mouth shut and Jade saw no reason to try to make him, so now their whole group -- well, the teenagers, anyway -- know about the wizarding world. Rose and Roxy were the only ones to really make use of this knowledge.

    Fast forward a little, and John and Jane's dads are inviting Jade and Jake over to meet their sister and her family.

    Hermione is thirteen when she meets her aunt Jade. Who is, oddly, thirteen herself.

    “Well, Grandpa -- well, he's my dad really, but I call him Grandpa -- anyway, Grandpa made me in a tube, and Jake's Grandma, who is really his mom, made him in a tube, and they both used genetic material from your grandma as the other half, which makes Jake my half-brother and my cousin and you my niece!” She said all of this in one breath, quite loudly, barely intelligible through her strange accent.

    Jake turns out to be Hermione's uncle, who is sixteen and currently at his boarding school, which doesn't let out until the end of the month.

    “So,” Hermione's mum says, “It's pretty weird that we've never met you before. How did that happen?”

    Her dad sighs. “Jean…”

    “No, it's okay!” Jade says cheerfully (Jade, it seems, does everything cheerfully). “We didn't actually know we were related until I came to visit John and we looked so much alike, so when I got back home I dug into the family records and that's how I found out. That's also how I found Jake! He was living right next to me all this time and I never knew! That was pretty cool.”

    I need to reread everything before continuing, however.
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  4. Helen of Boy

    Helen of Boy Hugcrafter Pursuivant

    Ooooh. You could always alternate bits, going back and setting things up with Jade while having the "present day" stuff with Hermione for a bit? I dunno, but it's a neat read and I hope you do get around to more.

    Of the two options you mention, I think it depends on how quickly you want to pull the bandaid off. The slower build is benefited from the first option, a quick jump into the full HS crazy is better benefited by the latter, I think.
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  5. Jean

    Jean Let’s stop procrastinating -- tomorrow!

    Decisions, decisions. Maybe I'll write both and then decide. The same for how many characters I'll include; it could get crowded really fast, so I think I'll just go along and see who becomes necessary.

    That being said, I don't know what to do about the trolls, and I'm having a hard time figuring out what to change and what not to change about the horcrux hunt and the final battle. We'll have to see, I guess.
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  6. winterykite

    winterykite Non-newtonian genderfluid

    Trolls scattered across the world as contacts in difficult-to-reach places that have important items/information


    Feferi and Eridan reminding Harry of the fish people from book 4. If Eridan still has wands, someone asking why he has a wand if he isn't a human. Eridan giving approximately 0 fucks about human wizard law because he's a seadweller.
    (Can you imagine Tavros, Nepeta, and Hagrid tho)

    (imagine Arthur Weasley and Sollux in the same room.)
    (Aradia chatting up the portraits of dead people. "S0 h0w is death treating y0u?")
    I wonder if they could rope Terezi into helping revise Wizarding law...
    They can definitely rope Vriska into helping with the final battle because glory
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  7. The Frood Abides

    The Frood Abides Doesn't Know Where His Rug Is

    is it just me or does Ayreon's new album make one think of the Stolen Century arc from TAZ?

    Last edited: May 6, 2017
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  8. unknownanonymous

    unknownanonymous i am inimitable, i am an original|18+

    red vs blue/undertale fusion au crossover idea
    the idea is basically church or the director in the place of asriel/flowey (with his flowey form maybe being omega, alpha or epsilon) and allison or tex as chara. and maybe carolina or tex as frisk...

    i'm not sure, honestly. but i got feels when i noticed the thematic similarities of the chara/asriel relationship and the tex/church one, and red vs blue definitely has enough characters to slot into the underground.
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  9. unknownanonymous

    unknownanonymous i am inimitable, i am an original|18+

    and expanding on the idea...
    i think that in this au, tex would fall into the underground when she and church are both kids, and she and church would then die later as adults.

    but instead of dying by suicide like chara did, tex would die defending from the underground from and trying to take the SOUL of another human (maybe maine/the meta). she'd be a determined red SOUL but would be prevented from using the ability to reset by church (who would be unaware of the ability) absorbing her SOUL (and church then absorbing the other human's SOUL after killing them).

    and since two human SOULs seem like they might be able to equal one boss monster soul, church would be able to cross the barrier without actually being a boss monster, in order to get five more and break the barrier. and then, like in undertale canon, the humans would freak out, killing him, and his dust would end up on something (i dunno what) in the underground, get injected with determination by a scientist, and he'd take on a soulless form as a result (which might be either omega, alpha or epsilon. i'm not sure which. if omega, the final boss of the neutral route would be called omega omega and that's really amusing to me. omega omega. like moon moon but he wrecks ur shit on purpose).

    and carolina, also a determined red SOUL, would deliberately go to the underground on some sorta military/scientific/exploratory-type mission as an adult. and 'cause of SOUL compatibility and tex's essence being determined enough to stay around, she'd get tex in her head. and there would be basically the same issues around that as with frisk, chara and asriel.

    and i like the idea of washington being the king. and sarge being the head of the royal guard.
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  10. Jean

    Jean Let’s stop procrastinating -- tomorrow!

    SO, crack crossovers are a thing, and this one has eaten my brain:

    Tsunade was still a child when she remembered. She had been in the middle of (gently!) pummeling Jiraiya for being a reckless idiot-! And suddenly she found herself freezing as a lifetime of memories overwhelmed her. Suddenly she was not seven-year-old Senju Tsunade but rather Alanna of Pirate's Swoop and Olau, who had died in her bed at age eighty-six.

    She turned away from a very confused Jiraiya and immediately ran to her sensei (knight-master, a part of her whispered), interrupting his conversation with Orochimaru to gasp out -- “Sensei help I think I've been mentally compromised!”

    Orochimaru listened with interest as his teammate described her regained memories. It was fascinating, and it gave him hope. Reincarnation was possible, even if it took so long that everything had fundamentally changed. Tsunade -- or should he be calling her Alanna? -- had confirmed that chakra doesn't feel anything like magic. He voiced this thought.

    “I don't know,” Tsunade said thoughtfully, “The fundamental rules of nature seem to have changed, but the language is just a few words off from Yamani and the culture is so similar -- I may not have been the student of history that Jon was, but even I know that after enough time has passed for such a huge change to have happened -- the very gods have been replaced -- those things should not be nearly identical.”

    Hiruzen-sensei puffed thoughtfully on his pipe. “So your thought is that your previous life took place in an entirely different universe?”

    Tsunade glared suspiciously at Jiraiya. “Tell me something only George would know. Then maybe I'll believe you.”

    “Well, you never told us much about me. Let's see. When you first came to Corus, I sought you out because my Sight indicated that you would be someone important. When your monthlies began, you rushed to my apartment in a panic and got me to take you to a healer -- my own mother -- and that's how I found out that you're a girl. When--” She cut him off, grabbing him and pulling him into a hug.

    “Okay.” Her voice was muffled by the way her face pressed into his neck. “I believe you.”

    Orochimaru remembered just in time to catch himself before making a terrible decision.

    Dove’s first marriage was a matter of politics and practicality. They got along well and eventually regarded each other as friends as well as political allies. They had only one child, but she grew into a level-headed, competent young woman with an understated sense of humor and a deep kindness in her heart, and Dove felt comfortable leaving the Isles in her hands.

    Being born a boy is less than satisfactory. Dove had heard from Aly that there are people who are one gender in mind and another in body, but it is another thing entirely to experience first hand.

    She grows up in Konoha's orphanage and quickly learns to hate her name. No matter how many times she corrects the caretakers, they persist in calling her Minato. Still, she perseveres. Dove would stand out too much in this foreign land, which reminds her, if only distantly, of the Yamani Islands, so she calls herself Asuka. It's a little bit of a private joke, and less obvious than Hato would be -- not to mention that it's actually a name. One thing spending her second life in a hidden village has taught her is that standing out is dangerous. Of course, she knows that from Aly.

    As the years go by, she finds herself falling back more and more on what Aly taught her, during the revolution and later, in the long, rambling conversations of two women who were lifelong friends. It makes it bearable, thinking of herself as an operative rather than a queen. She is so, so grateful that she eventually talked Aly into teaching her to construct a liar’s palace. When at the academy and around others, she is Namikaze Asuka, genin hopeful, orphan genius and nothing more. (She thought of trying to be Namikaze Minato, of fitting herself into the mould they expect, but realizes that she wouldn't be able to bear it. She's not sure how long she can keep this up, as it is.)

    As she had predicted, Asuka falls apart just as soon as her liar's palace gets too much use.

    Thayet's first marriage was a matter of politics and love. She had no illusions that Jon would have married her if it weren't practical -- he would have wanted to, probably would have asked her to, but in the end he knew his duty to his people, just as she did. And for all she loved him, for all she knew he loved her, she knows she could have found happiness without him. She got more done as the queen, reached more people, saved more lives, than she would have otherwise -- but she could have been happy as a school teacher, helping children and changing lives on a smaller, more personal level. She would eventually have found love in another man, or woman, and it wasn't like she would have lost contact with her friends. Still, as stressful as politics could be, she was good at it, and she didn't regret the choices she'd made to get where she was, even as she felt herself slipping away under a frantic healer's hands, done in by a trio of assassins just a little too slippery for her guards and just a little too skilled for her to fight off before help could arrive.

    Kushina puzzled her parents. She understood language much earlier than normal, but spoke with an odd accent from the beginning. She took three years to reliably answer to her name.

    Shikamaru opened his eyes, analyzed two sets of memories, and sighed. “Troublesome.”

    Shikamaru was unusually thoughtful today, Shikaku noticed. His mind was entirely somewhere else, and it showed in his shogi strategy. Shikaku could have won several minutes ago, and at this point he was really just biding his time in hopes that his son would come out with what was troubling him. The man was just about to make a move when he did.

    “I'm going to be a medic. Also, I think you need to have Inoichi-san take a look at my head.” Shikaku nearly dropped his knight.

    Inoichi released the mind-reading jutsu, sighing heavily. Two sets of dark eyes regard him intently, unusually alert.

    “Well,” He began, “The memories haven't been planted by any outside influence unless someone has developed a way to fool my clan's technique, which I find highly doubtful. It's possible but unlikely that Shikamaru is simply delusional and is suffering from a un-prompted mental break, but the detail and depth of the memories make me doubt that. So, yes, for all intents and purposes, I would say that he is in fact remembering a past life. Congratulations, Shikamaru-kun; you've been reincarnated.”

    Three days after making genin, Shikamaru was passing through a training ground when he saw a girl maybe a year, two years older than him -- and so much younger -- practicing with a naginata. She was slender and wore her brown hair up in two buns, but that pattern-dance -- Kata, he reminded himself. Kata -- was achingly familiar. He’d watched Kel go through it a thousand times. It was complicated, and it was her favorite.

    • Alanna - Tsunade -- remembers at seven -- died of old age
    • George - Jiraiya -- remembers at sixteen
    • Thom - Orochimaru -- remembers just before joining up with ROOT -- died as in canon
    • Dove - Minato -- remembers from birth -- dies of pneumonia when she's too old to fight it off (74)
    • Thayet - Kushina -- remembers from birth -- is assassinated at age seventy-six
    • Raoul - Asuma ?
    • Daine - Hana
    • Numair - Itachi
    • Kel - Tenten -- remembers at four
    • Neal - Shikamaru -- remembers at ten
    • Sarai - Sakura
    • Nawat - Naruto
    • Aly - Sasuke -- remembers after the massacre
    • Miles - Sarutobi ?
    • Ochibo - Chiyo ?
    • Roger - Danzo ?
    One difference between Jiraiya and George is that George has too much respect for women to act like Jiraiya does, re: super pervert and peeping at public baths.

    Borrowing headcanons pretty heavily from Deja Vu No Jutsu. Particularly wrt how the academy works.

    As you can probably tell, I have approximately the attention span of a gnat when it comes to what stories/ideas I am working on.
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  11. Meagen Image

    Meagen Image Well-Known Member

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  12. swirlingflight

    swirlingflight inane analysis and story spinning is my passion

    oh shit! i forgot there's new album(s) out, the last i listened to was 01011001! /dashes off
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  13. The Frood Abides

    The Frood Abides Doesn't Know Where His Rug Is

    This one is a prequel to 01011001 and some of the tracks are amazing
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  14. Helen of Boy

    Helen of Boy Hugcrafter Pursuivant

    Jeez, I don't think I've heard anything of Ayreon's since... The Human Equation, probably? Got some catching up to do...
  15. What the heck IS TAZ by the way? I see it on my dash on tumblr but I don't know what it really is.
  16. Saro

    Saro Where is wizard hut

    Probably The Adventure Zone? The DND podcast by the McElroy brothers + dad.
    • Informative x 1
  17. Oh it's a DND thing? Okay.
  18. Jean

    Jean Let’s stop procrastinating -- tomorrow!

    Because Batman is my current fandom and I have a deep and abiding love for RENT, I am trying to cast the batfamily into RENT. Putting aside race, because the batfam is predominantly white -- I have Jason as Roger, Tim as either Mark (Camera, Jewish) or Collins (computer programing). If Tim is Mark, Steph would be Maureen and Cass would be Joanne. Although Steph would work as Mimi too. Roy would work better as Roger, considering the past drug addiction, and he's kind of batfamily, since he was Jason's teammate in nu52. Which would make Kori Mimi which would make Dick Benny. Huh. If we don't care about gender Babs could be Collins. In which case who is Angel? I ship her with Dinah and I mean the birds of prey are kind of care bear cousins to the batfamily...

    EDIT: not that Steph and Cass are dating outside of my head...

    EDIT2: not sure where I got the idea that Collins is a computer person. he taught philosophy... whoops.
    Last edited: Jun 7, 2017
  19. Loq

    Loq rotating like a rotisserie chicknen

  20. Jean

    Jean Let’s stop procrastinating -- tomorrow!

    That must be it.
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