>It killed him, Meredith. I did this before the balance tipped in favor of purple, haha. Flawless logic. Please don't point that extremely cursed sword at me. i.. man, i really squandered an opportunity waiting until may 6 to get to this cutscene, because cullen in it looks like it's gonna be MAY with the hair and all. And I do appreciate it, but it might be a little late. CONSIDER THAT MAYBE IF EVERYONE AROUND YOU IS CONSTANTLY "BETRAYING YOU BECAUSE OF BLOOD MAGIC," YOU MIGHT BE THE PROBLEM HERE
That is the face of, "...Uh-huh." (I admit I'm curious what would set her off if we'd sided with the Templars.)
i don't think meredith would be able to be satisfied with anything, honestly like, if we were 100% on her side, she would still find some way to declare us Impure Traitors or whatever
Well, yeah, I know she does, because she's the final boss in both routes. I'm just wondering exactly what it is.
oh. what i meant was more like, "i can actually see that being in character for her, instead of just dragon age being dragon age."
thanks varric Hawke can u not just Winter's Grasp her before she has a chance to power up blessed are the peacekeepers, the champions of the just.. Gulp.
Meredith has more wrong with her than just the effects of red lyrium - she was already paranoid and seeing abominations in every corner due to her sister turning into one when she was a child. (Something about how her parents coddled her sister and didn't take her to a circle and LOOK WHAT HAPPENED makes me think it was more complicated than that.) She was also already cruel and vicious - when the viscount before the most recent tried to stamp down on the Templars for taking liberties, she led a rebellion and executed him. When the most recent viscount was put into power, she gave him a 'gift' of I think the previous viscount's still-bloody ring and a threatening message to not get in her way. If you side with the templars, she's super paranoid that you were behind all of this all along - you were a refugee, and now you're a NOBLE? SUSPICIOUS!! - and pretty quickly goes into accusing you outright. Holding any amount of power that might loosen her stranglehold on the city is a huge threat to her even if you are on her side; even without the red lyrium, it would be only a matter of time before she'd plot Hawke's downfall, but in that scenario she'd do it with subtlety and artifice.
Some of Meredith's attacks drain all your mana, which is fine because... as you can see in the lower right.. I have amassed more potions than I could possibly use during this fight. PREPAREDNESS. After we knock off about a third of her health bar there's a cutscene.. ... If I make the templars-sailing-through-the-air joke for a third time here, is it too much?
You can tell you're the good guy divine blessed paladin with God on your side when your eyes start glowing red in a fight! :::DDD
NYOOM there she goes Aaand away she goes. My screenshots are not conveying it well, but the animations on these slave statues dragging themselves off the platform are great and horrible. And then there are *these* guys. Meredith stuns *everybody*, including her own statues, and then starts monologuing. I'm STANDING IN FRONT OF YOU PARALYZED and you're TALKING INSTEAD OF HITTING ME.