shitposting rave 5: discount rejects from every genre

Discussion in 'It's Galley's Turn' started by SHITPOSTING ALPHYS, Mar 20, 2017.

  1. Koezel Moloto

    Koezel Moloto sanguineMendaciloquence, Heir of Rage

    Well, I certainly do not care to 5top you...
    -Koezel raises an eyebrow, but doesn't pry.-
    It probably doe5 not have a5 much of an effect in thi5 dream5pace. I cannot influence other5 emotion5 a5 ea5ily here a5 I u5ually can. Normally, he would leave him5elf a lot more open to retort5 if he tried to bicker with you while your ro5e live5. It al5so 5ometime5 help5 5trengthen blackrom feeling5 toward5 one5elf. Hi5 will probably wilt before it ha5 a chance to do anything, 5imply becau5e he i5 the way he i5. ...I may or may not have been heavily influenced by Ea5t Alternian black romance media, but that i5 a 5ecret between you and me. :o)
  2. Dhareissa Verenke

    Dhareissa Verenke [WT/18+] confused ginger tabby friend

    "That's...part of the problem. I can't actually perceive the soul and have to take it on faith that the soul exists." Dhara smiles. "The soul is supposed to be the force that attaches itself to a sapient being's body at some point before it is born, and separates from it at death, and it's supposed to be the essence of that person, above and beyond ego and personality. I'm not sure I understand it myself. I do understand that you could show me your spark if you felt like it."

    Dhara shrugs. "But would it? Does she have a spark? Personally...I'd leave that question for her to answer. I might or might not be able to tell the difference between those two people. But that doesn't mean there's not one."
  3. antinomianAnomaly

    antinomianAnomaly [WT/18+] Farrat Noctua

    "That's...really what I was trying to get at." Farrat shrugs. "The kits can't give you a dictionary definition of personhood, but they know when people don't treat them like people because they're immature, and they don't like it. I don't always understand what they say or what they do, but I know they're people. If someone's able to tell that they're not being treated as a person and to resent that...they're a person."

    "Yeah fuck that noise." Farrat shakes his head. "Of course there's a correct answer, and it's to treat people who want to be treated like people as people, because if you don't, you're an asshole."
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  4. Karkat Vantas


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  5. Dhareissa Verenke

    Dhareissa Verenke [WT/18+] confused ginger tabby friend

    Dhara laughs. "So, Dave...I went into season when I was fifteen, which is not something that usually happens, but I was in love with a sixteen-year-old boy and we were pheromonally and emotionally compatible...and I decided that I wanted to just let it happen. I certainly didn't know everything about how to take care of kits when I had them. I learned a lot during the pregnancy, and I knew my mother and their father would help me, and my older sisters and brothers would do what they could, but...there were a lot of things it was only possible to learn from the kits themselves. If you do decide you want a child, you will do just fine as a parent. You will have people around you to help, won't you? And you will learn to do the right things. You will learn what to feed them, and how to look after them. It's a lot of work, but if you like kits or babies or grubs, it is work worth doing."
  6. Hlorri Lheill

    Hlorri Lheill obtenebrateBalatron, Witch of Heart

    =(] it wou7d be more accurate to consider me as more of a too7 than a person
    =(] that is the way it has a7ways been, and it is the way it a7ways wi77 be.......sad7y
  7. antinomianAnomaly

    antinomianAnomaly [WT/18+] Farrat Noctua

    Farrat smiles. "Jades are women, by definition, whether or not they're really female. I don't look or feel like a woman, but they gave me skirts in the caverns." He shrugs. "I am a man, thank you, and I like physics."
  8. turntechGodhead

    turntechGodhead dave ver 3.0.4 |18+/NS

    man not to be rude but i dont want your sweaty hatemance yaoi flowers and i dont want karkat feeling black towards me
    or anyone for that matter
    im sweet and lovable who could hate this face
    then who were you talking to that made you choke in the first place in this hypothetical scenario
    check and mate you live to suffer another day
  9. Koezel Moloto

    Koezel Moloto sanguineMendaciloquence, Heir of Rage

    Could it5 5weet and lovable nature be rea5on enough to hate it? Regardle55, the ro5e5 are enchanted, not cur5ed. They would not elicit black feeling5 if that would cau5e problem5 for the per5on benefiting from them. That i5 ju5t not the way they work, dear, or my naturally hateable per5onality would get me into 5o much more trouble than it actually doe5. The ro5e5 do not cause black feeling5 them5elve5. They pa55ively manipulate them in a way that i5 beneficial. The only catch is that "beneficial" i5 5ubjective.
  10. turntechGodhead

    turntechGodhead dave ver 3.0.4 |18+/NS

    [dave shuffles his feet]

    i mean sure but its not like you can rewind a kid and unfuck em after you bungle something
    my parents arent exactly fonts of childrearing wisdom
    on account of being my age and also dead depending on which set youre looking for
    and karkat doesnt want anything to do with kids plus thinking about that shit beyond a hypothetical kind of makes me want to puke for an hour and a half
    maybe ill just babysit some gross bug babies
    let them gnaw off my fingers
    no lil dudes i need those for mixing but its ok because youre cute
    oh ugh fuck that

    you should meet jade not as in your caste as in part dog part girl all goddess my friend jade
    shes smart as fuck she could talk circles around me re: physics and also robotics but thats mostly dirks thing
    well at least youre sort of self aware

    there is absolutely no way for anyone wanting to punch me erotically could be beneficial im putting the kibosh on that right the hell now
    whens this thing gonna wilt and stop spewing eau de annoyance all over me
    or does the absolute unexistance of a universe where i could be helped by blackrom mean its not doing anything
    • Like x 2
  11. Koezel Moloto

    Koezel Moloto sanguineMendaciloquence, Heir of Rage

    *Shrug* I am not even 5ure if it work5 at all in thi5 dream5pace. Like I 5aid, it would at mo5t probably make your friend ea5ier to bicker with. Even among troll5 negative feeling5 are not nece55arily romantic, otherwi5e my power5 would not 5ee much u5e out5ide of my e5capade5...Ugh, let me put it in 5imple enough term5 for a human to under5tand: The ro5e would not do anything you would not want it to, becau5e that would not be beneficial, and it5 point i5 to be beneficial.
  12. turntechGodhead

    turntechGodhead dave ver 3.0.4 |18+/NS

    i have lived with karkat fucking vantas for seven years if you think im not intimately aware of how quadrants work and what is and isnt romantic for trolls youve got another think coming
    i know not all negative feelings are romantic im not stupid

    but cool whatever sounds good
    just wanted to make sure it wasnt going to make me prime kismesmooch material cant blame a guy for wanting to know the ins and outs of the pistils and stamens
    knowledge is power
  13. Updraft

    Updraft While you fought I studied the Organics (18+)

    Well not with that attitude, no.
    But listen 'things will stay awful because they have always been awful' is a very defeatist way to go about one's life. Things are subjected to change, period. Social systems aren't physical laws that you can't change, they're things you can influence. How much you can influence them without resorting to 'just burn it all down to the ground' varies, but frankly if a system is so bad that the only way to fix it is to burn it all the ground then maybe that is what has to be done.

    And frankly a system that treats people as tools absolutely, solidly, belongs into the category of 'set it on fire right now'.
    [He is perhaps a little bit passionate about this still. But honestly if one has the advantage of having been through this shit, then clearly he should impart that onto the little organics before they wait another two hundred years for some long overdue revolution]
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  14. anticlimactic Tesseract

    anticlimactic Tesseract [WT/18+] Mystique Lungaana (Silima Vesant)

    "...y0u d0 seem pretty hateable but...n0t in a r0mantic way dude." Silima manages to make even her diffident shrug look a little aggressive somehow, but she's not really aware of it.

    "have y0u ever c0nsidered n0t giving pe0ple magic r0ses unless they understand what they d0 and ask for 0ne? h0w ab0ut n0t fucking with pe0ples heads? its pretty 0bn0xi0us. at least the g0gdamn cl0wns d0nt make y0u think y0u enj0y getting y0ur brains bashed."
  15. Wiretap of Altihex

    Wiretap of Altihex Medic. No, really.

    Gonna have to agree with the opinions already expressed, here: trying to set a hard line only ends up with more people hurt, and that's kind of the opposite of my goal in life. "Who's really a person," "where is the line between automaton and mechanoid"... Those kinds'a questions are how we ended up with the Ambus Test, with the concept of "disposable" people, with apartheid and more than half our population being legally and officially declared slaves or unthinking, unliving tools because of circumstances they could never control.

    I realize wearing the purple-- [he jabs a thumb at the Decepticon badge embossed on his chest--] doesn't mean much nowadays, what with power trips comin' full circle, but I been around since before the revolution, slaggit, I remember why we were originally fighting.

    I'd argue at some level there are immutable parts of personality included in that "essence of personhood", but that might just be my own bias talkin'. [He shrugs.]

    [Tiny medic raises a hand at Updraft for a... low-five? He doesn't even come up to Ups' knee.] Or throw an angry Seeker at it as the case may be, amiright?
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  16. Updraft

    Updraft While you fought I studied the Organics (18+)

    [Low five granted, very gently] See, that is why I stuck with my badge, too. People went wrong in the execution, but the concept and groundwork of it was right.

    And I think throwing an angry seeker at anything constitutes as 'set it on fire', considering my personal experience with Seekers and how they react to that sort of thing. [Chuckles]
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  17. Wiretap of Altihex

    Wiretap of Altihex Medic. No, really.

    Aw, c'mon big guy, I can take more'n that little lovetap! [He laughs, shakes his head.] Gotta agree with you on that second bit, though, even if it was more shooty and less burny if I remember right.
  18. Updraft

    Updraft While you fought I studied the Organics (18+)

    I would pose the thesis that the existence of a soul is completely negligible in deciding on whether or not someone is a person. It's the sort of theological busywork that people can argue about until the turbofoxes come home. If someone has shown a however rudimentary sense of self - or if someone in the species has - it's better to err on the side of caution and declare them persons with all the protections that ought to come with that.
    Especially if we're talking about the sort of individual who can actually hold a conversation with you, in which case all arguing about souls should absolutely be delayed until after personhood rights have been granted.
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  19. Updraft

    Updraft While you fought I studied the Organics (18+)

    I suspect that Slipstream would take exception if I knocked you over. [He sits down beside Wiretap though, making the size difference a little less awful] Honestly that just makes me think the Seeker in question hasn't been aiming right [What with how very very flammable energon was...]
    • Agree x 1
  20. Wiretap of Altihex

    Wiretap of Altihex Medic. No, really.

    Pffffffft. Glow might, the maniac, but Stream's more likely to sass me for taking on more'n I can handle. [Wiretap is smiling fondly, though.] And, well, it's a little harder to light stuff up with solid ammo than lasers, especially given all the impact protection in most frametypes. Might get some sparks near the wound, but unless you hit a major conduit or the fuel tank itself a plain bullet's not gonna explode anyone.
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