shitposting rave 5: discount rejects from every genre

Discussion in 'It's Galley's Turn' started by SHITPOSTING ALPHYS, Mar 20, 2017.

  1. Vulcan Maleus

    Vulcan Maleus yonderlyThaumatologist, Mage of Void

    Nah not like pitch perv kinda creepY.
    He's like that to everYone.
    I mean like, the He probablY wants to kill You kinda creepY.
    Among other things, but I'd rather not think about what else He might want to do to seadwellers tbh Fam.
  2. Kation

    Kation Vent Cat, NS

    Runs in the Family I guess.
  3. aurumIlluminatrix

    aurumIlluminatrix Achromat Nichrome/Ophira Reesch, ThiefOfDoom | 18+

    I Have Very Specific And Arcane Nutritional Needs. Heres A List
    1) No
    2) Fuck You
    We Wouldnt Want Any Of This Gracious Offering To Spoil, So Just. Go Right Ahead. Jame The Stuff Down Your Food Hole.
    Oh For Fucks Sake Do You Mind Getting Decent Maybe? Youre In Public.
    • Like x 2
  4. gallantStitchery

    gallantStitchery Ghazal Kecske, Knight of Light | 18+

    >@ Wooooow, lovey, things have gotten real chaotic while I was away.
    >@ There, there AI, I'm sure you'll net yourself a pal soon enough.
    >@ B)
  5. aurumIlluminatrix

    aurumIlluminatrix Achromat Nichrome/Ophira Reesch, ThiefOfDoom | 18+

    Holy Shit Are You Braindead Or Just Insufferably Obnoxious?
    For Your Information I Have More Quadrantmates Than I Can Hold
    They Keep Falling Out Of My Arms
    My Game Is Just That Strong
    And No You Arent Invited
  6. gnomonAugury

    gnomonAugury Fedina Oscine, Mage of Time |18+

    Im reasonably sure that all phalls under the dephinition oph 'perving'.
  7. Updraft

    Updraft While you fought I studied the Organics (18+)

    [There he goes again being a berth for the little ones. He's pretty ok with this, settling under Ventcat's vent and petting Aralia and watching the rest of the rave argue. He's ok there, thanks. Actually, he summons himself a cube of energon and some reading material first]
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  8. Aodhán

    Aodhán saltwater and spite

  9. Asher Lachance

    Asher Lachance nice going dude you deactivated my charcoal

    [he grins and holds a teacup towards her. for people somewhat familiar with Original Dave, mr. lalonde gives the impression that his expressiveness is as much a shield as the strider poker face]

    me and decency got divorced a hella long time ago, man, and i don't think you're ready for the gory details locked within my tortured soul

    that means no. but i'm always willing to help a dude to find zen ;y
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  10. Mathias Sturmhalt

    Mathias Sturmhalt Let's fuck shit up

    [Aralia having dozed off, Laeto picks up the slack. He has also decided to perch on @Updraft's shoulder for the moment-- tall.] How wouldn't it work? We've got sire'n atta'n caer. 'S not really different from only having two, I think, except more cuddles c:
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  11. aurumIlluminatrix

    aurumIlluminatrix Achromat Nichrome/Ophira Reesch, ThiefOfDoom | 18+

    No Please. Please Chase Your Bliss. Eat That Seafood I Have The Docterrorists Emergenc Number On Speeddial.
    [She stares at the cup with enough disgust to level a small country]
    Put That Thing Back Where It Came From Or So Help Me
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  12. Updraft

    Updraft While you fought I studied the Organics (18+)

    [Updraft momentarily abandons his datapad in favour of reaching up and offering Laeto some pettins, too.] Organics usually don't have that many contributors to their code, though there are a number of interesting variants to be found but I think that would be too far reaching now.
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  13. Mathias Sturmhalt

    Mathias Sturmhalt Let's fuck shit up

    [Happy smoljet noises; cuddles! Or, well, pettins, but close enough.] Oh. Okay!
  14. Updraft

    Updraft While you fought I studied the Organics (18+)

    [cuddles can be had once Laeto isn't sitting on his shoulder anymore so it's pettins for now] No worries, I don't think many Cybertronians would know this. You already know a lot about organics from your creators. [proud uncle face. Look he loves the twins like they're his own even if they're empatically not]
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  15. Mathias Sturmhalt

    Mathias Sturmhalt Let's fuck shit up

    [Nodnods.] Plants though! I don't think the one who's confused is a plant.
  16. Lysander

    Lysander Plague Rat, NS

    How very interesting!
    -chuckles- No dear robot, I am not a plant. I am a rat, which is a kind of mammal.
  17. Updraft

    Updraft While you fought I studied the Organics (18+)

    [He eyes @Lysander] hmm, no I would wager this this one is sort sort of mammal.

    Ah yes, see, a mammal. You can tell by how fuzzy they are. [Not that all mammals are fuzzy, but Leato can have a xenobiology lesson later] Hi, I'm Updraft.
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  18. Dhareissa Verenke

    Dhareissa Verenke [WT/18+] confused ginger tabby friend

    "My name is Dhareissa Verenke, not Cheetostick." Dhara shakes her head. "I'm ginger, it's not very common, but nothing you need to be rude about. And the only rule of my culture I want anyone to conform to is to not fuck with people for making their own choices. Besides, neither one of your names is written in eight characters in any of the local languages...unlike mine. I do have a question though, why do you call it 'pity'? I don't feel sorry for Farrat or think he's pathetic. I respect the fuck out of him. I wouldn't be interested in 'pailing' anyone I didn't respect."
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  19. Mathias Sturmhalt

    Mathias Sturmhalt Let's fuck shit up

    What's a mammal?
  20. Lysander

    Lysander Plague Rat, NS

    Hello, my name is Lysander. It´s a pleasure to make your aquaintance.
    A Mammal is a type of creature which is not a bird or a reptile or an amphibian. We do not lay eggs nor swim in water very often. Though some mammals can swim, we live on dry land.
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