Bad News Good News

Discussion in 'General Chatter' started by jacktrash, May 23, 2015.

  1. Lambda

    Lambda everything happens so much

    Bad news: no one warned me that the energy company people were going to show up so I panicked and didn't let them in

    possibly okay news: got a rescheduling card, so it's not a one-chance opportunity

    bad news: what if it was a really important thing they were supposed to fix??

    neutral news: probably going to lie and say I was out when they arrived, sob
  2. Mattias

    Mattias Well-Known Member

    Bad news: I had an endocronologist's appointment a few weeks ago and only remembered today when my doctor reminded me and the receptionist was pretty annoyed with me. Also, my doctor wasn't willing to prescribe me anything for anxiety.

    Good news: I saw a couple being openly gay the the grocery store! That never would have happened last time I was here.
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  3. Newlyread

    Newlyread Killer Queen

    Good news: my housemate treated me to a fancy buffet lunch at my favorite mongolian grill place in return for babysitting his kid.

    Bad news: I've been queasy and low appetite for the last 48 hours for some reason and I couldn't eat much. What a waste. :(
  4. Emma

    Emma Your resident resident

    Bad news: Something appears to have upset my intestines, and I do not like this feeling at all.

    Good news: I seem to have settled into my routine quite well, as it's nine in the evening and I am ready to go to bed.
  5. TwoBrokenMirrors

    TwoBrokenMirrors onion hydration

    Good: Friend coming to stay tomorrow! Friend is going to receive octopus level hugs as often as is feasible!
    Bad: Tonight is the night of grey self-loathing again
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  6. Emma

    Emma Your resident resident

    Bad: late shift went over by an hour.
    Good: got to see lots of patients and made correct diagnoses :D
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  7. rule: seeing my psych tomorrow!
    suck: the psych is new, and also just a fellow
  8. Aviari

    Aviari PartyWolf Is In The House Tonight

    Bad News: Shark Week Early Reruns. Woke up early for work on my day off.

    Good News: Big Dog is very emotionally intelligent. When I grumped my way downstairs for Pet Food Time he ran, grabbed his soccerball-sized chewy ball and smacked me in the legs with it until I played Chase around the center column of the house with him and Fat Dog, which is always good for a laugh.

    ... Good dog. Best friend.
    • Like x 3
  9. WithAnH

    WithAnH Space nerd

    Good News: Friend's birthday party at a climbing gym!

    Bad News: Stressful interactions with bureaucracy coming up this week. Also, feeling slightly melancholy after the party. My friend and her husband have two young kids. All their other friends were couples with young kids. The problem isn't that I want that - I don't. It's the feeling that people who I had a lot in common with a few years ago have grown away from me, and I don't have the same place in their lives that I used to.
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  10. AbsenteeLandlady123

    AbsenteeLandlady123 Chronically screaming

    Good news: attractive and funny guy I know is coming to town for a few days, I'm going out for lunch with him and a few other people on Saturday. I'm going to work up some courage and ask him out for dinner on another night, maybe a movie.
    Bad news: (Internal screaming about doing the thing)
    Good news: Going to go get a fitting for a bra today so finally my boobs can stop being Pain. Also so I have nice underwear, in case of successful date :3c
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  11. Void

    Void on discord. Void#4020

    Bad: weirdly tired and slept in really long?
    good: kitty is napping on me
  12. Mercury

    Mercury Well-Known Member

    Bad news: I missed my last gender clinic appointment because I mixed up dates and couldn't get a reschedule until next month because the doctor is away all of August.

    Good news: My new therapist is actually good. I feel challenged without feeling cornered, and the sessions feel productive in the moment. This is a stark contrast to the last therapist I had; sessions with that one felt like an hour of tedious chitchat that never went anywhere.
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  13. Re Allyssa

    Re Allyssa Sylph of Heart

    Bad news: My dogs got out for an unknown amount of time
    Good news: We found this out by the fact the came back in panting loudly from running who the fuck knows where. *sigh* They're safe and home now but ugh it makes me freak out. (And they can't get out again)
  14. pixels

    pixels hiatus / only back to vent

    bad news: hot weather + kicking my heart rate up with exercise triggered my brain into thinking "ah yes these are the conditions for a panic attack let's do that!" so my day has consisted of at first trying to cool the fuck down (ice cold showers ftw) and then taking a sliver of antianxiety just to make the worst of the intrusive depressive-spiral thoughts stop (they're like background static that just keeps getting louder and my brain just keeps trying to find a pattern but all it is, is "you're worthless, you're homeless, you don't have your own home, you're a burden on your parents, you can't do anything without your mommy, you're such a wuss, you'll never lose the weight, worthless worthless worthless" and i'm just. shut the fuck up timothy)

    good news: two! first, i got myself a new phone today. i've been eligible for an upgrade for a year and a half and so i used my graduation money to get an iphone 6. go me! god the feeling of unboxing is just the best

    second, I HAVE A JOB INTERVIEW NEXT TUESDAY! which also helped tell timothy to shut up, because look! people want to talk to me! people want me to do a job for them! and i also want to do jobs for these people, looks like they do a lot of soft IP and that's basically my academic specialty. and they're in a smaller city in this metro area! plus i'd be the only skirt in the office which probably gives me an advantage (a lot of firms these days are doing the "oh shit everyone is a white male" nervous gulp right about now)

    so: extremes, but on the whole, i did myself well.
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  15. Nertbugs

    Nertbugs Information Leafblower

    Bad news: I got zero sleep last night.
    Good news: I'm going to go see my tiny cousins today.
    Bad news: They are loud and hyperactive, and there are three of them.
    Good news: They're utterly enamored of my younger sister and have dismissed me as a boring grown up. So she does the running round the garden and playing on the floor stuff with them, and I do the drinking tea and talking about mortgages stuff with their parents.
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  16. emythos

    emythos Lipstick Hoarding Dragon

    Good news: I might be seeing R soon <3 <3 <3
    Bad news: Dad is on vacation, Mom is saying mildly worrying stuff again.
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  17. glitterchance

    glitterchance 34 Vigilant Gaze Engulfs the Void

    Bad news: I lost my job.

    Good news: I lost my terrible triggering stressful job, so nobody's yelling at me every day. I'm realizing that I've been in a constant chest-hurting state of anxiety for years, and now I'm not scared all the time. I can sleep. I'm having fewer migraines. Honestly, I'm so relieved that it finally happened.
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  18. wixbloom

    wixbloom artcute

    Good news: successfully replicated the apple and ginger juice from the nearby shwarma restaurant. It's easy and cheap too! No more enduring bad service and unremarkable food at exorbitant prices for a taste of this sweet elixir.

    Bad news: this is more addictive than coke. I must've drank 5 litres of it since I made it on Monday, and just bought the ingredients for 3 litres more. Help.
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  19. WithAnH

    WithAnH Space nerd

  20. wixbloom

    wixbloom artcute

    It's really fucking easy. Get 1l of apple juice and a thick slab of fresh, peeled ginger (I don't take measurements, but when in doubt remember it's easier to add more ginger than to take it out), put these 2 things in the blender and blend until smooth.

    It's all gonna look like thick white foam at first and then it'll separate into a layer of juice on the bottom and a layer of foam on top. I imagine you could filter out the foam if the texture is bothersome, but I don't mind it
    • Like x 1
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