Things that are currently annoying you

Discussion in 'General Chatter' started by Emma, Mar 9, 2015.

  1. hope u didn't get hurt, horses can rlly fuck u up 8(
  2. Lazarae

    Lazarae The tide pod of art

    Nah, I was just way tiny and the horse for some reason really didn't like me. (It's name was Monster. I was told it was an ironic nickname and it loved kids. Flipped its shit as soon as I was put in the saddle, the owner calmed it down and got me off but it was real scary for itty-bitty me and I get nervous around them still. I also know most of them are sweethearts and they're not evil or anything, I just can't do it.)
  3. Lib

    Lib Well-Known Member

    I somehow burnt my rice and I am very annoyed about this. Both because it was nasty and because it fucked up my food scheduling.
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  4. @Lazarae naw, makes sense! they're big and can be dumb and unpredictable, i can totally understand y you'd be nervous
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  5. Lazarae

    Lazarae The tide pod of art

    @craptor You are the first person who likes/works with horses who has ever responded like that. 1st moirail got her ankle fucked up by her horse and insisted they're huge sweet babies and kept taking me to the stables. XD
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  6. WithAnH

    WithAnH Space nerd

    This is so stupid. I ripped my knuckle open on the sharp bits of a paper towel dispenser. I'm more mad about how dumb the injury is than the pain, tbh.
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  7. Acey

    Acey hand extended, waiting for a shake


    I'm at Starbucks, and I turned away from my bag for a fucking second, and this toddler is playing with one of my keychains. I told him, "no, no, don't touch that, it's mine." I tried to be polite, because I mean...he's a little kid. He doesn't know better. Thing is, his dad was doing fuckall about it, and when I told the kid not to touch my stuff, his dad got PISSED. Started bitching about how his son is just a kid and I'm being a bitch. I told him I just didn't like having my stuff touched, and he was all "I DON'T CARE, YOU'RE YELLING AT A TWO-YEAR-OLD." I told him he should try keeping an eye on his kid instead of letting him run wild, and he said I should try being nicer to kids. He then proceeded to glare at me for the rest of the time he was in the shop, and called me a "fucking bitch" as he left.

    Thing is, I actually love kids. I am nice to kids! I didn't raise my voice at his son, or lay a hand on him. All I did was tell him not to touch my bag, which is something his father should've done in the first place!

    Fuck some parents, seriously.
  8. Lerxst

    Lerxst salty parabola

    Just went to schedule my driving test online. The website claims the EARLIEST available slot is OCTOBER FUCKING 20???¿? ?? ¿ ?¿??

    How 'bout I just call DPS in the morning and see what's actually available within the next couple of weeks?
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  9. plushielordlexandie

    plushielordlexandie some ramen raiding radian

    That is some grade a bullshit and I'm sorry to hear it. I hate it when parents try to place fault on things other than their stupidity as a parent when they're being stupid as a parent. Suddenly glad my brother and sis-in-law aren't like that with my nephew (who is around the same age!)
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  10. plushielordlexandie

    plushielordlexandie some ramen raiding radian

    Siiigh... don't want to double post, but I feel it would have been kind of crappy of me to put my own complaints in response to someone else's. So.

    The charger for my ASUS Eee PC finally died (or rather, it'll work! ...or a whole two seconds. And then I have to fuck with it again.) I bought a replacement and decided to use one of my backup computers while I waited. My laptop apparently has dead pixels through most of the fucking screen, so there went that idea. Desperate times call for desperate measures, so I decided to get out my old netbook that I let my (abusive as fuck and overall horrible human being) ex-girlfriend use when she still lived in the area.

    I do not know why this girl wanted to have a computer-related job (she's a network admin) when she's so careless about computers in general. She never really did look at things before downloading them to see if they were safe, and was prone to destroying computers with her carelessness overall. I'm having to do several spyware checks and the like due to it. Latest spyware check found seventeen problems on its own. A year and a half later and I'm still having to clean up the messes she left behind, ugh! Why did I think letting her touch my computer was a good idea? Oh wait, I didn't. She just guilt-tripped me until I said yes. -_-
  11. dorkfang

    dorkfang not here

    I've got a canker sore on the inside of my lip right along the edge of my teeth and all I want to do is eat this candy bar but it hurts so baaad :(
  12. missoyashirou

    missoyashirou Someone please give me a tiny dog to play with

    • Friends are doing roleswap AU RP blogs all in the same universe but have not swapped out some members of the team.
    • Asks about swapping a pair of characters (N and K), while considering to make a roleplay blog for both of them, and let the friends confer on if they're okay with this
    • Friends end up going completely off track, and decide of swapping L and S instead of N and K, into the roles I wanted to play with N and K.
    • But L and S are a NoTP for everyone involved in that RP circle, and the swap would imply them as a couple
    • So now friends are fighting on if they want to keep L or S in the swap, while meanwhile I just wanted to play N and K, but I can't really play just one or the other since it was meant to be a tag-team roleswap instead of just one and either way neither will budge on if they want L or S.
    Ugh. Perhaps it's for the best, I have an orphaned RP account as is, but GODDAMNIT, this wouldn't be happening if I hadn't offered and it would certainly be a lot easier if everyone didn't decide "but what if we take your idea and do something COMPLETELY DIFFERENT".

    Update: This has somehow turned into me auspticizing between my two friends on just putting down the AU and stop fight, ffs, there's not even any players selected for any of these characters, this is all arguing about a hypothetical that has not occurred at all, just because one participant finds L/S an incredibly squicky ship to the point she doesn't even want to insinuate it! Everyone needs a goddamn nap!
    Last edited: Aug 17, 2015
  13. chthonicfatigue

    chthonicfatigue Bitten by a radioactive trickster god

    MY FLOAT DID NOT BALANCE and I wasn't supposed to be running checkouts & doing change but someone called in sick

    Argh now I'm anxious. Fuck dyscalculia.
  14. Lerxst

    Lerxst salty parabola

    DPS fuckery continued:

    I posted on Facebook to bitch about the nearest office (allegedly) not having any test openings until October. One well-meaning but kind of oblivious friend suggested checking DPS offices that are like... half an hour away or more. No, I said, this is not an option because the drive time to get there + the hour early I'm supposed to be there to check in + the drive time back on a work day in someone else's car is not an option.

    Well-meaning but kind of oblivious friend #2 suggested an office even farther away.


    UPD8: Tried to call DPS and got busy signal all fucking day. Checked other two nearest DPS offices for shits n' giggles, mine is in fact boasting the earliest available slot so FUCK IT. YOU WIN, DPS. OCTOBER 21 IT IS.

    At least this will give me plenty of time to practice parallel fucking parking that I would bet you money they won't even test me on because they didn't when I took the test the first time at 18 and flat out told me they were not testing me on it because I was 18 but if I don't practice it I FUCKING GUARANTEE THEY'LL TEST ME ON IT
    Last edited: Aug 17, 2015
  15. Acey

    Acey hand extended, waiting for a shake

    Agreed. I admittedly may have crossed the line when I told him to watch his fucking kid, but...jfc.

    It's kinda sad, too--the kid was a toddler, he didn't know any better, so I was very polite with him. I don't blame kids for making mistakes like that at all (if anything, that's how they learn). But...that dad, holy fuck.
    • Like x 1
  16. Emma

    Emma Your resident resident

    I am cold, and I turn into a lump of nothingness when I'm cold. To the point where I will just sit here and get increasingly colder, until I finally find the energy to shower and go to bed
  17. oph

    oph There was a user here, but it's gone now

    [mild TMI]I'm apparently spending today on the toilet, and this is interfering with my ability to get any productive writing done.[/mild tmi]
  18. tinyhydra

    tinyhydra a dingus

    >:c I searched through the Archiveofourown tags for YumiKuri + F/F, and there were literally only five fics about Ymir and Krista, and the rest they were a fuckin side dish for fifteen year old boy/thirty year old man makin hot yaois. I am remebering why I gave up on the Attack on Titan fandom. So many awesome lady characters and kickass settings to explore, and a good 90% of the total content produced is Eruri Cofeeshop AUs.
    There's a similar thing going on for Mabifica, in that you'd be hard pressed to find a fic that has them tagged and isn't focused entirely on BillDip. I just want to read good fic about girls, is that too much to ask, fandoms??

    Oh well. There's always Steven Universe.
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  19. Newlyread

    Newlyread Killer Queen

    Trying to draw and being inspired by magnificent artists and then I try to do the thing and it's NOT LOOKING LIKE I WANTED AT ALL, AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH

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  20. Lazarae

    Lazarae The tide pod of art

    Fasting for blood draw. People keep making food smells around me and I keep taking it personally. I know they're not trying to but goddammit I'm hungry T_T
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