Let us tell you about Homestuck

Discussion in 'Fan Town' started by Wiwaxia, Apr 12, 2015.

  1. chaoticArbiter

    chaoticArbiter an actual shiny eevee (destroyer of worlds)

    @tickingnectarine West Asian is a thing, but it's Saudi Arabia/Turkey/Georgia/Lebanon/etc. there's South Asian, East Asian, and West Asian. East Asian is where China and Japan and Korea fall, along with Mongolia. South Asian is Afghanistan, India, Pakistan, and some other small islands and stuff. so, like, which region you're picking kind of depends on what you want for the country, like, these are all pretty different places to come from, and most of them, with the exception of China/Japan/Korea, are not things people will think of when they hear 'Asian'. which isn't to say you can't call them West Asian! just noting that it's not something people will commonly consider as Asian, and that 'West Asia' is a geographical term more than an ethnic term, and that there are more regions of Asia than just the West part, so make sure you've got the place you want.
    • Informative x 1
  2. @chaoticArbiter Thank you for the information! I'm... still not sure what the term to use is. But that's my own fault, lol. I do mean "not what you think when you hear Asian", but idk how to get more specific than that. Oh well.
  3. keltka

    keltka the green and brown one

    • Informative x 2
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  4. @keltka that's it! That's what I was thinking!
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  5. winterykite

    winterykite Non-newtonian genderfluid

    Oh man, back when @IvyLB and I were plotting Mafiastuck, we had a list. And long, long discussions that have sadly fallen victim to Skype deleting logs and not saving them locally anymore. Consequently I don't remember half of those.

    Leijons: Nubian
    Vantases: (... don't remember #1. Signless is married to Disciple tho, so their kids are half of each)
    Lalondes & Striders: Irish, iirc. Lalondes might've been French instead??
    Peixes (+ Egbert, Crocker, Harley, and English sub-families): Italian
    Amporas: Greek
    Makaras: Cuban iirc
    Nitrams: (don't remember #2)
    Megidos: Half-Israeli Half-Japanese
    Captors: (don't remember #3, but I think they were Greek as well.)
    Maryam: (don't remember #4)
    Pyrope: (don't remember #5)
    Serket: (don't remember #6)
    Zahhak: (don't remember #7)
    Cherubs: Brits

    Iiiiives do you remember more??
  6. IvyLB

    IvyLB Hardcore Vigilante Gay Chicken Facilitator

    I THINK we had the vantases as Some Kind Of Indian-From-India but I can't for the life of me remember which specific part or if it was maybe Pakistani instead or what
    And Yeah Striders being Irish and Lalondes being French sounds right to me, as does Greek Captors (... that sounds like a dubstep act)
    hm. Did we have the Zahhaks as Egyptian?
    eta: i think we had the Serkets as Italian too
    • Like x 2
  7. chaoticArbiter

    chaoticArbiter an actual shiny eevee (destroyer of worlds)

    ....so. thought.
    Davepetasprite^2 was made by combining a twice-prototyped sprite with a sprite that had only been protoyped once.
    what if you combined something like, say, Fefetasprite with Rosesprite? would that be a ^3 sprite? or just a ^2 sprite? is there a way to get a ^3 sprite, do you think? could you just. take three single-prototyped sprite and have two of them combine and then have the last combine with that. could you just do this with all the sprites you could prototype. ^6 sprite.
    • Winner x 6
  8. IvyLB

    IvyLB Hardcore Vigilante Gay Chicken Facilitator

    By "winner" i mean "that's probably how you break the game so hard you all cease to exist"
    • Agree x 7
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  9. chaoticArbiter

    chaoticArbiter an actual shiny eevee (destroyer of worlds)

    I have greatly achieved
    • Agree x 5
  10. chaoticArbiter

    chaoticArbiter an actual shiny eevee (destroyer of worlds)

    new goal for if I ever end up in SBURB somehow: keep prototyping sprites on sprites until the game implodes.
    • Agree x 3
  11. Technicality

    Technicality All's fair in love and shitposting

    you prototyped so hard that it made another scratch
    • Like x 2
  12. KarrinBlue

    KarrinBlue Magical Girl Intern

    ...Fefetasprite WAS dual-prototyped though. With Feferi and Nepeta. So you'd get three personalities mashed together but it'd be a ^2 sprite, since Rosesprite's secondary prototyping would then be Fefeta.
  13. chaoticArbiter

    chaoticArbiter an actual shiny eevee (destroyer of worlds)

    yeah, I kind of figured that out while posting the thing. the reason I thought it might be different initially is Fefeta was two people. Davesprite was a person and a crow, and it took me a few minutes to remember that it's not the combination of people that determines ^2 or ^3 with sprites prototyped together but how many sprites were prototyped into the ^sprite.
    on the other hand, if you had Feferisprite, and then Nepetasprite, and prototyped them together, and then prototyped Rosesprite with that....
  14. KarrinBlue

    KarrinBlue Magical Girl Intern

    ....that would probably get you a ^3, yeah.
  15. Technicality

    Technicality All's fair in love and shitposting

    Unrelated to Homestuck but if you're on Windows you can hold ALT and press 0178 to get a ², and ALT+0179 to get a ³.
    • Informative x 2
  16. chaoticArbiter

    chaoticArbiter an actual shiny eevee (destroyer of worlds)

    I now aim to just. prototype sprites on sprites forever. until there is simply One Ultimate Sprite.
    I should never, ever be allowed to play SBURB, should I somehow be given the chance to do that.
    • Agree x 1
  17. Technicality

    Technicality All's fair in love and shitposting

    Me neither, for many of the same reasons. I'd mostly just fuck around and annoy whoever I was playing with
    I can see it playing out like this:
    friend: nicole, for the love of god there is a meteor heading for my house
    me, moving a couch: but your room looks so nice now
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  18. IvyLB

    IvyLB Hardcore Vigilante Gay Chicken Facilitator

    but what if that's the secret origin story of SBURB
    and you must complete the time loop
    • Like x 1
  19. chaoticArbiter

    chaoticArbiter an actual shiny eevee (destroyer of worlds)

    .....same tbh
    friend: okay Cedar you need to prototype your sprite, so--
    me: I prototyped it
    friend: .....what did you use
    me: a kleenex.
    friend: wHAT

    once in-game
    friends: okay Cedar we should probably try and work together on thi--
    me: I'm gonna go explore my world and then find my quest bed and stab myself. I want God Tier immediately now. bye

    ......I love this idea
    • Like x 1
  20. Technicality

    Technicality All's fair in love and shitposting

    spades snot
    i'm sorry
    Last edited: May 22, 2017
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