shitposting rave 5: discount rejects from every genre

Discussion in 'It's Galley's Turn' started by SHITPOSTING ALPHYS, Mar 20, 2017.

  1. KABL003Y138

    KABL003Y138 The Boombitch 18+

    Dammit, looks like I'm wearing the wrong pair. -hers are her usual; other than the frames being a particularly eye-searing shade of purple and Joker green, and the lenses opaque they're not very notable. She takes them off and throws them over her shoulder, summoning a new pair. Her eyes are pink-
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  2. Cisco Ramon

    Cisco Ramon I need to see the toys

    dopplegangers suck, like, massively. all of the suck. mine was an evil supervillan who tried to off my best friend, so, there's that

    [cisco stares in awe at the wonder that is those shades]

    i got 'em at a dollar store, they're pretty sweet. im almost tempted to make them my new vibe-goggles, but they wouldn't really work all that well

    dude don't even worry about it---

    oh shit those glasses are the bomb that pattern is killer. the red's a nice touch
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  3. turntechGodhead

    turntechGodhead dave ver 3.0.4 |18+/NS

    cant help it dave 1.0 you know weve got sick fucking style
    when it comes to an eyewear competition daves are always gonna knock the lenses off everyone else
    fucking squad
    ahahaa you sound like karkat only his alts were literally him like five minutes in the fucking future-slash-past and not lex luthor or whatever
    nah man i deal extensively in other daves and theyre usually rad as hell
    [he gestures to @Dave St Rider ]
    case in point
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  4. KABL003Y138

    KABL003Y138 The Boombitch 18+

    Clone, evil twin, or ripped off avatar?

    And thanks, I stole them from Lady. -winks... then looks around the rave to make sure Lady isn't here because now that she's mentioned her...-
  5. Ramon Salazar

    Ramon Salazar Die, you worm!

    hahahahaba ramon 2 ramon here
    kid u family? lmk hmu i got sick flmaes for u en mi castillo
  6. Ramon Salazar

    Ramon Salazar Die, you worm!

    shit man fuck that i take it back all yall invited to my sick ass party
    i herd there were gonna be at least 2 girls too so you know its lit
    bring ur friends, castles big enough for a small army
    we gonna fuck shit up
  7. Dave St Rider

    Dave St Rider what is cynicism philosophy

    shit man stop youre making me blush all kinds of red, bashful maidens got nothing on me in the face of this flattery
    cant say im anything less than incredibly jazzed to interact with a dave as cool as you though like have you heard the sick fires you spit like a dragon from hell
    there probably isnt a single lame dave but youre definitely top 3 coolest
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  8. Cisco Ramon

    Cisco Ramon I need to see the toys

    lex luthor is a dick and my doppleganger was more of... he was more like me just emo and murder-y

    kind of an evil twin? hes was from earth-2, a different dimensions earth, so he wasn't actually related to me or anything but he was still in essence kind of a twin? shit man time travel was hard enough to wrap my head around, let alone dealing with the fucking speedforce and inter-dimensional travel

    {you've got a fucking castle????}

    i'm down for a party!!!
  9. Ramon Salazar

    Ramon Salazar Die, you worm!

    ahahaha shit yeah dude you gotta see this place its spacious as all kinds of hell
    not to get 2 real here but its a little too big you know what im saying jajajajaja
    sometimes u just gotta get the big guns and blast fuckin kesha through the halls and dance like u have nothing 2 lose

    this is what the party will be like
    also i heard someone is bringing beer like shit this is gonna be SO CRAZY
  10. turntechGodhead

    turntechGodhead dave ver 3.0.4 |18+/NS

    TWO girls huh god damn thats a whole one girl more than this fucking sausage party
    better be careful i dont pass out from blood loss thanks to all the mad fucking boners ill be poppin
    oh you know just what to say to make a guy swoon get out the smelling salts im having a fit
    were all cool as fuck youre a real bro
    oh shit tho we better careful now all this tender emotional intimacys gonna get karkat riled up youve seen how he is with altselves
    karkats ability to can is inversely proportional with the number of hot daves in his general vicinity and all daves are spicy like the carolina reaper bitch
    emo is fucking hilarious
    the murder less so
    • Like x 2
  11. KABL003Y138

    KABL003Y138 The Boombitch 18+

    I unno shit about alternate universes or time travel, I just drink the booze and hack the things. -she has somehow acquired a glass of... something. It's smoking and changing colors, which means it's probably not fit for human consumption. That's never stopped Kablooey, so she's sipping on it anyway-
  12. turntechGodhead

    turntechGodhead dave ver 3.0.4 |18+/NS

    i dont know shit about hacking and i cant hold my liquor i just hop universes and time travel
    except only sometimes im mostly retired
    the collective knowledge base of this place has gotta be hells of expansive
  13. Cisco Ramon

    Cisco Ramon I need to see the toys

    yeah dude was rockin some killer guyliner

    very much so

    i feel you man hell yea!! see that's the kind of shit barry doesn't appreciate sometimes you just gotta blast your music loud neighbors be dammed

    unfortunately i can't just ignore it cause im part of the Science Squad so i've got to be smart and shit but when i can, getting drunk is a blessing [he gets some kind of fruity drink out, topped with a little umbrella, and drinks it like it's his job]
  14. KABL003Y138

    KABL003Y138 The Boombitch 18+

    With how many types we get in here? You know it! Wonder if we could get them to write a book.

    -cheers- There you go! -she downs her ...drink? Her breath plumes white on the exhale. That can't be good for her. After a bit of messing around on her tablety phone thing she summons up a pallet of cases of Arrogant Bastard ale, which looks suspiciously like it was stolen off the back of a truck. She snags one and pops the top. She has a bottle opener ring, because of course she does-
  15. turntechGodhead

    turntechGodhead dave ver 3.0.4 |18+/NS

    fruity rumpus asshole rave
    the novel
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  16. Cisco Ramon

    Cisco Ramon I need to see the toys

    [he eyes the cases suspiciously, but decides not to do anything about it, and instead looks the beer over. he's not really a beer kind of guy, but it doens't hurt to try some. he summons up a small glass of the same beer and downs it. yea, he's definitely not a beer guy.]
  17. KABL003Y138

    KABL003Y138 The Boombitch 18+

    -she's not even trying to hide the fact she's laughing at him- Let me see what else we got. Twenty six kinds of vodka, whiskey, whiskey, more whiskey, -she swipes her phone-thing and the bottles appear on top of the cases- some kind of tequila with a baby scorpion in it? Got this module from the Russian scene and I can't read a fuckin' word of it. Buncha bitch beer, some ciders, 'cocktail kit' but I can't tell what kind...
  18. Cisco Ramon

    Cisco Ramon I need to see the toys

    holy shit that's a lot of booze nice
  19. KABL003Y138

    KABL003Y138 The Boombitch 18+

    You gonna marvel or you gonna have some? -she throws her empty over her shoulder. Hopefully nobody was standing there-
  20. Chell

    Chell Where´s my cake? NS

    -chell falls through a portal, as is her MO-
    [Oh thank fuck. I need a drink. Hi!]
    -the words are projected into the air in front of her.-
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