Steven Universe

Discussion in 'Fan Town' started by Wiwaxia, Mar 24, 2015.

  1. Leechkin

    Leechkin Well-Known Member


    Last edited: May 29, 2017
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  2. unknownanonymous

    unknownanonymous i am inimitable, i am an original|18+

    it was kinda shocking for me to see how few off-colours there were. like, it really made me realize that homeworld is really good at tamping down rebellion on its soil.
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  3. furrylatula

    furrylatula a pissed off homestuck girl

    the kindergarten is also, REAAAALLY big

    there might be more in a different part?
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  4. Lazarae

    Lazarae The tide pod of art


    I kind of like Lars having powers now? Yeah he was the touchstone to humanity but Steven's had a lot of trouble being magic and human together. Lars dealing with that alongside him could be really good for him re: the "I have to be my mom, I have to be a Good Gem (just like mom)" like you can be human, a hero, and magic all together.
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  5. Leechkin

    Leechkin Well-Known Member

    hell, given how big and crowded homeworld architecture seems to be, there might be more all over, seems like "running and hiding" works enough that pockets of off-colors could kinda be found here or there
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  6. Leechkin

    Leechkin Well-Known Member

    though i have to say, i do kinda also like the idea of "there are pockets of off-colors, but they are small and inevitably get wiped out, with the next ones finding the old hiding places" from a plot perspective

    kinda a "zion from the matrix" sort of thing
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  7. unknownanonymous

    unknownanonymous i am inimitable, i am an original|18+

    that would make sense, though i got the sense that, if there are, the ones we've meet don't know about them.

    yes! yes! yes! that is an excellent point!

    steven definitely does/did need someone to relate to about that, someone who is like him.

    and now i'm wondering if lars might get issues about being like steven from this 'cause he isn't very confident himself and he has steven's magic now and steven is a hero. and maybe steven helping him deal with those issues would make him get that his mom didn't want him to have them either, that he really doesn't need a magical destiny to be worthwhile and doesn't need to be his mom either.

    and that lars with powers is still lars. still the same person, still just as human. that humanity isn't a matter of whether you have magic or not. that what makes humanity, what makes what rose loved about humanity, is deeper than that.
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  8. unknownanonymous

    unknownanonymous i am inimitable, i am an original|18+

    i wonder if steven and/or any other gem could fuse with a pink magic zombie.
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  9. furrylatula

    furrylatula a pissed off homestuck girl

    steven, probably, because steven can fuse w anything

    other gems? im guessing no bc lars doesnt have a gem
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  10. unknownanonymous

    unknownanonymous i am inimitable, i am an original|18+

    i'd expect physical solidity would actually be more of a barrier to fusing with a gem than just the lack of a gem. i'm not sure how solid lars is but he does seem to be less solid than most humans.

    though hmm... maybe, if he was just light and he fused with a gem, his lack of gem of his own would cause him to lose his identity entirely in fusion, make it permanent. like, gem's gems and steven and connie's bodies being the cores that make it so they can return from a fusion themselves, an anchor...
  11. Deresto

    Deresto Foolish Mortal

    Where can i watch the thing, if anyone knows?
  12. Bunny

    Bunny aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

    me and my partner as steven and lars compare injuries: it's okay steve if he gets hurt you can just lick him.

    us as steven holds the body: Lick him, lick him, lick him, lick him!
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  13. Nobody's Home

    Nobody's Home I'm a Greg Coded Tom Girl

  14. Deresto

    Deresto Foolish Mortal

  15. unknownanonymous

    unknownanonymous i am inimitable, i am an original|18+

    the other eps are on the blog too
  16. Leechkin

    Leechkin Well-Known Member

    i might do something with that "off-color zion" idea, actually
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  17. Inkblot


    1. "Come on, I know it's gonna be worse than this!" Steven, little buddy, that is how fate gets tempted.
    2. Aww, a Zircon! I like her neck ruff gem. Wait, they're letting Steven have a defense?
    3. Another Zircon! And she calls Yellow Diamond her diamond, while Steven's Zircon defers to Blue Diamond. So gems of the same type can have different diamonds, dependent on coloring? That's neat.
    4. Blue Diamond is scary and I love it.
    5. Steven, are you just going to... dance around the fact that you're only half-gem and only very-technically-if-you-squint Rose Quartz?
    6. So Steven imagines Pink Diamond's death like a scene out of Lonely Blade.
    7. "It was a sword! You shattered her with a sword!" Holy shit, that was so terrifying and so heartbreaking at the same time.
    8. I hate to be shipper trash, but... I like that Yellow Diamond is terrible on a grand scale but that she shows this much emotional softness for Blue Diamond. And vice versa. I don't know, it deeply appeals to me that these dictators who destroy planets to continue their species are also shown holding each other in a vulnerable moment.
    9. Poor Zircon. Poor sweating blue lawyer friend who got shoved into this situation. :(
    10. Wait, what?
    11. Holy shit what is happening.
    12. Zircon, you accused two Diamonds of treason to their faces? I. I think I love you.
    13. Yellow Diamond is hiding evidence. With murder. What the fuck?
    14. Run Steven run!
    15. I do think things look bad for Yellow Diamond, but I think I like the idea that White Diamond did it instead. This would be an excellent red herring if that were the case, and it is really suspicious that she'll be the last of the Diamonds to be introduced, even after Pink Diamond who a lot of people thought was going to be Rose Quartz. I don't even think she's been mentioned or even referenced at this point, aside from the Diamond's symbol and a lingering shot of her mural picture. Either way, I really, really want to see her now.

    1. Lars just keeps getting more relatable. Wow. All that stuff he says about being afraid all the time just kicks me in the gut.
    2. Lars has canon anxiety holy shit
    3. No. No I really think you shouldn't stand still for that thing.
    4. Mysterious beckoning hand, who dis
    5. Rutilite! I love her design. I love her hair! But how does she not have balance issues?
    6. Anxious fusion with a Pearl nose!
    7. Sweet little orange Sapphire cousin whose name I will never be able to spell!
    8. Giant caterpillar fusion grandma!
    9. Oh. Anxious fusion has a reason to be anxious, she was a secret relationship until a superior found out and she had to hide. I really hope we get more of her story in later episodes.
    10. "Six. Maybe more, if we meet the right gem." Did polyamorous caterpillar grandma just fusion-flirt with Steven a little?
    11. All of Rutilite's sisters ran away from her and that's the only reason she's alive D:
    12. How did the death robots even find that place? Are they able to track Steven's gem because they scanned it?
    13. Holy shit. Holy shit Lars you are being awesome.
    14.. This is the best action scene since Stevonnie fought Jasper.
    15. No. Nonono.
    16. Oh God, Steven's crying, that poor fucking traumatized kid.
    17. Wait, he gets his mom's tears now?
    18. Lars is pink.

    1. Wait, Lars isn't just pink, he's Lion colored. Oh my God. Rose had that pack of lions, one of them died and she brought it back to life and that is our Lion.
    2. Lars has the magic-mane thing now! But. How in the world is Steven going to fit through that, Lars' hair is tiny.
    3. One leg at a time, I guess.
    4. Lion's tree-island is right there oh my God this is how Steven gets home
    5. He's home! Maybe? Everything is dark and nobody's home and now I'm worried it's a trick like with Rose's Room.
    6. Steven, I realize you've been through several awful experiences at once and you're probably very hungry but this isn't the time to make a sandwich.
    7. Lars doesn't need to eat? And he has that slow heartbeat... hmm. Maybe he is a zombie, in a pink-magic-alien-induced way?
    8. Steven trying to yank Lars inside-out with his arm through his hair portal is very funny but also very slow-horror-inducing because it's not working.
    9. Holy shit this is not going where I think it's going to go
    10. Lars, I take back everything bad I ever said about you. You were a typical teenage boy and very rude to Sadie and otherwise teeth-grinding but you've had character development. You're a good egg in my book. I'll never doubt Crewniverse's ability to make me like a character again. I'm going to end up apologizing to Aquamarine too aren't I
    11. Poly caterpillar grandma flat-out refusing to leave Lars behind. That is a Good.
    12. I'm not sure how caterpillar grandma would've fit anyway, I mean Steven was a stretch but still believable, but that would be just. No sell.
    13. You know what, I want caterpillar grandma to meet Garnet. If I get one scene out of the many I want from SU's final season, please, let it be that.
    14. "Us off-colors stick together." I didn't need my heart anyway. Or non-broken tear ducts.
    15. Everyone was looking for Steven. Greg, Connie, the Crystal Gems, they're all in a big worried group together even after however-many-days it's been.
    16. "How are we going to find Steven-hello, Steven-"
    17. Dat group hug tho
    18. I'm so fucking ready for more
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  18. unknownanonymous

    unknownanonymous i am inimitable, i am an original|18+

    poly gay gramma is the most alien looking gem so far i think, other than the corrupted ones. honestly, until she started talking, i thought she was corrupted. and the rutilites are the secondmost alien-looking non-corrupted gems.

    when lars said the off colours were unusual, i was like, "well, yeah? duh." 'cause those two really are unusual, even in the context of the off-colours and the gems themselves.
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  19. Nobody's Home

    Nobody's Home I'm a Greg Coded Tom Girl

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  20. chaoticArbiter

    chaoticArbiter an actual shiny eevee (destroyer of worlds)

    that's why Pearl knew how to sword fight so well?? I mean, the shattering was done with a sword. but we also don't know when it was that Rose attacked at Blue Diamond's uh space....floaty....thing with her in her palanquin--I'd think if it was AFTER Pink's shattering she would've acted a little......differently. I do think one of the Diamonds was responsible for Pink's shattering and then somehow Rose was given the blame, but maybe it's not White, or at least it wasn't through Pearl. it COULD have been someone closer to Rose who ended up joining the rebellion after so Rose took the fall for them. or it could've all been a setup by one of the Diamonds to make Rose Quartz a horrid criminal....but no, I'm still not clear on it. I mean....if there are eyewitnesses who saw Rose do it, that--
    wait a goddamn second.
    we know different Gems have all kinds of powers.
    what if....what if one of the Diamonds can alter what other Gems are seeing, or alter their memories??


    more eta: and if it was Pearl or someone else who served her, of course they'd leave after--either White would send them away, or the Gem in question would run because you can't leave a witness like that, the Gem would have to end up shattered. also, also, what if White's power only works on certain Gems, or certain levels of Gems? so another Diamond might not be affected, and it maybe wouldn't work on humans at all!!

    Last edited: May 30, 2017
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