Discussion in 'Fan Town' started by itsAlana, Aug 28, 2015.

  1. Petra

    Petra space case

    smh at past me for thinking Terminus would be horrified and repelled at what Megatron has done. Horrified, maybe. Probably! Things spiralled a lot in 4 million years! But unable to justify it? Nope.
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  2. spockandawe

    spockandawe soft and woolen and writhing with curiosity

    RIGHT?? I'm thinking now that he'd be the person to start nudging Megatron out of the guilt/repentance place, and working to convince him that sure, it got bad. But you did what was necessary.

    Gahhh, I was expecting to just grab maybe like. One relevant panel. And instead I got over a page's worth of EXTREMELY relevant background on Terminus's attitude that I somehow just never parsed before.
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  3. BunjyWunjy

    BunjyWunjy Frabjous

    terminus's behavior thus far is starting to make a lot of uncomfortable sense. I have a feeling this will come to a head at some point in the future and the writers are gonna make megatron have to Fight His Own Dad. (I'M ALL FOR THIS IMAGINE HOW MUCH CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT COULD COME FROM MEGATRON HAVING TO TURN HIS BACK ON TERMINUS AND LEAVE HIM BEHIND IN THE FUTURE)
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  4. spockandawe

    spockandawe soft and woolen and writhing with curiosity

    I know this is old news by now, but from the wiki:

    • Terminus was the name of the Roman god of boundaries, with the motto "Concedo nulli" - "Yield no ground".
    Innocent enough on its own (though I'd been interpreting his name as like.... both a starting point and ending point for Megatron. The junction between two eras), but it sure does add to the 'terminus is a naughty boy' circumstantial evidence pile.

    Like dang, I think I'm just going to have to write a terminus essay without the other stuff, there's just SO MUCH STRONG STUFF TO SAY. But that being said, the LL06 finish is HIS idea of a happy ending, and is at direct odds with what everyone else wants. Just more reason to not accept this as settled. I've gotta finish this write-up as soon as possible and actually polish it, because I was just expecting to yell about shoddy writing (if we're supposed to accept this as a happy ending), and I tripped over some real Good Shit.
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  5. coldstars

    coldstars get Jazzy on it

    Oh no. It's happening again. It's gone the way of Homestuck - this isn't a sane person's idea of a happy, satisfying conclusion - this is a Cherub's misguided, fix-it fanfiction, candy coated idea of what a happy ending looks like. Terminus comes into this with no real grasp of Megatron's misdeeds during the war, but very sure that he knows exactly where Megatron needs to be to do good! Never mind that they're leaving behind a horrendous amount of loose ends and plot holes as they live out a paper-thin life in a made up universe full of people who worship them as gods and unquestioningly accept them despite them being absent for all of civilization's development desperately need their guidance to win against Functionism. Megatron gets to preach his new perspective on Towards Peace, which is exactly what Terminus always wanted: to bring the good word of free will to people. As long as it's on Terminus's terms; Megatron will get over wanting to go back to his crew eventually, riiight? Right

    Trickster mode Terminus and Megatron is a go, JRo is god. It's Homestuck all the way down
    Last edited: Jun 9, 2017
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  6. coldstars

    coldstars get Jazzy on it

    Megatron catches Terminus carving his new manifesto into people's corpses in a direct parallel to Cyclonus catching Whirl with a bunch of bodies about to blow himself up

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  7. spockandawe

    spockandawe soft and woolen and writhing with curiosity

    We've got aliens with alien romance systems, timeline shenanigans, multiple universes, duplicates and alternates of established people running around, INCLUDING a happy-go-lucky main character with buried Issues going time and space traveling and impacting key past events, mysterious teleport portal things that will take you to "paradise", and mysterious meddling tentacle aliens who are up to god knows what.

    JRO, you're a homestuck, aren't you. Tell us, THE WORLD DESERVES TO KNOW THE TRUTH.
    Last edited: Jun 9, 2017
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  8. BunjyWunjy

    BunjyWunjy Frabjous

    well, shit. this entire series as a whole makes SO MUCH MORE SENSE seen in that light. JRO, you sly bastard.

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  9. spockandawe

    spockandawe soft and woolen and writhing with curiosity

    Memories bleeding over between multiple versions of yourself, as seen with Rewind II and Rose. There's no direct-direct parallel to dead Daves, but the quantum last light comes pretty darn close. It all fits SO WELL.
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  10. aetherGeologist

    aetherGeologist Well-Known Member

    Also alien caste systems that limit some groups to essentially machinery, culling, overly complicated reproductive systems that rely on far too few key people...

    I actually wrote this up as part of some meta before LL1 came out...
    ...and then promptly forgot about about it and assumed he was just really naive about the actual scale of destruction in the war. Hah. No. He was the one who was smuggling out Megatron's writing on miner's bodies while keeping it a secret - I'm sure he cared about them but he never had any real compunction about using them in service of the Cause.

    I kind of want to write up a more detailed post about why this storyline was upsetting in so many different ways now, but I don't think it'll cover much that hasn't already been said.

    I'm sorry about the last post I made in the thread - I'd hit a meltdown and not really realised. I'll try my best to avoid doing it again.
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  11. coldstars

    coldstars get Jazzy on it

    Terminus and Tarn, new OTP is a-go
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  12. spockandawe

    spockandawe soft and woolen and writhing with curiosity

    Creepy, overinvested boyfriends, who only WANT WHAT'S BEST FOR YOU, if you'll just LISTEN--
    • Agree x 6
  13. coldstars

    coldstars get Jazzy on it

    Glitch is alive in the Functionist Universe, if that was him in that one panel

    He's gonna be Terminus's Sith apprentice and help him carve up bodies and display them in promenent places and kneel to service Megatron allll the tiiiiiime and hang on Terminus's every word as he interprets Megatron's teachings and oh dear. This is a frighteningly plausible pairing...
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  14. spockandawe

    spockandawe soft and woolen and writhing with curiosity

    One of the panels near that one, in the mine, somebody screencapped it and was like 'hey look, it's the rest of the DJD!' I saw this on a post where shokveyv was very dismissive of the idea, but their opinions annoy me, SO. I wish to prove them wrong, or at least suggest that they may not be right. After I finish this goddamn essay, I'm going to track down current DJD headshots and compare them to the miner picture. Also because I want I want I want, GIVE ME MORE DJD! Show me what they were like without an excuse to turn into bloodthirsty sadists! GIMMEEEEEEE.

    (more realistically, even if it is them, it's just a fun cameo for shits n giggles. But I do like me some shits n giggles analysis)
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  15. Verily

    Verily surprised Xue Yang peddler

    So last night was Transformers Thursday. (When I've needed to explain why I'm not free on Thursday evenings, I've switched between calling it my robot support group and "talking to my robot friends" which sounds kinda MST3K, which isn't that far from the truth really. It's just humans watching the silly antics of robots rather than the other way around.) I forget how it came up, but I mentioned that time when Megatron was covered in guns. No literally covered in guns. And the more I tried to explain, the more ridiculous I realized it sounded. So I had to go get screenshots, which I'm now putting here for posterity.

    You know, that time when all the Megatron clone guns grew spider legs and marched down a hall?


    And then they like, shot him free from captivity?


    And then they all like attached onto his armor or something?


    Honestly I wouldn't have grokked what was going on there, except I always read the wiki alongside the issue since I sometimes have difficulty parsing visual information. But, uh, there you have it, the time Megatron was literally covered in the guns made from his dead body that Soundwave used to control people's minds.

    I love comics.

    (I still don't understand why that issue was named after the Book of Numbers. Are they all about to have to wander the desert for a generation because Galvatron is scary? Whatever happens, it won't change the fact that I've had Twelve Men Went to Spy on Canaan stuck in my head for an entire day, dammit. (10 were bad and 2 were good!))
    • Winner x 5
  16. Kemmasandi

    Kemmasandi Optimus Prime's disapproving eyebrows

    I wrote a post about Terminus and how it makes complete fuckign sense that he did what he did a couple days ago, and honest to god I'm so fucking excited to see where that goes 8D He's been written as an ideological hardliner from the moment he turned up in the series, and before the Tarn reveal I was legit convinced it was going to be Terminus. He's being written in a really similar way to Getaway as well, and I wonder if they're going to be each other's foils. God, I'd love that. I may love Terminus too much lmfao
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  17. spockandawe

    spockandawe soft and woolen and writhing with curiosity

    Well I just finished my monster essay, queued to post fo4 10 AM. 7000 words, and that's AFTER I trimmed my scope way way way down. I am about to pass out, good lord. I'm glad,i got my act together, but that was a lot
    • Winner x 9
  18. Verily

    Verily surprised Xue Yang peddler


    Streetwise helps, by ramming Prowl out of the way of the collapsing building. But how hard would a police car have to hit another police car to give it an instantaneous acceleration of at least 17 m/s^2? And continue moving fast enough to avoid the disaster area itself? I have such mixed feelings about not attempting to do the math.


    Prowl, you ridiculous vocabulary child. You used baroque, internecine, and brannigan while musing about the definition of dirt. This is clearly the path to my heart. I do have a slight problem with "freaky high levels of a carbonate super-acid" though.

    Also, Sandra is back! I like Sandra. She caused a lot of problems for the bots by exposing Skywatch's cover up, but she did it for the right reasons, and Ultra Magnus agrees. Naturally.


    Sandra explains her problem with Spike. That he sees his life as a story, and he's also an asshole. Which is a pretty good explanation for why your action hero has behaved in a regrettable action hero manner. I appreciate the direction the series has taken regarding him.



    Spike then walks in like it ain't no thing and confesses to killing Scrapper. He seems really proud of himself. He's looking extremely disreputable, which it seems like has been a trend through this series as everyone slowly realizes just how far off the rails he's gone.


    Damn, dude. Did you have to practice to look that creepy? Or does it just come naturally?
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  19. spockandawe

    spockandawe soft and woolen and writhing with curiosity

  20. Verily

    Verily surprised Xue Yang peddler

    Also on a different topic of TFP, I keep kinda half wanting to ship Arcee and Airachnid, because I like hate ships. And I honestly really like them both as characters (and aesthetically) even if one of them is a terrible person. But I just can't really imagine it with Arcee.

    But hey, you know who I could sorta imagine? IDW Arcee.

    And this is how I now mildly ship Airachnid with IDW Arcee. :P

    What is my life.
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