fiber arts!

Discussion in 'Make It So' started by jacktrash, Jun 3, 2015.

  1. Aniseed

    Aniseed Well-Known Member

    finished the color on this chinchilla kit, need to get around to doing the backstitching sometime today.
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  2. Aniseed

    Aniseed Well-Known Member

    and now done!

    going to frame this + the puppy in hoops and mail them out as gifts
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  3. Jean

    Jean Let’s stop procrastinating -- tomorrow!

    Current fiber projects:
    1. A new cellphone holder, knit out of this yarn my bother spun yeeeears ago.
    2. A shawl-y thing knit out of this really nice deep red wool.
    3. A water bottle holder crocheted in sunshine colored cotton.
    4. A dress sewn out of this gorgeous deep red silk we found at the back of (one of) the fiber closet(s).
    5. Taking in another dress, which is tricky since I have to do it at the waist, rather than the hem.
    6. Silk ribbon embroidery project.
    7. Needle felted hat.
    8. Needle felted Davesprite.
    9. Needle felted Great A'tun.
    10. Aaaand I just finished a cotton crocheted potholder. It's... trying to be a snowflake. Eh, next one will be better.
    Wow, that's more than I thought I was working on. Maybe I should reduce that a bit...

    Pictures will happen once I figure out how to put them on here.
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  4. blue

    blue hightown funk you up

    Now you've got me excited to list MY current projects...
    1. Yellow scarf for my uncle, almost done
    2. Enormous pi shawl with tiny stitches, so not almost done
    3. Hexaflexagon, ~one-third of the triangles done but I need to do all the picking up of stitches
    .., that's it right now, I think?
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  5. keltka

    keltka the green and brown one

    OH HELLA I'm hype for project listing! MOTIVATION TO FINISH
    1. Finish adding tassels to one side of forest green wool scarf
    2. Finish royalty shawl (marching through the looking glass pattern) with the purple/blue/grey wool
    3. Finish hawkwing shawl (wings of peace pattern) with the tan/brown wool
    4. Restart (SIGH) earwarmer (gullwing pattern) with silver acrylic
    5. Other gullwing earwarmer with blues acrylic
    6. Sample gullwing earwarmer with leftover forest green wool
    7. Stitch up monet acrylic cabled earwarmer
    8. Fingerless gloves with blues acrylic
    9. Sample fingerless gloves in ????
    10. Sample cabled earwarmer in ????
    oh boy.
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  6. Alaspooralice

    Alaspooralice An actual trash fire

    May as well join In!

    1. Finish a shawl thingy with Mandala blue white and grey yarn

    2. Finish a blanket I've been trying to complete for like 2 years but I keep restarting because I am not good at fishing big projects

    3. Finish purple earwarmer with a braided pattern

    4. Finish crocheting a little bird from pink white and blue yarn

    5. Mend my dog's sweater (she got bored one day and chewed a hole in it)

    Not too bad. I've managed to knock out a few of my projects lately.
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  7. Aniseed

    Aniseed Well-Known Member

    1. like... 5 kits i have
    2. 3 MORE kits i have coming in the mail
    3. a series of small blackwork patterns
    4. another larger blackwork pattern
    5. a big cross stitch calendar project
    6. xmas gifts.. nothing too complex
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  8. Saro

    Saro Where is wizard hut

    1. Dark grey Mariah sweater
    2. Knit squares blanket
    3. Ripple crochet afghan
    4. Probably other stuff I'm forgetting
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  9. Re Allyssa

    Re Allyssa Sylph of Heart

    Okay me too!
    Everything is indefinitely on hold but..
    1. Crochet Mermaid Blanket. Just waiting on some measurements from the mom. I should probably poke her about that
    2. Crochet Pikachu (I'm not sure if I'm going to frog it or not because the hook I'm using is kinda small and it feels weird)
    3. Crochet Eevee (I need some kind or wire to put in the ears so I can pose them) (I mean I could do the other parts before that, but for some reason this is where I am stuck. SHRUG)
    4. Cross Stitch Tiger (A little unsure of where I left off, so there's that little hurdle that's hard to overcome for whatever reason)
    5. Cross Stitch Wizard (I don't even know where to begin)
    I think that's everything that's in progress. I also need to make a Crochet Lickitung for my mom
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  10. Everett

    Everett local rats so small, so tiny

    1. High plains drifter shawl thingy which ive posted a pic of here before. Havent made much progress since then and its hard to tell how big it is, on the needles, so idk how long to continue for lol (its a 2 row repeat)
    2. I cast on for a stephen west (i think???) colourwork cowl for my mom, in november. I think i did the setup row but its still on my desk because i cant read charts and i dont know how to add the 2nd colour to start the next round.
    3. I havent looked at my ravelry queue in a few months so idek what i was planning to do but i have a few more skeins of alpaca so maybe Something will Happen
    4. Edit: foke i forgot about the hat to go along with the cowl i finished for my mom like... a year ago. Or more. Ive never knit a hat before and i havent gotten around to making a practice one out of the giant skein of acrylic that i got for free
    Last edited: Jun 14, 2017
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  11. blue

    blue hightown funk you up

    oh also 4. i want to make something for my cousin's baby. a hat? do babies like hats?
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  12. Re Allyssa

    Re Allyssa Sylph of Heart

    babbies grow quickly, i learned the hard way.
    baby blanket was my solution! Even if it's not big enough to wrap around them, it can still be a comfort item for them later
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  13. Jean

    Jean Let’s stop procrastinating -- tomorrow!

    I think babies like hats as long as they are made out of very soft material. My friend made the mistake of making bsby hats out of acrylic, and that didn't go well. Babies are sensitive!
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  14. blue

    blue hightown funk you up

    You know, I have like eight more balls of yarn I was going to add to this Forever Shawl but.....

    what if i.... just put a nice scalloped edge on it and cast off... i hate working on it and it's been going for like two years..
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  15. Jean

    Jean Let’s stop procrastinating -- tomorrow!

    I have had projects like that, so I feel your pain there. I would say if working on it makes you unhappy, it's time to wrap it up.
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  16. Aniseed

    Aniseed Well-Known Member

    lmao i literally FORGOT earlier that the next thing i planned to do was my big calendar project and just started a kit...

    oh well it really doesn't matter but still.

    bad news bears: the thread for this kit is weird? it feels more like acrylic yarn than your typical embroidery floss. it's fraying quite a bit which is annoying

    better news bears: this is like the first kit i've gotten that's large enough for me to test out my q-snap frame for and it's wonderful. i really am anxious about the clamps but it keeps the fabric tight as a drum and rarely needs to be tightened up.
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  17. Mossflower

    Mossflower Well-Known Member

    lets see WIPs

    1. dnd blanket on square 8 of 20
    2. the second of a pair of socks
    3. Memory square blanket.
    4. column of leaves scarf
    5. purple gradient shawl
    6. the tangled mess my dog managed to make of four balls of yarn which included the shawl
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  18. Saro

    Saro Where is wizard hut

    My family-in-law's cat the Black Cat has twice gotten into my knitting and unfurled it across the house. I feel this.
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  19. blue

    blue hightown funk you up

    I finished my uncle's scarf!! Now I just have to. Very speedily block it so I can mail it out tomorrow.
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  20. blue

    blue hightown funk you up

    blocking tutorial: ... and then lay the piece out flat on a towel.
    me, doubtfully: ok
    It Longe
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