Dragon Age anyone?

Discussion in 'Fan Town' started by Kittenly, Apr 25, 2015.

  1. Kittenly

    Kittenly Just Squish That Cat!

    Oh, yeah. Hm. I want to know what Old God Keiran says about the dwarves and how that fits into the context. I'm sure I can find the conversation somewhere online... But I wanna hear it in game. Guess I'll have to play Grace for that.

    I also really liked Renn. Not the least because I was playing Renwyn, who usually just goes by Ren. So they were name buddies. Or at least Ren proclaimed them to be name buddies. Not sure how the Lieutenant felt about that xD. Probably grumpy. I got the feeling that grumpy was his reaction to most things.

    As for Valta, she does have a slightly weird VA. I'm pretty sure I recognize her from Mass Effect. Maybe Samara? Definitely an asari. But I like the headcanon that she's just sorta stuffy and awkward :D
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  2. Kittenly

    Kittenly Just Squish That Cat!



    So does the ending. I think Valta is the first dwarf Mage in epochs. Since they were severed from the Fade. Which raises some interesting speculation about lyrium and magic. We know lyrium is a source of magic. It is used to create magical runes, bolster Templar abilities. But it's not /the/ source of magic because people are born with magic without being exposed to lyrium. For mages, Lyrium just augments their own magic, giving them a deeper mana pool or replenishing magic.

    It also means that the titans may be connected somehow to the Fade. I say this because there are lyrium veins in the Fade. Which brings me to the thought of: maybe the Fade is a Titan? There are some issues with that: like the Fade being endless and the presence of the Black City. But it could be spacey-wacey weirdness caused by the Veil. It /is/ bound by the explores perception and imagination.

    Ugh. Quizzie is right when they say they have more questions than answers. Where did Titans come from? Are they related to spirits? The Old Gods? The Elven Pantheon? The Maker? If the Dwarves are their children, do the other races have a similar sort of "patron?" How many are they and how big are they actually? GAHHHHHH
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  3. witchknights

    witchknights Bold Enchanter Defends The Fearful

    uuugGGHHH it is just adding fuel to my pet crack theories liike

    i was already thinking that maybe ancient elves and dwarves were closer together than everybody knows until andruil brought the blight from the void and they severed their connection to the fade via sealing it in lyrium now i'm jUST
    anyway: the most important sidequest
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  4. Mercury

    Mercury Well-Known Member

    That is the BEST sidequest XD

    I'm p sure that the titans are the 'pillars of the earth' referred to in this codex entry.
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  5. Kittenly

    Kittenly Just Squish That Cat!

    UGH. I had to give Kate back the PS4 before I could complete all the side quests. But omfg. The Nug King. If you take Varric down initially he mentions the King of the Nugs.

    *Flails at the codex entry* It /does/ sound like it's referencing the titans and their servants such as the shol brytal.

    As for what @witchknights was saying, I don't think lyrium is the Blight trapped, because Red Lyrium is blighted Lyrium, so regular blue Lyrium is unblighted. Therefore Red Lyrium means that there are blighted titans around. We don't know how many, because we still don't know exactly how large they are (like is the Red Lyrium from the primeval thaig the same blighted titan as the red lyrium under the Temple of Sacred Ashes?)

    I do like the theory that the Blight came from The Void though. However it makes the origin of Darkspawn such as The Architect and Corypheus unclear. Moirail and I were wondering if perhaps their transformation into Darkspawn came from spending so long physically in the Fade, or was a result of their despair of the City being empty/abandonment by their gods. Which has interesting and potentially terrifying implications for whoever stayed in The Fade in Here Lies the Abyss.
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  6. Mercury

    Mercury Well-Known Member

    I am certain that the red lyrium under the temple of sacred ashes is due to what Corypheus did - but how? My spitball guess would be that he infected it when everything exploded, partly by accident - his body was obliterated and tainted the lyrium, but since he can bodyhop, he grabbed the nearest Grey Warden that wasn't killed.

    We really don't know how those magisters got tainted, do we? So far things have been pointing at the Black City as the source of it - I don't think the Chantry has it right, I think there was something wrong with the city to begin with. But the question is, why? And since we don't have any idea what happens if someone is physically in the Fade for longer than - what, some hours maybe? Yeah, there are some terrifying implications for whoever got left there. D:
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  7. Newlyread

    Newlyread Killer Queen

    *heavy breathing* soon....SOOON...........
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  8. witchknights

    witchknights Bold Enchanter Defends The Fearful

    @Mercury oh i had forgotten about that! Really shouldn't be doing theorizing after a billion hours awake.
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  9. Mercury

    Mercury Well-Known Member

    Since I play on the PC and DAI is a moddable game, the inevitable happened and I started making custom face textures.

    I've actually made like... eight of them, but that's the one specifically for that Inquisitor. I also made one using Vivienne's face texture that works out pretty well, other than the fact that the texture around her eyes that gives the appearance of epicanthal folds only works with one style of eye in the character creator - the generic squinty one. :T
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  10. witchknights

    witchknights Bold Enchanter Defends The Fearful

    :o that's really good!! I really need to get into modding the game, there are some really nice looking stuffs out there.

    I wish i could make custom textures/mod the game at all, my one semester of 3d modelling in college left me wanting to do ALL THE HAIR - alas, I cannot even mod the sims: getting Idrilla's vallaslin remotely right with tatooinator was, like, an Accomplishment.
  11. Newlyread

    Newlyread Killer Queen

    I saw this on tumblr, had to share:

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  12. Kittenly

    Kittenly Just Squish That Cat!

    I play the console version, so no modding for me. *le sigh* But god, Mercury, dat NOSE.

    I mostly watch the modding community to look at hair styles. Because the really dropped the ball on that one in this game. I understand why long hair can cause issues with clipping and stuff, but at least give us a few more tied back styles? Or make sure the styles that were there in DAO and DA2 are still there? I miss my pigtails option :(((
  13. Mercury

    Mercury Well-Known Member

    *browwaggle* ngl, I like to make Inquisitors whose faces I could stare at all day.

    I hear you on the hair situation. I get the impression, looking at the options we did get, that they're edging away from a strictly medieval feeling, which is fine! But that seems to have made for fewer choices overall, and completely eliminated some of the really classic options. Maybe it's because they went with unisex styles? I think it's cool they did that, but I don't see why we couldn't also have, say, pigtails for all genders - we have that hideous bob thing with the bangs for all genders, after all. :P And non-Qunari don't get to have cornrows anymore, which is butts.

    I miss the loosely tied back hair, like Leandra has in DA2, and Cassandra's old hairstyle.
  14. Kittenly

    Kittenly Just Squish That Cat!

    Yeah. That's what Mara Hawke had and i couldn't find anything that felt good to replace it. I'm also glad they're doing more unisex and more modern style of hair (undercuts for ALL), but I think we should at least keep the classic ones as an option. And why like at least a third of the cuts some sort of buzz/stubble. And then the one with the brushed back bangs that's basically a mullet.

    I wish they'd have more hair styles that were typical of various POC. As it is, the lack of curly/frizzy hair makes customizing my darker Quizzies harder. And if they wanted more hairstyles that wouldn't clip, it seems like typically black hairstyles like cornrows, afros, or braids would be a solid way to go.
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  15. Mercury

    Mercury Well-Known Member

    Right?? And yet, we just get like... a flat top (I didn't think those were even still in style), and some buzz cuts.

    Few to no styles appropriate for curly and frizzy hair is the bane of every game I play that has customizable characters. X( Even though it's ALL ABOUT customization, it took FOREVER for the Sims franchise to start wising up and start making various sorts of afros and braids available, and that only happened like... midway into Sims 3's development. Sims 2 modders snapped those up like candy and converted them, then used the textures on as many other existing hairstyles they could look good on, and it's still not nearly enough. idk what the situation is like for Sims 4.
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  16. Newlyread

    Newlyread Killer Queen

    DA's consistent problem with hair has always been a thorn in my side. Like, goddamn, this is the future, Bioware, y'all should be able to make some freakin' decent hair.

    Also, as much as I love my dragon slaying bear queen, Cassandra's hair in Inquisition confuses and angers me. Braid?? but pixie cut??? WHAT
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  17. Mercury

    Mercury Well-Known Member

    I've decided that the braid is just a headband they couldn't bother to texture properly. (The alternative is that she has a rattail, and... no. She's way too heterosexual for a 80s/90s lesbian hairstyle.)
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  18. Newlyread

    Newlyread Killer Queen

    Is it a hairband made out of hair that she slips on every morning? Did she braid it like that when she had long hair, then just cut her hair around it? Is she somehow making a braid halo out of what looks to be an inch of hair??? CASSANDRA PLZ
  19. Kittenly

    Kittenly Just Squish That Cat!

    I've with Mercury and have just taken it to be a weirdly textured hairband. If you look at Cass from all angles, it does just sit in a circle, so seems most likely.

    One good thing about the DAI hairstyles is that in inspired my matesprit to get Krem hair and she is hot af with it :DDDD

    Speaking of doofy hair, have other people seen the Dorian hair mod that makes him look like a cockatoo dipped in ink?
    [​IMG] [​IMG]
    #actual Dorian Pavus #anything else is a lie #I see no difference
    Last edited: Aug 20, 2015
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  20. Mercury

    Mercury Well-Known Member

    AHAHAHA OH MY GOD XD Nooo why would they do that to his haiiiiiir

    I'm trying for a Krem cut myself, but since I have to cut it myself and my hair is... difficult, results are mixed.
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