shitposting rave 5: discount rejects from every genre

Discussion in 'It's Galley's Turn' started by SHITPOSTING ALPHYS, Mar 20, 2017.

  1. Requiem

    Requiem Mechanical Monstrosity | 18+

    Everyone's bad guys to everyone else

    *sagely nod*
    • Informative x 2
  2. Switchboard of Iacon

    Switchboard of Iacon New-rosurgeon

    What's what about?

    ...I remember quite a bit, even if some of it's been blurred by memory creep.
  3. Scope

    Scope Operation: The Hills Have Eyes |18+

    You're so smart. It's almost like you ate someone's brain instead of their legs for once.
    Being old. Being you. Being, in general. Like, what's the universe about, my mech?
    • Agree x 1
  4. Requiem

    Requiem Mechanical Monstrosity | 18+


    *Flops on*
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  5. Scope

    Scope Operation: The Hills Have Eyes |18+

    [I'm going down, I'm yelling timbeeeeeeeeeeeeeer. He does not object and allows this.]
  6. Do you... remember... the night before I died?
  7. Requiem

    Requiem Mechanical Monstrosity | 18+

    *Well you're not moving now, so many tentacles wrapped up in legs. Joy.*
    • Winner x 1
  8. Scope

    Scope Operation: The Hills Have Eyes |18+

    [He wiggles a foot, then deadpans:] Go on without me.
  9. Switchboard of Iacon

    Switchboard of Iacon New-rosurgeon

    How would I know? I'm not in it anymore, am I?

    [Switch gestures and creates a private bubbleroom for the two of them to talk in. Some things he doesn't want to discuss in public, even if he can't really get any deader.]
    Always. I made sure to preserve it.
  10. You- you did? I wasn't sure if-
    -he turns to look at Switch properly for the first time, optics wide and a little bit hopeful-
  11. Switchboard of Iacon

    Switchboard of Iacon New-rosurgeon

    [He smiles, only a very tiny bit sad this time.] Even without my skills, it is one of my dearest memories. It's the last I had of... of us. Of course I've remembered.

    Do you... I. Ah. [Flusterboy. How do words work, what is he supposed to say. If robots could blush...]
    • Like x 1
  12. I- I wish we'd had maybe just- a few more days. So we could have- worked out what that- was- where that could have gone.
    • Like x 1
    • Agree x 1
  13. Switchboard of Iacon

    Switchboard of Iacon New-rosurgeon

    As long as we're wishing, I'll bid for all of eternity. [Is his voice going staticky again? Shhh, no, of course not, you're hearing things.] Not just to work it out, but-- but to live with... whatever we decided.
    • Like x 1
    • Witnessed x 1
  14. -Shade hitches a laugh that's also half static and shuffles closer to Switch. Then closer again. Then close enough to carefully, carefully lean against him.-
  15. the author speaks

    the author speaks [WT/18+] Mage of Space Stanford F. Pines, PhD

    Ford smiles at Helios. "I'm asking him questions for the sake of clarification based on what he himself told me. You might be surprised how similar things can be, between dimensions. One of the things my workgroup has been doing for the last fifteen years is establishing a theory of how things work throughout dimensions, and how to predict what the variances will be based upon the level of malleability the local reality exhibits to the Will, among other things. Assuming he's not just fucking with me because he's a demon, because he's stopped calling me 'mortal' and we're attempting to be civil here, and that what he's saying is true, I am trying to figure out if what he's describing does or does not fit into our theories. If it doesn't, then our theories will require adjustment. But the possibility exists that we're also having a semantic disagreement--that what he's describing as the act of killing is not the same thing as what I'm describing as the act of killing, and involves more than the simple act of deliberately taking the life of another living being. It sounds to me as though he is saying an element of purpose is necessary, though perhaps not sufficient."
  16. Valiska Pines

    Valiska Pines [WT/18+] Witch of Blood Queen Courinna

    "He's just trying to understand exactly what you're telling him, despite the fact that the words you're using probably mean different things to both of you," Valiska interjects, "and that's not how he sounds when he's being judgemental. But you might do well to remember, he doesn't have much cause to think well of those who would call themselves demons. Nor do I, as a curse-breaker long before I was an alchemist."
    • Like x 1
  17. Switchboard of Iacon

    Switchboard of Iacon New-rosurgeon

    [Switch leans on Shade too, bowing his head; he finally, finally lets himself hold tight to that hand.]
  18. Grimm

    Grimm The Birch Wolf | 18+

    [They wave a paw, their form stretching into a more human form, the birch bark they are made of fading into the irregularly speckled dark-brown-and-pure-white skin of an older man with long hair messily curled hair with a few white strands in both this hair and the hair of their groomed longer beard. They wear a loose tunic that looks ancient scandinavian in origin, their eyes still glowing amber and white fangs glinting as they lift an earthen bowl filled with some sort of liqueur to their lips.]
    I dislike scientists so. Never satisfied with their answers.
  19. Norm the Genie

    Norm the Genie The All-Powerful Genie (Thief of Breath)|18+

    I don't think science could work if they ever were.
  20. Grimm

    Grimm The Birch Wolf | 18+

    People were fine without science once upon a time. I have no fondness for science or scientists.
    • Like x 1
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