[There used to be stuff up here about how I retuned after 2 years but I was trying to fix something and i accidentally deleted half of it so whoop. Jumping to how my fandoms are dead.] Don't ask me about the Ar Tonelico games. Or about what music I like, because then I'm going to start about the soundtrack. You can ask about K project, but then I'll just cry. I used to be in the Captain America fandom but then Marvel started doing the most, and I currently live in fantasy fanfiction land where comics and everything after The Winter Soldier is fake. And that's... about all I can think about? Since I last was here, a lot of boring shit happened, mostly, but academic progress was made. Such amaze. Much wow. Content warning: out of loop with what memes are out of date.
@Lambda Dancey fruits! MY FRIENDS! I want these guys in plush, except then they wouldn't wiggle and that'd be sad. @cassikat I'm towards the end of my most recent Homestuck reread and my love for Dave is back in full force, holy shit. Before weather decided to murder us all with heat and humidity I basically lived in my Hero of Time hoodie. Random, but have you ever read this? The best pesterlog fic I know, found it this weekend. Pairing is John/Dirk but Dave features prominently and hilariously. I was howling.
hypothetically there's this kind of plush, though who knows how they're made. it's not quite a wiggle, but maybe it could be done
Now that I think of it, I distantly remember having a shaking pikachu as a kid. It had some kind of mechanism you wound up by pulling on a piece of string attached to a plastic loop in it's butt. The solution was not without it's drawbacks. There was also the problem of softness - I don't know if it was the type of stuffing or the shakey mechanism, but if you threw it at someone, they'd probably go ow. Technology marches forward though, so maybe modern shaking plushies are more advanced. Further research would be necessary *insert pointyanimeshades.gif*
i don't think i've read that one, no, but it sounds hilarious :D dirkjohn isn't usually a preferred flavor of mine, but i'm a sucker for pesterlog fic and humor, and the plot sounds like it's going to be a real hoot--i might check it out sometime!
Unfortunately, my favourite characters were Izumo and Anna, so more than enjoying, at the end I was shaking out finely ground shards of my soul out of a blender. Then, I read the official novel about Anna's past and it got worse. Homra is suffering.
!!!! You know Ar tonelico! Hi! Very good Homestuck taste too, good job. But now I gotta ask what your favorite songs from Ar tonelico are.
To be honest I've never actually played Ar Tonelico with my own grubby hands because what is money? There's no Gamestop in my country, but there IS a huge tax on games and electronics. I've watched a ton of lets plays though (not all of them yet, but working on it) and studied the lore extensively. I'm absolutely in love with the universe and both my best friends have already been subjected to rants about how it's on par with LOTR in terms of world-building but will never be recognized as such and that's awful. I might've also sneakily written EXEC_over.METHOD_SUBLIMATION/.~omness chs ciel sos infel into one of my fics, without naming it. Whoops. As for songs, I go through phrases depending on my mood and I don't think Ar Tonelico has any bad songs but my absolute favourites... I EXEC_CHRONICLE_KEY/. EXEC_PAJA/.#Misya extracting (a.k.a meet me in the Binary Field in 30 minutes for ass-kicking) EXEC_SUSPEND/. II EXEC_VIENA/. EXEC_SPHILIA/. EXEC_over.METHOD_SUBLIMATION/.~omness chs ciel sos infel III EXEC_FLIP_FUSIONSPHERE/. Ec Tisia ~Tarifa~ (I don't listen to it often, but each time I do it's like I'm becoming a whole new person, holy shit) To my Homeland/Kokyou e Ar no Surge: em-pyei-n vari-fen jang Fanmade by Stellatram (Links included in case you don't know them, they're amazing and I wish they were canon so bad) EXEC_SEED/. EXEC_PAJA_FYUSION/. (tfw the best Purger is non-canon) EXEC_CHRONICLE=KEY/. #Lyune extracting
I saw a thing on the internet that made me do math to then tell me my patron troll isn't actually Aradia. I've never been so offended in my time as a Homestuck. Ever. Damara terrifies me, but she's also one of the most interesting pre-Scratch Trolls, so credit is due.
Oh god, I love the worldbuilding for this series so much. It's not perfect and there's definitely some questionable choices put in just for fanservice, but I still massively love the characters and stories and general thought put into the world in general. You can tell the creator cares about the world, you know? Sympathy to you on the tax thing, too. I own the games myself, but for a while my only exposure to the first was via LPs so I've been there on that front. I totally feel you on going through phases with the songs, too. And Stellatram's stuff is really good! (I have really got to get up to date on the nosurge games, though. I technically own the one that got released stateside, but haven't gotten around to playing it yet.)
Yeah, the ammount of fanservice is a shame, I feel like most people will know Ar Tonelico as "that stripping game" or by the early innuendos, like the crystal installation, while you have a massive world with different social issues in each region, in-universe mythology, more than one fictional language with multiple dialects, including historical ones, and pretty serious themes thorough. It just feels like a waste for the sake of attracting some horny fanboys to a game that was never going to be mainstream. I got a bit turned off No Surge because I started from a LP of Ciel, and... god, was it boring. I'm going to try again though. I love the music in Ar Tonelico songs because of how, well, magical, it feels. Most of it is supposed to have significant effects on the world or the Towers, and you can feel the power, and the emotion it comes from. Purger, Metafalica and EXEC_FLIP songs are so fascinating because they serve the same functions, but sound so different depending on who sings them, reflecting not only personalities but how they Reyvateil sees their role and/or duty. And the depth in some of them - the last sublimation never fails to move me because of the layers and layers of dissonance. If you listened to it without knowing the context and understanding the lyrics (even then some people could miss it), it sounds gentle, turning to celebratory and elated - you'd have never thought it was a boss theme, and how sinister it's effects were. And then, if you didn't know Infel and Nenesha's story, you wouldn't catch the deep sadness and pain underlying the praise for the new world. I tried to describe it for a fic because I needed a deceptively happy piece for a very lonely character to perform to, but I don't feel like I quite got it. It's just... so good.
Yeah! I love that whole concept: magic shaped by emotions conveyed through song, down to the fact that Hymmnos itself includes grammatical elements for that emotion itself. Your was yea ra and so forth, to the emotion vowels in New Testament of Pastalie dialect. I am oddly delighted by how certain languages just look like outright keysmash too but derive meaning from the arrangement of letters and whatever else. And god, don't even get me started about Infel and Nenesha. The second game is my favorite already; it fixes a lot of the awkward parts where the first was gaining its feet, and isn't quite as bogged down in fanservice as the third (plus the third just never grabbed me as much for characters). But their whole story! Infel's whole struggle with opening her heart, and by contrast her closeness with Nenesha, and that deep deep pain of losing her that she went to such lengths to find her again and try to prevent that kind of pain from ever happening again. Even if her ultimate solution to that was misguided, I feel so bad for her that she felt it necessary in the first place. I'm still sad the localization had such translation issues, too; I wanted to see her bad puns. (Alas, my machine can't run the stuff necessary for the fan retranslation.)