shitposting rave 5: discount rejects from every genre

Discussion in 'It's Galley's Turn' started by SHITPOSTING ALPHYS, Mar 20, 2017.

  1. Kation

    Kation Vent Cat, NS

    Well frag me with a gearstick. -he flops out of the vent and onto Updraft as liquid as only cats can be- How do you deal with all of these poppet valves?
    • Winner x 1
  2. Ignis of Vos

    Ignis of Vos Definitely 100% Dead

    Awww, you mean there's people who don't like getting tossed around by big strong mechs like us? Who'd've thought? [Ignis's wings flick up with the joke.]
  3. Updraft

    Updraft While you fought I studied the Organics (18+)

    [One of his hands comes up to stop Kation, should he ooze down further, just in case. Doesn't seem to be needed though] I try to be patient and spent a lot of time in my garden.

    [His own wings respond, albeit carefully. Squishy organics below, do not scare] No, here is the thing: they do like being tossed around by big strong mechs, just not when it is for the purpose of making them behave like sensible people.
    • Like x 1
  4. Ignis of Vos

    Ignis of Vos Definitely 100% Dead

    Beating sense into'em just never works, does it? [He sighs theatrically, faking a disappointed look even as his wings make it clear he's still teasing.] What ever are we gonna do with them? Or, well, what are you gonna do, even if I had a living frame I probably wouldn't be on your mission.
  5. Updraft

    Updraft While you fought I studied the Organics (18+)

    [Ups huffs out a laugh] Alas. I think I will have to confine myself to setting their energon rations down in line of sight and dropping oblique hints. Maybe less oblique, depending on how non-successful I end up being.
    • Winner x 1
  6. Kation

    Kation Vent Cat, NS

    -amused snort-
    -kation hisses softly-
    I like your method better.
  7. Ignis of Vos

    Ignis of Vos Definitely 100% Dead

    Oh, so you're the one being obtuse about feelings, I see how it is. How dare, Updraft, how very dare you.

    [Ignis spreads his hands out, dropping both the grin and the fluttering wings.] Hey. Didn't mean any offense, man, I've been the one taking stripes for acting wrong. Sorry.
  8. Updraft

    Updraft While you fought I studied the Organics (18+)

    Thank you. [He keeps his hand where it is, in case that Kation wants pettins. Just petting him is probably a terrible idea all things considered but if their resident ventcat wants the contact he's happy to provide]

    Most of my feelings on the subject can be summed up with 'please get a functional sleep schedule' with a side order of 'can I hug everyone'. The latter is just not going to happen.
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  9. Ignis of Vos

    Ignis of Vos Definitely 100% Dead

    [Ignis laughs a little, though not with the same bright cheer as he's had recently.] I'd take you up on the second one, but somehow I don't think your buddy there would be too pleased with that.
  10. Kation

    Kation Vent Cat, NS

    Hrrrm. -He settles down, appearantly mollified.-
    -the hands gets claimed with both paws-
    Sleep is for the weak.
    -presents fangs, but this is more amused grin than threat- Wanna find out?
    • Winner x 1
  11. Updraft

    Updraft While you fought I studied the Organics (18+)

    [he sets to handed-pettings on the ventcat. But. Hrm. He wants to see Ignis happy but this might be... ok. There's a minor moment of shuffling before he extends a hand to the other jet, inviting him close albeit on the side currently further away from Kation.] I am sure we can find some arrangement. It isn't like there isn't a lot of space on my frame anyways. [Surely they can arrange sufficient physical contact for everyone, he's a 60 foot robot if there's anything he's got in spades, it's snuggle-able surface area]
    • Like x 1
  12. Ignis of Vos

    Ignis of Vos Definitely 100% Dead

    If "finding out" involves asking "yo are you cool with another big jet getting up in your personal space via mutual cuddlebuddy," then yes. [Ignis snickers, perking up a little now that it's clear he hasn't done too much damage.]

    Look, science saves us once again! [Ignis gratefully joins the snugglepile; he slings one arm around Updraft's waist, careful to avoid his wings but otherwise plenty fine with casual affection.] You're Primus-sent, I tell ya. What would we do without a pretty scientist to figure out hug logistics?
    • Winner x 1
  13. Kation

    Kation Vent Cat, NS

    Naw I won´t claw him. Was tryin´to be funny.
  14. Kation

    Kation Vent Cat, NS

    -grins- I promise not ta bite, much.
  15. Kation

    Kation Vent Cat, NS

    Least not without asking first.
    • Like x 1
  16. Updraft

    Updraft While you fought I studied the Organics (18+)

    Trial and error, with a repainting followup when everyone inevitably ends up with scruffs and a potential bitemark or two? [He settled his arm around Ignis' waist in return, hand landing on his hip and yeah this is comfy, he can hug a jet and pet a ventcat at the same time, excellent. He does check down to make sure that no organics have been squished, but nope all good]

    Alright then! [He turned his head a little to smile at Kation and scritches between his ears]
  17. Ignis of Vos

    Ignis of Vos Definitely 100% Dead

    [Ig snickers again, only not flicking his wings up because that would probably mean bopping Updraft's wings annnnd nope not up for that today, affection is on thing but Ignis is still a trined mech, dead or no.] Good to know!

    I mean hey, sometimes repainting follows good outcomes too! [He tweaks the edge of the armor plate closest to his hand on Up's hip, grinning. Not like it can get any more risque than their first meeting, right?]
    • Winner x 2
  18. Kation

    Kation Vent Cat, NS

    -ear wiggles, followed by slight purr, followed by catching the hand to hold onto.-
    • Winner x 2
  19. Updraft

    Updraft While you fought I studied the Organics (18+)

    I do seem to remember a thing about paint transfers... [He doesn't quite twitch, but there's a subtle resettling of plates over his hips, flaring a little wider under Ignis' fingers before he returns the favour, albeit more gently. No getting frisky when someone else is still stuck on him]

    [Very stuck on him. He holds his fingers still until Kation has decided if he can have it back]
    • Winner x 1
  20. Kation

    Kation Vent Cat, NS

    -nope, his hand now. He spread out a little more and drops his chin on the hands.-
    • Winner x 1
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