Cursed images

Discussion in 'General Chatter' started by IndigoRiffRaff, Jun 3, 2017.

  1. spockandawe

    spockandawe soft and woolen and writhing with curiosity

    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    If you're looking for another hit of this drug, the keyword you want is 'boytaur'. I... cannot handle describing the written erotica scene that goes with these, but it made an impression that's lasted for over a decade.

    j/k the most memorable detail is that boytaur jizz makes you stretchy. Stretchy enough that, say, you can stretch a guy's asshole wide enough that you can stroll right on inside
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  2. palindromordnilap

    palindromordnilap Well-Known Member

    ... I keep reading that but I'd like to point out that if the airbag deploys towards your head, the steering wheel is badly positioned and it's going to cause injuries anyway. It should deploy towards your chest, encompassing it and your head.
    This is still stupid because high-velocity rocks are almost as bad on your chest as on your head, though.
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  3. Bunny

    Bunny aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

    I like the power of bad photoshopping giving the middle boy an extra arm growing out of his neck.

    At least I assume it is not intentional for him to have an odd number of arms.
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  4. Deresto

    Deresto Foolish Mortal

    It might just be a thing, the blonde has a middle of back arm as well
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  5. spockandawe

    spockandawe soft and woolen and writhing with curiosity

    Variable amounts of arms are a thing that happens! I've seen two, four, and six with some regularity. Odd numbers do Bother me, but it's not terribly unusual to see (I'm not sure what's up with the first guy, but I'm assuming the second was from a porn/whatever image where the person embracing the guy from behind got cropped out.
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  6. fucker jail

    fucker jail well that's just your onion

    *looks at this*
    *throws another absurd kink on the pile*

    it's like 4 people fucking at once but with less difficulty coordinating consent!
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  7. Saro

    Saro Where is wizard hut

    The odd numbers bother me too dangit!! That's become the worst part of the picture for me!!
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  8. Deresto

    Deresto Foolish Mortal

    I kinda like it, aesthetically. symmetry is nice but having just a few uneven or oddly placed bits really pushes it past plain weird into straight up hard to look at.
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  9. Bunny

    Bunny aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

    It bothers me just because it looks like bad shopping rather than the number of arms being inherintly terrible. If you're gonna have extra arms for tenderly cupping your nips at least put them someplace sensible.

    Though from what I have seen of photoshopped weird porn it seems hard for folks to make stuff that looks sensible and good. Gotta be into cursed images alongside your niche kink
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  10. Pumpkageist

    Pumpkageist Warning: I Shitpost


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  11. Acey

    Acey hand extended, waiting for a shake

  12. vuatson

    vuatson [delurks]

    Someone should show the boytaur to iguanamouth
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  13. Carrickfergus

    Carrickfergus abstractor of the quintessence

    It is a figure of a man on a skateboard that I think is actually supposed to be a surf board. It's some touristy piece of weird kitsch that one of my siblings acquired somewhere in South America many years ago.
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  14. Fucker

    Fucker Well-Known Member

    OH MY GOD?? i was seeing a spindly hairy monster like this

    i didnt even realize the "eye" was an ear wtf
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  15. Carrickfergus

    Carrickfergus abstractor of the quintessence

    As someone who covers everything I own in stickers and sequins and yes, stones and crystals... and that "everything" absolutely includes my car... I have to say this is the worst example I have ever seen of someone personalizing their stuff with shiny things. Firstly, even though this isn't a great quality image, you can SEE the glue ALL OVER that steering wheel!!! Most kindergarten noodle-craft projects aren't this messy. Secondly, as someone who uses crystals, I don't think that person has the first fucking CLUE about how to really use crystals for "cleansing" or for anything else in the category of new age hocus-pocus. And THIRDLY, even if they DO know a little bit about how to use those things properly, they have absolutely no eye whatsoever for design. Look at those fucking things, there is NO sense of color or symmetry or anything that suggests this was done with any amount of thought or care. Personally, I think they got those stupid rocks from a toy store or someplace like that where you can pick out tumbled stones for like $5/bag.
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  16. Carrickfergus

    Carrickfergus abstractor of the quintessence

    AHAHAHA that is amazing! No, your fabulous proboscis there is an arm, the dude is crouched down riding his plank of whatever. XD
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  17. Acey

    Acey hand extended, waiting for a shake

    AGREED. As someone who spent a good hour carefully organizing the buttons on her new backpack, I am offended.
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  18. Elaienar

    Elaienar "sorta spooky"


    You may think this hymnal cover is too tame to be a truly cursed image, but you know what? I've had to look at the blasted thing almost every Sunday for the past two years and it's enough to make you doubt the existence of a loving God. Look at those altar candles. On the left, from top to bottom, they go red-green-red. On the right they go red-red-green. I don't care if red is closer to a normal flame colour than green, there ought to be a balanced alternating pattern there and there isn't. This is the devil's work. Satan himself designed this cover and then put it in my church to tempt me to the sin of Wrath, and also the sin of throwing books across the room and setting them on fire.

    #actual feelings about this cover only slightly exaggerated #why must artists other than me make design choices that i don't approve of? #whinge cry moan complain

    Edit: I can't tell right from left.
    Last edited: Jul 9, 2017
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  19. Acey

    Acey hand extended, waiting for a shake

    OH MY GOD, my parents' church has (or at least once had--we didn't use it much because the choir director favors more classical church music, so idk if they still use it at all) this exact same hymnal, and I remember that Bothering Me even as young as like, eight. It wasn't balanced! If they were gonna make all the flames red, couldn't they have made all the candles red and kept the altar cloth the same color on both sides?? It would've looked fine!!
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  20. Acey

    Acey hand extended, waiting for a shake

    I FIXED IT.png
    I have only the most minimal formal training in graphic design and it still only took me five minutes to improve this cover.
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